Veritas NetBackup™ Appliance Commands Reference Guide
- Overview
- Appendix A. Main > Appliance commands
- Appendix B. Main > Manage > FibreChannel commands
- Appendix C. Main > Manage > HighAvailability commands
- Appendix D. Main > Manage > Libraries commands
- Appendix E. Main > Manage > Libraries > Advanced > ACS commands
- Appendix F. Main > Manage > License commands
- Appendix G. Main > Manage > MountPoints commands
- Appendix H. Main > Manage > NetBackup CLI commands
- Appendix I. Main > Manage > OpenStorage commands
- Appendix J. Main > Manage > Software commands
- Appendix K. Main > Manage > Storage commands
- Appendix L. Main > Manage > Tapes commands
- Appendix M. Main > Manage > Certificates commands
- Appendix N. Main > Monitor commands
- Appendix O. Main > Network commands
- Appendix P. Main > Network > Security commands (IPsec)
- Appendix Q. Main > Reports commands
- Appendix R. Main > Settings commands
- Appendix S. Main > Settings > Alerts commands
- Appendix T. Main > Settings > Notifications view commands
- Appendix U. Main > Settings > Security commands
- Appendix V. Main > Support commands
Main > Settings > Alerts > SNMP — Add SNMP information on your appliance that enables the host to send SNMP notifications for monitoring.
SNMP Clear
SNMP Disable
SNMP Enable
SNMP Set Server [Community] [Port]
The NetBackup appliance uses the SNMPv2-SMI or SNMPv3-SMI application protocol to monitor the appliance. Use this command to add or change SNMP parameters on the server. You can use the following commands to display the current parameters and the changes that were made to the SNMP information. You can use this command to enable and disable SNMP notifications for appliance monitoring.
When you create and enable an SNMP community you enable appliance monitoring to occur on the appliance through the SNMP protocol. Notifications or traps are programmed to occur on the appliance. In addition, you can use this command to see the notification traps that have been configured for the appliance.
The following list is an example of the types of hardware notifications that are monitored through SNMP for the appliance:
Fibre Channel
Power Supply
- SNMP Clear
Clears all of the previously stored SNMP settings.
- SNMP Disable
Disables the ability to send SNMP notifications (traps) for monitoring.
- SNMP Enable [version]
Enable the ability to send SNMP version 2 notifications (traps) for monitoring.
Enable the ability to send SNMP version 3 notifications (traps) for monitoring.
- SNMP Set Community Server [Port] Security
Sets the SNMP Community string. The default setting is public. This setting is required for SNMP V2, and is optional for SNMP V3.
Server [Port]
Sets the SNMP server name and the port assignment. The default setting is 162.
NetBackup appliance supports all of the SNMP servers in the market. However, the ManageEngine™ SNMP server and the HP OpenView SNMP server are tested and certified.
Lets you configure the following security parameters when SNMP version 3 is enabled:
noAuthNoPriv [Username]
Sets the security level to no authentication and no privileges for a specific SNMP user.
AuthNoPriv [Username] [Authentication Protocol] [Authentication Password]
Sets the security level to authentication with no privileges for a specific SNMP user. Authentication Protocol can be set to SHA256 or SHA512. An Authentication Password is required.
AuthPriv [Username] [Authentication Protocol] [Encryption Policy] [Authentication Password] [Encryption Passphrase]
Sets the security level to authentication with privileges for a specific SNMP user. Authentication Protocol can be set to SHA256 or SHA512. Encryption Policy can be set to AES128, AES192, or AES256. An Authentication Password and an Encryption Passphrase are required.
Rules for Username, Authentication Password, and Encryption Passphrase:
Username can have 1-32 characters.
Authentication Password and Encryption Passphrase must have 8 or more characters.
Username, passwords, and passphrases may include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and the following punctuation marks: period, hyphen/dash, underscore.
Spaces, commas, and special characters are not allowed.
- SNMP Show
Displays the parameters that are set after you have run an SNMP Set Server command. If you run this command before you have run a SNMP Set Server command, then default values for [Community] and [Port] are displayed and no value is displayed for Server.
Display the contents of the Management Information Base (MIB) file. This file contains the notification traps that are configured to monitor the appliance.
You can use either of the following methods to configure a public SNMP community on port 8080. The example uses the [Community] and [Port] options.
abc123.Alerts> SNMP Set public 8080 Successfully set SNMP manager
When you run the Settings> Alerts > SNMP ShowMIB command, an output similar to the following is displayed.
VERITAS-APPLIANCE-MONITORING-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS DisplayString, mib-2 FROM RFC1213-MIB enterprises, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI; applianceMonitoringMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "2016083000Z" ORGANIZATION "Veritas Technologies LLC" CONTACT-INFO "500 East Middlefield Road Mountain View, CA 94043 US Subject: appliance.mib" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for Veritas Appliance Monitoring" REVISION "201609060000Z" DESCRIPTION "Changed symc strings to vrts." ::= { products 9 } veritassoftware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 48328 } products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { veritassoftware 3 } systems OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { applianceMonitoringMib 1 } software OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { applianceMonitoringMib 2 } -- system traps vrtssystemName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System Name" ::= { systems 1 } vrtsfanTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps fan failures" ::= { systems 3 } vrtspowerTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps power failures" ::= { systems 4 } vrtsfibrechannelTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps FibreChannel failures" ::= { systems 5 } vrtstemperatureTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps temperature failures" ::= { systems 6 } vrtscpuTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps cpu failures" ::= { systems 7 } vrtsdiskTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps disk failures" ::= { systems 8 } vrtsraidgroupTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps raid failures" ::= { systems 9 } vrtsenclosurefanTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps enclosure fan failures" ::= { systems 10 } vrtsenclosurepowerTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps enclosure power failures" ::= { systems 11 } vrtsenclosuretemperatureTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps enclosure temperature failures" ::= { systems 12 } vrtsenclosurediskTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps enclosure disk failures" ::= { systems 13 } vrtsadapterTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps adapter failures" ::= { systems 14 } vrtsfirmwareTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps firmware failures" ::= { systems 15 } vrtspciTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps pci failures" ::= { systems 16 } vrtsnetworkcardTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps network card failures" ::= { systems 17 } vrtsvolumeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps volume failures" ::= { systems 18 } vrtsbbuTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps BBU failures" ::= { systems 19 } vrtsconnectionTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps connection failures" ::= { systems 20 } vrtspartitionTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Partition alert traps" ::= { systems 21 } vrtsstoragestatusTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps StorageArray HealthStatus failures" ::= { systems 22 } vrtsdimmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traps Dimm failures" ::= { systems 23 } -- software traps vrtsfailedJobsTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Job failures Trap" ::= { software 1 } vrtsprocessTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Processes stopped traps" ::= { software 2 } vrtsdiskSpaceTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Low disk space traps" ::= { software 3 } vrtssoftwareUpdateSuccessTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software update success trap" ::= { software 4 } vrtssoftwareUpdateFailedRollbackSuccessTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software update failed but rollback was successful trap" ::= { software 5 } vrtssoftwareUpdateFailedRollbackFailedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software update and rollback failed trap" ::= { software 6 } vrtsrollbackSuccessTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software rollback success trap" ::= { software 7 } vrtsrollbackFailedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software rollback failed trap" ::= { software 8 } vrtsclusterStateTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cluster node failed trap" ::= { software 9 } vrtsdiskPerfTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Disk performance alert trap" ::= { software 10 } vrtscollectorserviceTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Collector plugin loading failed trap" ::= { software 11 } vrtshaclusternameTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vrtssystemName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HA cluster name trap" ::= { software 12 } END