Veritas™ System Recovery 18 Service Pack 3 User's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): System Recovery (18.0.3)
  1. Introducing Veritas System Recovery
      About Veritas System Recovery
      The components of Veritas System Recovery
      Accessing Help and Support for Veritas System Recovery
      Sending your feedback regarding Veritas System Recovery 18
      Accessing Veritas QuickAssist (VQA)
      Updating Veritas System Recovery with Veritas Update
  2. Installing Veritas System Recovery
      System requirements for Veritas System Recovery
      Supported file systems, disk types, disk partition schemes, and removable media
      Feature availability in Veritas System Recovery
      About the trial version of Veritas System Recovery
    5. Installing Veritas System Recovery
        Activating and setting up Veritas System Recovery after installation
        Activating Veritas System Recovery after the trial period
      Uninstalling Veritas System Recovery
      System requirements for Veritas System Recovery Monitor
      Installing Veritas System Recovery Monitor
  3. Ensuring the recovery of your computer
    1. Creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Welcome Panel
      2. Creation Options
          Veritas System Recovery Disk recovery matrix
          Veritas System Recovery Disk customization support matrix
          Non-availability of the Typical option
        Download and install Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK)
        Languages Options
        Veritas System Recovery Disk Storage Media/Destination Options
        Licensed Features Options
      7. Storage and Network Drivers Options
          Adding a Storage or Network Driver
        Startup Options
        Network Options
        Setup LightsOut Restore Options
    2. Customizing an existing Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Welcome Panel
        Recovery Disk Source Options
      3. Veritas System Recovery Disk Storage Media/Destination Options
          How to add new drivers or driver versions to the Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Licensed Features Options
      5. Storage and Network Drivers Options
          Adding a Storage or Network Driver
        Startup Options
        Network Options
    3. About restoring a computer from a remote location by using LightsOut Restore
      1. Configuring LightsOut Restore
          Welcome Panel
          Source Location Options
          Licensed Features Options
        4. Storage and Network Drivers Options
            Adding a Storage or Network Driver
          Startup Options
          Network Options
          Setup LightsOut Restore Options
      Testing the Veritas System Recovery Disk
  4. Getting Started
      How to use Veritas System Recovery
      Starting Veritas System Recovery
      Configuring Veritas System Recovery default options
    4. Setting up default general backup options
        Setting a default backup destination
      Improving your computer's performance during a backup
      Enabling network throttling
      Setting default options for the Windows notification area
    8. File types and file extension
        Adding new file types and extensions
        Renaming file types and extensions
        Restoring default file types and extensions
        Deleting a file type and all of its extensions
      Removing or changing the unique name for an external drive
      Configuring default FTP settings for use with Offsite Copy
      Logging Veritas System Recovery messages
      Enabling email notifications for product (event) messages
      Setting up your first backup using Easy Setup
      Home page
      Status page
      Tasks page
      Tools page
      Advanced page
  5. Best practices for backing up your data
      About backing up your data
      Best practices for backing up data
      What to do when a backup is finished
      Tips for running defined backups
      Backup destinations
      Backing up dual-boot computers
      Manually validating recovery points
  6. Backing up entire drives
    1. Defining a drive-based backup
      1. USB disk rotation
          How USB disk rotation works
        Rules for network credentials
        Running command files during a backup
        Editing backup options
        Verifying the integrity of a recovery point
        Viewing the progress of a backup
        Recovery point encryption
      Compression levels for recovery points
      Running a one-time backup from Veritas System Recovery
      Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk
      How Offsite Copy works
  7. Backing up files and folders
      Backing up files and folders
  8. Running and managing backup jobs
    1. Running an existing backup job immediately
        Running a backup to create an alternate type of recovery point
      Adjusting the speed of a backup
      Stopping a backup or a recovery task
      Verifying that a backup is successful
      Viewing the properties of a backup job
      Editing backup settings
      Enabling event-triggered backups
      Editing a backup schedule
      Disabling or enabling a backup job
      Deleting backup jobs
      Adding users who can back up your computer
      Configuring access rights for users or groups
  9. Backing up remote computers from your computer
    1. About backing up other computers from your computer
        Adding remote computers to the Computer List
        Adding local computers to the Computer List
        Removing a computer from the Computer List
    2. About the Veritas System Recovery Agent
        Using the Veritas System Recovery Agent
        About managing the Veritas System Recovery Agent through Windows Services
    3. About deploying the Veritas System Recovery Agent
        Preparing a computer in a workgroup environment to deploy the Veritas System Recovery Agent
        Deploying the Veritas System Recovery Agent
        Manually installing the Veritas System Recovery Agent
    4. Best practices for Veritas System Recovery services
        Opening Windows services
        Starting or stopping the Veritas System Recovery Agent service
        Setting up recovery actions when the Veritas System Recovery Agent does not start
      Viewing Veritas System Recovery Agent dependencies
    6. About controlling access to Veritas System Recovery
        Enabling users or groups to access Veritas System Recovery
        Changing permissions for a user or a group
        Disabling access for users or groups to Veritas System Recovery
        Running Veritas System Recovery using different user rights
