Veritas NetBackup™ DataStore SDK Programmer's Guide for XBSA 1.1.0
- Introduction to NetBackup XBSA
- How to set up the SDK
- Using the NetBackup XBSA interface
- NetBackup XBSA data structures
- NetBackup XBSA environment
- XBSA sessions and transactions
- Creating a NetBackup XBSA application
- How to build an XBSA application
- How to run a NetBackup XBSA application
- API reference
- Function calls
- Function specifications
- Type definitions
- Process flow and troubleshooting
- How to use the sample files
- Support and updates
- Appendix A. Register authorized locations
Initiate a restore of a list of objects
#include <nbbsa.h>
int NBBSAGetMultipleObjects(BSA_Handle bsaHandle, NBBSA_DESCRIPT_LIST * descriptList)
NBBSAGetMultipleObjects() prepares the NetBackup XBSA interface for retrieving the data of multiple XBSA objects that are from the same backup image. It validates the descriptor list, checking that all of the copyId's are valid, that all of the objects are part of the same image, and that the object descriptors are in the correct order. Then, it initiates a connection with the NetBackup server to start the retrieval process for the objects. If any of the objects don't exist, the operation is aborted. When the multiple object restore has been started, the objects can be retrieved in order using the BSAGetObject() - BSAGetData() - BSAEndData() calls.
BSA_Handle bsaHandle (I) | The handle that associates this call with a previous BSAInit() call. |
NBBSA_DESCRIPT_LIST *descriptList | Pointer to a list of objectDescriptors that are to be retrieved. |
The following return codes are returned by this function:
BSA_RC_ABORT_SYSTEM_ERROR | System detected error, operation aborted. |
BSA_RC_ACCESS_FAILURE | Access to the requested object is not possible. Cannot retrieve object with given copyId. |
BSA_RC_INVALID_CALL_SEQUENCE | The sequence of API calls is incorrect. |
BSA_RC_INVALID_COPYID | A value in the copyId is invalid. |
BSA_RC_INVALID_HANDLE | The handle that is used to associate this call with a previous BSAInit() call is invalid. |
BSA_RC_NULL_ARGUMENT | A NULL pointer was encountered in one of the arguments. |
BSA_RC_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND | The given copyId does not exist. |
BSA_RC_SUCCESS | The multiple object restore has successfully been initiated. |