Backup Exec 22.1 Administrator's Guide
- Introducing Backup Exec
- Installation
- Methods for installing the Agent for Windows
- Using a command prompt to install the Agent for Windows on a remote computer
- Using a command script to install the Agent for Windows
- Installing the Remote Administrator
- Installing Backup Exec using the command line (silent mode)
- Backup Exec license contract information
- About upgrading to Backup Exec
- Getting Started
- Configuring the Home tab
- Backups
- Recommendations for when to use virtual-based backup and agent-based backup
- Backing up data
- Restores
- How Backup Exec catalogs work
- Job management and monitoring
- About the Job Monitor
- About the Job History
- Viewing the job log
- Error-handling rules for failed or canceled jobs
- Alerts and notifications
- Enabling active alerts and alert history to display on the Home tab
- Adding a recipient group for alert notifications
- Sending a notification when a job completes
- SNMP traps for Backup Exec alerts
- Disk-based and network-based storage
- Configuring disk storage
- Configuring disk cartridge storage
- Backup sets
- Cloud-based storage devices
- Amazon S3 cloud-based storage
- Google cloud-based storage
- Microsoft Azure cloud-based storage
- Private cloud-based storage
- About S3-Compatible Cloud Storage
- Cloud deduplication storage device
- Requirements for configuring a cloud deduplication storage device
- About the Backup Exec™ CloudConnect Optimizer
- Generic S3 Configurator
- OpenStorage devices
- Microsoft 365
- OneDrive plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
- Exchange plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
- SharePoint plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
- Teams plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
- Legacy backup-to-disk folders
- Legacy backup-to-disk folders
- Legacy backup-to-disk folders
- Tape storage
- Robotic libraries in Backup Exec
- Creating robotic library partitions
- Managing tapes
- Creating media sets for tapes
- Labeling tape media
- Default media vaults
- Storage device pools
- Storage operations
- Conversion to virtual machines
- Configuration and settings
- Configuring parallel streams and job settings for Microsoft 365
- Changing network and security options for Backup Exec
- Using Backup Exec with firewalls
- Deleting DBA-initiated job templates
- Backup Exec logon accounts
- Reports
- Creating a custom report
- List of Backup Exec standard reports
- Instant Cloud Recovery
- Preconfigurations to be completed in the Azure portal
- GDPR Guard
- Troubleshooting Backup Exec
- Troubleshooting failed components in the SAN
- Generating a diagnostic file for troubleshooting Backup Exec
- Simplified Disaster Recovery
- Setting or changing the alternate location for the disaster recovery information file
- Creating a Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
- Preparing to recover from a disaster by using Simplified Disaster Recovery
- Recovering a computer with Simplified Disaster Recovery
- Performing manual disaster recovery
- Forever Incremental Backup
- Appendix A. Backup Exec Agent for Windows
- About the Backup Exec Agent Utility for Windows
- Appendix B. Backup Exec Deduplication Feature
- Creating or importing deduplication disk storage
- Selecting storage devices for direct access sharing
- Appendix C. Backup Exec Agent for VMware
- About establishing trust for a vCenter/ESX(i) server
- Backing up VMware virtual machines
- About instant recovery of a VMware virtual machine
- About Recovery Ready for VMware virtual machines
- Appendix D. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
- Backing up Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
- About instant recovery of a Hyper-V virtual machine
- About Recovery Ready for Hyper-V virtual machines
- Appendix E. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
- Backing up SQL databases and transaction logs
- Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
- Disaster recovery of a SQL Server
- About SQL Server Always On availability groups
- Appendix F. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server
- Backing up Exchange data
- Appendix G. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
- Backing up Microsoft SharePoint data
- Appendix H. Backup Exec Agent for Oracle on Windows or Linux Servers
- Configuring the Oracle Agent on Windows computers and Linux servers
- Configuring an Oracle instance on Windows computers
- Viewing an Oracle instance on Windows computers
- About authentication credentials on the Backup Exec server
- About backing up Oracle databases
- About restoring Oracle resources
- Appendix I. Backup Exec Agent for Enterprise Vault
- About backup methods for Enterprise Vault backup jobs
- Restoring Enterprise Vault
- About the Backup Exec Migrator for Enterprise Vault
- Configuring the Backup Exec Migrator
- About retrieving migrated Enterprise Vault data
- About the Partition Recovery Utility
- Appendix J. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Active Directory
- Appendix K. Backup Exec Central Admin Server Feature
- About installing the Central Admin Server feature
- What happens when CAS communication thresholds are reached
- About job delegation in CAS
- How to use Backup Exec server pools in CAS
- How centralized restore works in CAS
- Appendix L. Backup Exec Advanced Disk-based Backup Feature
- Appendix M. Backup Exec NDMP Feature
- About restoring and redirecting restore data for NDMP servers
- Viewing the properties of an NDMP server
- Viewing storage properties for an NDMP server
- Appendix N. Backup Exec File Servers
- Appendix O. Backup Exec Agent for Linux and Unix
- About installing the Agent for Linux and Unix
- About establishing trust for a remote Linux and Unix computer in the Backup Exec list of servers
- Editing configuration options for Linux and Unix computers
- About backing up a Linux and Unix computer by using the Agent for Linux and Unix
- About restoring data to Linux and Unix computers
- Editing the default backup job options for Linux and Unix computers
- Uninstalling the Agent for Linux and Unix
- Appendix P. Backup Exec Remote Media Agent for Linux
- About installing the Remote Media Agent for Linux
- About establishing trust for a Remote Media Agent for Linux computer in the Backup Exec list of servers
- About the Backup Exec operators (beoper) group for the Remote Media Agent for Linux
- About adding a Linux server as a Remote Media Agent for Linux
- Editing properties for the Remote Media Agent for Linux
- Creating a simulated tape library
- Viewing simulated tape libraries properties
- Appendix Q. Accessibility and Backup Exec
- About keyboard shortcuts in Backup Exec
- Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts
- Storage tab keyboard shortcuts
Best practices for Backup Exec Agent for Oracle on Windows and Linux Servers
Best practices include tips and recommendations to help you use Backup Exec Agent for Oracle on Windows and Linux Servers (Oracle Agent) effectively. For more information about the Oracle Agent, see the Backup Exec Administrator's Guide.
