Storage Foundation for Oracle® RAC 7.4.1 Administrator's Guide - Linux
- Section I. SF Oracle RAC concepts and administration
- Overview of Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC
- About Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC
- Component products and processes of SF Oracle RAC
- About Virtual Business Services
- Administering SF Oracle RAC and its components
- Administering SF Oracle RAC
- Starting or stopping SF Oracle RAC on each node
- Administering VCS
- Administering I/O fencing
- About the vxfentsthdw utility
- Testing the coordinator disk group using the -c option of vxfentsthdw
- About the vxfenadm utility
- About the vxfenclearpre utility
- About the vxfenswap utility
- Administering the CP server
- Administering CFS
- Administering CVM
- Changing the CVM master manually
- Administering Flexible Storage Sharing
- Backing up and restoring disk group configuration data
- Administering SF Oracle RAC global clusters
- Administering SF Oracle RAC
- Overview of Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC
- Section II. Performance and troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting SF Oracle RAC
- About troubleshooting SF Oracle RAC
- Troubleshooting I/O fencing
- Fencing startup reports preexisting split-brain
- Troubleshooting CP server
- Troubleshooting server-based fencing on the SF Oracle RAC cluster nodes
- Issues during online migration of coordination points
- Troubleshooting Cluster Volume Manager in SF Oracle RAC clusters
- Troubleshooting CFS
- Troubleshooting interconnects
- Troubleshooting Oracle
- Troubleshooting ODM in SF Oracle RAC clusters
- Prevention and recovery strategies
- Tunable parameters
- Troubleshooting SF Oracle RAC
- Section III. Reference
Flexible Storage Sharing use cases
The following list includes several use cases for which you would want to use the FSS feature:
Use of local storage in current use cases | The FSS feature supports all current use cases of the Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC (SF Oracle RAC) stack without requiring SAN-based storage. |
Off-host processing | Data Migration:
Back-up/Snapshots: An additional node can take a back-up by joining the cluster and reading from volumes/snapshots that are hosted on the DAS/shared storage, which is connected to one or more nodes of the cluster, but not the host taking the back-up. |
DAS SSD benefits leveraged with existing SF Oracle RAC features |
FSS with SmartIO for file system caching | If the nodes in the cluster have internal SSDs as well as HDDs, the HDDs can be shared over the network using FSS. You can use SmartIO to set up a read/write-back cache using the SSDs. The read cache can service volumes created using the network-shared HDDs. |
FSS with SmartIO for remote caching | FSS works with SmartIO to provide caching services for nodes that do not have local SSD devices. In this scenario, Flexible Storage Sharing (FSS) exports SSDs from nodes that have a local SSD. FSS then creates a pool of the exported SSDs in the cluster. From this shared pool, a cache area is created for each node in the cluster. Each cache area is accessible only to that particular node for which it is created. The cache area can be of type, VxVM or VxFS. The cluster must be a CVM cluster. The volume layout of the cache area on remote SSDs follows the simple stripe layout, not the default FSS allocation policy of mirroring across host. If the caching operation degrades performance on a particular volume, then caching is disabled for that particular volume. The volumes that are used to create cache areas must be created on disk groups with disk group version 200 or later. However, data volumes that are created on disk groups with disk group version 190 or later can access the cache area created on FSS exported devices. Note: CFS write-back caching is not supported for cache areas created on remote SSDs. For more information, see the document Veritas InfoScale SmartIO for Solid State Drives Solutions Guide. |
Campus cluster configuration | Campus clusters can be set up without the need for Fibre Channel (FC) SAN connectivity between sites. |
FSS in cloud environments | The Flexible Shared Storage (FSS) Technology allows you to overcome the limitations of 'Share-Nothing' storage in cloud environments. FSS enables you to create shared-nothing clusters by sharing cloud block storage over the network. For details, see the Veritas InfoScale Solutions in Cloud Environments document. |