  10. Monitoring the status of your backups
    1. About monitoring backups
        Refreshing the information that displays about hard disk configuration changes
      Icons on the Home page
      Icons on the Status page
      Configuring Veritas System Recovery to send SNMP traps
      Customizing the status reporting of a drive (or file and folder backups)
      Viewing drive details
      Improving the protection level of a drive
      About using event log information to troubleshoot problems
  11. Monitoring the backup status of remote computers using Veritas System Recovery Monitor
      About Veritas System Recovery Monitor
      Starting Veritas System Recovery Monitor
      Icons on the Veritas System Recovery Monitor console
      Configuring Veritas System Recovery Monitor default options
    5. Adding a remote computer to the Computer List
        Importing a text file to add multiple remote computers to the Computer List
      Modifying the logon credentials for the remote computers
      Removing a remote computer from the Computer List
      Viewing the backup protection status of a remote computer
      Viewing the Protection Status report
  12. Exploring the contents of a recovery point
      About exploring recovery points
    2. Exploring a recovery point through Windows Explorer
        Mounting a recovery point from Windows Explorer
      Opening and restoring files within a recovery point browser
      Dismounting a recovery point drive
      Viewing the drive properties of a recovery point
  13. Managing backup destinations
      About backup destinations
      Differences between drive-based backups and file and folder backups
      Cleaning up old recovery points
      Deleting a recovery point set
      Deleting recovery points within a recovery point set
      Copying recovery points
    7. About managing file and folder backup data
        Viewing the amount of file and folder backup data that is stored on a backup destination
        Manually deleting files from your backups of files and folders
        Finding versions of a file or folder
      Automating the management of backup data
      Moving your backup destination
      About support of OneDrive for Business
  14. Managing virtual conversions
      Defining a virtual conversion job
      Running an existing virtual conversion job immediately
      Viewing the properties of a virtual conversion job
      Viewing the progress of a virtual conversion job
      Editing a virtual conversion job
      Deleting a virtual conversion job
      Running a one-time conversion of a physical recovery point to a virtual disk
  15. Managing cloud storage
    1. Direct to cloud
        Providing the OpenStorage destination path
        OpenStorage destination options for backups
        OpenStorage destination options for recovery
      Downloading OpenStorage Files
      How Offsite Copy works for cloud storage
    4. About creation of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) in Amazon from Veritas System Recovery backups
        How to create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
        How to view the conversion tasks and AMI status
    5. About S3-Compatible Cloud Storage
        Using S3-Compatible Cloud Storage in Veritas System Recovery
    6. About Veritas System Recovery supporting Veritas Access
        Using Veritas Access Storage in Veritas System Recovery
      About the Cloud Instance Creator Utility
  16. Recovering files, folders, or entire drives
      About recovering lost data
      Recovering files and folders by using file and folder backup data
      Recovering files and folders
      Recovering a secondary drive
      Recovering a drive
      Exploring files and folders on your computer by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
      Recovering files and folders by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
  17. Recovering a computer
      About recovering a Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)-based computer
    2. Booting a computer by using the Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Configuring a computer to start from a USB device or DVD
      Preparing to recover a computer by checking the hard disk for errors
      Recovering a computer
      Recovering a computer from a virtual disk file
      Recovering a computer with different hardware
    7. About using the networking tools in Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Starting networking services
        Mapping a network drive from within Veritas System Recovery Disk
      3. Configuring network connection settings
          Setting a status IP address to enable recovery from a recovery point on a network share or drive
          Getting a static IP address if pinging is unsuccessful
      Viewing the properties of a recovery point in the Veritas System Recovery Disk
      Viewing the properties of a drive within a recovery point in the Veritas System Recovery Disk
      About the Support Utilities
  18. Copying a hard drive
      Preparing to copy a hard drive
      Copying one hard drive to another hard drive
  19. Using the Veritas System Recovery Granular Restore Option
      About the Veritas System Recovery Granular Restore Option
    2. Best practices when you create recovery points for use with the Granular Restore Option
        Protecting your Microsoft Exchange server for successful backups
      Starting the Granular Restore Option
      Starting Granular Restore Option and opening a specific recovery point
      Restoring a Microsoft Exchange mailbox
      Restoring a Microsoft Exchange email folder
      Restoring a Microsoft Exchange email message
      Restoring files and folders using Granular Restore Option
  20. Appendix A. Backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
      About backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
      Creating a manual cold (offline) backup
      Creating an automatic warm backup
      Creating a hot (online) backup using Veritas System Recovery
  21. Appendix B. Backing up Active Directory
      Tips for protecting a domain controller in Active Directory
  22. Appendix C. Backing up Microsoft virtual environments
      About backing up Microsoft virtual hard disks
      About backing up and restoring Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
  23. Appendix D. Using Veritas System Recovery 18 and Windows Server Core
      About Veritas System Recovery 18 and Windows Server Core
      Installing Veritas System Recovery 18 on Windows Server Core using commands

