Enterprise Vault™ Setting up IMAP

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.2)

Defining IMAP provisioning groups

IMAP provisioning groups apply IMAP policies and other settings to the users you specify, and enable them for IMAP access to Enterprise Vault.

You can create Exchange IMAP provisioning groups, which give Exchange archiving users access to their existing archive through an IMAP connection. You can also create Internet mail IMAP provisioning groups to create new Internet mail archives for users of other Internet mail services.

Exchange IMAP users and Internet mail IMAP users can then access their archives from IMAP clients, and archive items both manually and using client rules.

Both Exchange IMAP provisioning groups and Internet mail IMAP provisioning groups determine the following settings for the users they provision:

  • Whether or not users are enabled for IMAP.

  • The IMAP policy that is applied to the users.

Internet mail IMAP provisioning groups also determine the following settings:

  • The level of indexing detail applied to new Internet mail archives that are created for users.

  • The retention category or retention plan that is applied to the items that users archive.

    If you choose to apply a retention plan, you can use it to set up one or more retention folders in your users' Internet Mail archives. For more information on retention folders, see the Administrator's Guide.

  • The vault store that is used for new Internet mail archives.

For both Exchange IMAP access and for Internet mail IMAP access, you can create multiple IMAP provisioning groups to apply different policies and settings to different groups of users. For example, you could create one provisioning group for sales users, and a different one for engineering users.

When you create multiple provisioning groups, you can set the order in which Enterprise Vault uses them. Note that users can be targeted by more than one provisioning group, but Enterprise Vault provisions users with only the first group that targets them. They are ignored by subsequent provisioning groups.

This feature is useful if you want to enable IMAP for all the users in a particular Windows security group, but exclude a subset of these users. You can do this by creating a provisioning group that targets the users you do not want to enable, and configure the provisioning group so that it does not enable users for IMAP. If you give this provisioning group the highest priority, it prevents the targeted users from being enabled by any other provisioning group.


If you remove a group of IMAP enabled users from a provisioning group, they lose IMAP access when the client access provisioning task runs. If these users are also targeted by a lower priority provisioning group, the next run of the client access provisioning task restores IMAP access to their archives.