Veritas NetBackup™ Appliance Administrator's Guide
- Overview
- About accessing the NetBackup Appliance Web Console
- About the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu
- About appliance console components
- Monitoring the NetBackup appliance
- About hardware monitoring and alerts
- About Symantec Data Center Security on the NetBackup appliance
- Managing a NetBackup appliance from the NetBackup Appliance Web Console
- About storage configuration
- About Copilot functionality and Share management
- About viewing storage space information using the Show command
- About appliance supported tape devices
- About configuring Host parameters for your appliance
- Manage > Appliance Restore
- Manage > Appliance License
- About the Migration Utility
- Software release updates for NetBackup Appliances
- About installing EEBs
- About installing NetBackup Administration Console and client software
- Manage > Additional Servers
- Manage > High Availability
- Managing NetBackup appliance using the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu
- About OpenStorage plugin installation
- About mounting a remote NFS
- About running NetBackup commands from the appliance
- About NetBackup administrator capabilities
- Creating a NetBackup touch file from the NetBackup appliance
- Creating NetBackup administrator user accounts
- About NetBackup administrator capabilities
- About Auto Image Replication between appliances
- About forwarding logs to an external server
- About high availability configuration
- Understanding the NetBackup appliance settings
- Settings > Notifications
- Settings > Network
- Settings > Authentication
- About configuring user authentication
- About authorizing NetBackup appliance users
- Settings > Authentication > LDAP
- Settings > Authentication > Active Directory
- Settings > Authentication > User Management
- Troubleshooting
- Deduplication pool catalog backup and recovery
Configuring a new migration task
In the NetBackup Appliance Web Console, navigate to the Manage > Migration Utility page.
Configure a migration task and start the migration configuration wizard by clicking the Configure Migration button. Quit the configuration procedure at any time by clicking the button.
Do not configure a migration task on the same appliance from a different web console. This may cause the migration task configuration to fail.
To Configure a migration task
- Log on to the NetBackup Appliance Web Console.
- Navigate to the Manage > Migration Utility page.
- Click Configure Migration to enter the Select source and destination panel.
- From the drop-down list, select the following:
Source media server
Source disk pool
Destination media server
Destination disk pool
About the selections description: To specify the selection criteria, do the following:
- Click Next to enter the Specify selection criteria panel.
- In the Policy type field, select one or more policies that are used to search backup images that you want to migrate.
Click Select All to select all polices at one time.
Click Clear All to deselect all policies at one time.
For more information about backup policy, refer to the NetBackup Admin Guide.
- In the Policy name text box, enter a policy name or use the * and ? characters to search for more policies at one time.
- In the Image type field, select a image type that you want to migrate. The All backup images includes full and incremental backup images.
About the selections description: See Manage > Migration Utility > Configure Migration.
- Click Next to enter the Set up policy update panel.
Veritas recommends that you enable the policy update when you configure a migration task. It lets you assign new destination Storage Units (STUs) or Storage Lifecycle Policies (SLPs) for NBU backup. If you select the Update policies during migration, the following occurs after the migration task completes successfully:
The destination STU is updated to the policy. The new backups automatically go to the new STU.
The new SLP automatically applies to the new backups.
To complete the policy update configuration, at least one new STU or SLP must be selected.
- Select the checkbox next to Update policies during migration to expand the policy conversion configuration.
- Verify the following values:
Source media server
Source disk pool
Destination media server
Destination disk pool
- In the Storage Unites area, the current STU(s) is displayed under the Current Storage Unit column. The current STU(s) can be one or more, depending on your source disk pool settings.
From the drop-down list under the New Storage Unit column, select a new STU(s).
- In the Storage Lifecycle Policies area, the current SLP(s) is displayed under the Current Storage Lifecycle Policy column. The current SLP(s) can be one or more, depending on your source disk pool settings.
From the drop-down list under the New Storage Lifecycle Policy column, select a new SLP(s).
SLP selection is not mandatory, however, it can help you automatically update the current SLP(s) to the new one after the migration completes.
About the selections description: See Manage > Migration Utility > Configure Migration.
- Click Next to enter the Schedule migration panel.
- In the Start date field, enter a date or click the calendar to select a date. The migration task is scheduled to start on that date.
The date and time of migration task use the appliance system time settings. Note that the time of your web browser can be different from the appliance.
- In the Migration window field, specify the Start time and End time to create a migration window. The migration window length decides how many backup images can be migrated in one job.
The running migration job does not stop when the migration window ends. If you intend to stop the running migration job immediately when the migration window ends, select the checkbox next to Stop the current job when the end of the migration window is reached. The image that is migrating will be available for the next search when the migration window is open.
The migration window makes the migration task migrating the backup images in phases. However this does add some complexity to the migration utility, because each of the backup images must be possible to fit in the migration window. Properly consider how to configure the migration window length according to your image size and network speed.
- Specify a number in the Run migration for text box to indicate how many times that the migration window opens. If you have numerous backup images that you want to migrate, increase the migration task running times.
- In the Run on field, select one or more days that the migration task runs on. The options are from Monday to Sunday.
About the selections description: See Manage > Migration Utility > Configure Migration.
- Click Start to complete the migration task configuration.
The migration task is queued for running on scheduled date.
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