Defining a drive-based backup

A drive-based backup takes a snapshot of your entire hard drive, capturing every bit of information that is stored on it for later retrieval. All of your files, folders, desktop settings, programs, and your operating system are captured into a recovery point. You can then use that recovery point to restore individual files or folders, or your entire computer.

For optimum protection, you should define a drive-based backup and run it on a regular basis.

By default, scheduled independent recovery point file names and recovery point set file names are appended with 001.v2i, 002.v2i, and so forth. Incremental recovery point file names within a set are appended with _i001.iv2i, _i002.iv2i, and so forth. For example, if your base recovery point is called CathyReadF001.v2i, the first incremental recovery point is called CathyReadF001_i001.iv2i.

Veritas System Recovery 18 backups are stored in the backup destination as recovery points. These recovery points can be used to restore the system back to the point-in-time when the image was created.


Veritas recommends that you use AES encryption when you define a backup to prevent unauthorized access to the files.

The following files are intentionally excluded from drive-based backups:

  • hiberfil.sys

  • pagefile.sys

These files contain temporary data that can take up a large amount of disk space. They are not needed, and there is no negative effect to your computer system after a complete system recovery.

These file names do appear in recovery points, but they are placeholders. They contain no data.

To define a drive-based backup

  1. On the Tasks menu, click Run or Manage Backups.
  2. In the Run or Manage Backups window, click Define New.

    If you have not yet defined a backup, the Easy Setup dialog box appears instead.

  3. Click Back up my computer, and then click Next.
  4. In the Drives panel, select one or more drives to back up, and then click Next.

    Show Hidden Drives

    Lets you see any hidden drives on your hard disk. The drives are displayed in the drive selection table.

    Drive selection table

    Lets you select one or more drives to include in the backup.


    Veritas System Recovery 18 is able to display the drives from a GPT disk even if one of the GPT headers is corrupted or if there is a disk signature collision.

  5. If the Related Drives panel appears, set the appropriate option, and then click Next. Otherwise, skip to the next step.


    When you back up the system drive of a UEFI-based computer, you must back up all the related drives. The Related Drives panel lists the EFI System Partition and Windows Recovery Environment Partition (Windows 8 and 2012) that are critical to successfully restore a UEFI-based computer.

    Add all related drives (recommended)

    Lets you select and include all related drives in the backup definition.

    Edit the list of selected drives

    Lets you select or clear the related drives that you want or do not want to include in the backup definition.

    Do not add related drives

    Lets you deselect (not include) all related drives in the backup definition.

  6. On the Recovery point type panel, select the recovery point type that you want the backup to create, and then click Next.

