Backup Exec 20.2 Best Practices

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Product(s): Backup Exec (20.2)
  1. Backup Exec Best Practices
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      Best practices for Backup Exec installation
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      Best practices for Backup Exec data lifecycle management (DLM)
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Best practices for Backup Exec installation

Best practices include tips and recommendations to help you install or upgrade Veritas Backup Exec more effectively. For more information about installing Backup Exec, see the Backup Exec Administrator's Guide.

Best practices for preparing to install or upgrade Backup Exec
  • Visit the Veritas Support Web site to check for updates to the documentation.

  • Review the Readme document and Documentation Addendum for updates to the Backup Exec Administrator's Guide.

  • Review the "Features or requirements no longer supported by Backup Exec" section of the readme.

  • Use only standard ANSI characters for the computer name of the computer on which you want to install Backup Exec. You may receive errors if you install Backup Exec on a computer with a name that uses non-standard characters.

  • Ensure that the most recent version of Microsoft.NET framework is installed on the computer on which you want to install Backup Exec. Installing the .NET framework expedites Backup Exec's installation process.

  • Run Microsoft Windows update.

  • Run Symantec LiveUpdate before you upgrade Backup Exec to install the latest feature pack or service pack for the version of Backup Exec that is currently installed.

  • Restart the server to resolve any pending restarts that are required for system updates.

  • Document your current configuration and settings before you upgrade Backup Exec. You can verify that your configuration after the upgrade is complete.

  • Upgrade the central administration server first if you perform a rolling upgrade in an existing Central Admin Server Option (CASO) environment. Upgrade the managed Backup Exec servers as soon as possible afterwards.

  • Back up your server before you install or upgrade any software, including Backup Exec. Copy Backup Exec's Catalogs and Data folders for additional security.

  • Pause or stop all jobs before upgrading Backup Exec. If you run Backup Exec jobs during an upgrade, the jobs fail.

  • Pause all communications with managed Backup Exec servers in CASO environments.

  • Delete any unnecessary job history and alert history before an upgrade to help expedite the process.

  • Disable any monitoring utilities that may restart services.

  • Run the Environment Check Utility. The Environment Check Utility automatically runs during local installations. Veritas recommends that you also run the utility for remote installations. You should address all warnings and errors before you install Backup Exec.

  • Perform database maintenance on your Backup Exec Database immediately before an upgrade.

  • Close all instances of the Backup Exec Administration Console before the upgrade.

Best practices during the installation process and the upgrade process
  • Use an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) for your Backup Exec server during the installation. A UPS helps ensure that you do not have a failed installation due to a power outage.

  • Install Backup Exec to a drive that is neither compressed nor encrypted if you use SQL Express for the Backup Exec Database.

  • Run the installation wizard from the local server, from a DVD image on the local server, or by push-installing from the local server.

  • Ensure that the path to the Backup Exec installation media does not exceed 60 characters. If the Backup Exec installation media is on a network share or in a custom folder that exceeds 60 characters, the installation may fail. To resolve this issue, shorten the path name or move the installation media to the root of the drive on the local system, and then run the installation again.

  • Ensure that you review and acknowledge the upgrade notice about the disk reclamation process called data lifecycle management (DLM) during the upgrade.

  • Ensure that you review and acknowledge the Migration Report after the migration completes to continue the upgrade process.

  • Wait until after the installation to make configuration changes. Do not make configuration changes during the installation.

Best practices after the installation process or the upgrade process
  • Run Symantec LiveUpdate to check for any Backup Exec updates.

  • Run Microsoft Windows Update. Backup Exec uses many Microsoft technologies that may have been updated since Backup Exec's release.

  • Monitor your disk space regularly to prevent disk space problems. Backup Exec's space requirements vary depending on usage and installed options. The requirements in the Administrator's Guide do not include space estimates for the Simplified Disaster Recovery files, catalogs, or job logs, for example.

  • Consult any of the following resources on the Help and Documentation menu if you have questions or difficulties:

    • Use the Administrator's Guide for comprehensive information about Backup Exec.

    • Use the Backup Exec Help for searchable, topic-based documentation.