Enable the Oracle archive log mode and the Oracle automatic archival of log files.
Know the DBID and other important configuration details of the database.
Know the names of the init<SID>.ora and the spfiles for the instances on the Oracle server.
Do not store the RMAN Repository on the same server that holds the database that you want to back up.
Back up your current control file when you run a Database Administrator (DBA) initiated job. If you have a backup of the current control file, then you do not have to search media to find a control file that is available for recovery.
Test recovery scenarios often to get comfortable with the restore procedures. Oracle recovery can be complex and is often time-sensitive due to the nature of the data involved. We recommend that you coordinate test plans and configuration activities with your Oracle DBA to be sure that restore procedures are confirmed.
Use RMAN scripts to do the following:
Delete all archive log copies in a multiplexed archive log configuration.
You can use Backup Exec to delete all non-multiplexed, single location archive logs.
Run RMAN optimization.
Take a full backup whenever you make structural changes to a database.
Do not delete archived log files unless you have two confirmed backups of each log.
Create Oracle-specific media sets and backup jobs for the following reasons:
RMAN can manage media retention and can communicate to the Backup Exec server that backup sets are expired. RMAN can successfully manage the media's retention period as long as unrelated backup sets are not present. Unrelated backup sets may have retention periods that are longer than the RMAN retention period.
Media sets for Oracle backups should have a retention period that is greater than the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME setting. By default, the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME is 7 days. If the media sets for the Oracle backups have a greater retention period, backup sets are not overwritten and RMAN is not updated.
When you configure multiple job streams in Oracle, additional resources such as file systems can cause more devices than expected to allocate drives.
Load balance Oracle jobs between managed Backup Exec servers in a CASO environment. However, this scenario means that archived log file backups may reside on multiple managed Backup Exec servers, which makes restores complicated.
Consider port re-assignments when you use RALUS in a Linux environment. Applications such as Webmin that uses port 10000 can interfere with RALUS operations.
Enable the Oracle block change tracking for faster incremental backups.
Enable Backup Exec compression when you configure general options for backup jobs.
Ensure that you enter the fully qualified domain name of the Oracle server when you add it to list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab.
Ensure that you add the fully qualified domain name of the Oracle server and the logon account name to the Backup Exec server's list of Oracle servers and authentication credentials.
Take a full backup of a container database (CDB) whenever there are any structural changes, such as addition of a new pluggable database (PDB).
Include the root of the CDB in the backups to ensure that metadata of the CDB is always backed up.
Run the database in the archive log mode to ensure that the database can be recovered to point in time.
If the CDB is in no-archive log mode, then before backing up the PDBs, shut down the CDB. To avoid shutting down the CDB, you can either run the database in archive log mode or run a DBA-initiated backup of PDBs.
Oracle recommends users to not only restore the root because it might cause metadata inconsistencies. Instead, you should recover the whole CDB.
If the PDB point-in-time (PIT) restore fails, then consecutive jobs might also fail with the following error message:
ORA-19852: Error creating services for auxiliary instance.
This error occurs because the previous failed PIT restore attempts were not cleaned up properly. To solve this issue, you must clean the failed database PIT restore attempts. Perform the following steps to clean up the failed auxiliary service creation attempts:
Use the Database (DB) PIT recovery package to clean up the auxiliary instance in case of failed PIT jobs:
SQL> exec dbms_backup_restore.manageauxinstance ('DBPITR',1);
Also, run the last set of commands in the RMAN script to clear the RMAN configuration.