    Recovery point set (recommended)

    Schedules a base recovery point with additional recovery points that contain only the incremental changes that were made to your computer since the previous recovery point.

    Incremental recovery points are created faster than the base recovery point. They also use less storage space than an independent recovery point.


    You can only have one recovery point set defined for each drive. The Recovery point set option is not available if you have already assigned a selected drive to an existing backup and specified Recovery point set as the recovery point type. This option also is unavailable if you select an unmounted drive that cannot be part of a recovery point set.

    Independent recovery point

    Creates a complete, independent copy of the drives that you select. This backup type typically requires more storage space, especially if you run the backup multiple times.

  7. On the Backup Destination panel, select the appropriate options.


    Indicates the location where you want to store the recovery points.

    You can browse or enter a Microsoft OneDrive location as the primary destination.

    See About support of OneDrive for Business.

    You can specify a hidden drive as a location where you want to store the recovery points in the following format:


    For example, If 2 is the disk number and 3 is the partition number, you must specify 2-3\ as the location.

    If Veritas System Recovery detects that this location does not have enough available space, it alerts you. You should choose another location that has more space.

    Show only hidden drives

    Select this check box and click Browse to only see a list of the hidden drives.

    You can select a hidden drive as a location where you want to store the recovery points.

    The hidden drives are displayed in the following format:


    For example, a hidden drive is displayed as: 2-3\. Where 2 is the disk number and 3 is the partition number.


    By default, this check box is not selected.

    For more information on converting a drive to a hidden drive and vice versa, refer to the following technote:


    Lets you browse to locate a backup destination that you want to use.

    Browse for OpenStorage Destination

    Lets you browse to select a cloud storage destination that you want to use for backups.

    See OpenStorage destination options for backups.

    Destination Details

    Displays the type of destination path. If you add a network path it also displays the user name.

    Recovery points are not automatically encrypted.

    Veritas recommends that you create permissions for the backup destination to prevent unauthorized access to any data contained in the recovery points. For more information, refer to the following link:


    Veritas recommends that you use AES encryption when defining a backup to prevent unauthorized access to any data contained in the recovery points.


    Lets you enter the user name and password for access to the network that is specified in the Folder field. This option is available only if you selected a backup destination that is on a network and if you want to save the recovery point on a network share

    See Rules for network credentials.

    Customize recovery point file names

    Lets you rename the recovery point.

    Default file names include the name of the computer followed by the drive letter.

    You can also save recovery points to a unique subfolder.

    Enable USB Disk Rotation. Backup files to any USB disk inserted at this location

    Select this check box to enable the USB disk rotation feature for USB disks.

    See USB disk rotation.


    Lets you add up to two Offsite Copy destinations.

    Offsite Copy automatically copies your latest recovery points each time a backup completes to either a portable storage device, such as an external drive, or to a remote server either through a local area network connection or to a remote FTP server.

    See How Offsite Copy works.

    You cannot use an encrypted folder as your backup destination. You can choose to encrypt your backup data to prevent another user from accessing it.

  8. (Optional) If you want to make copies of your recovery points to store at a remote location for added backup protection, click Add, select the appropriate options, and then click OK.

    Enable Offsite Copy

    Turns on the Offsite Copy feature.

    Prompt me to start a copy when I attach an external Offsite Copy destination drive

    Indicates that you want to have recovery points automatically copied to external Offsite Copy destination drives whenever you plug one in to your computer.

    Folder, Network Path, FTP address, or OpenStorage destination

    Lets you specify the destination path of the offsite copy.

    See Providing the OpenStorage destination path.

    You can also specify the destination path of a hidden drive to store the recovery points.

    To specify a hidden drive, enter the location in the following format:


    For example, if the hidden drive location is on Disk 2 and Partition 3, you must enter 2-3\. Where 2 is the disk number and 3 is the partition number.

    For more information on converting a drive to a hidden drive and vice versa, refer to the following technote:


    Lets you browse to locate an offsite copy destination that you want to use.

    Destination Details

    Displays the type of destination path. If you add a network path, an ftp path, or an OpenStorage destination, it also displays the user name.


    Lets you edit the user name or password of a specified network path, an ftp path, or an OpenStorage destination.

    Add an additional Offsite Copy destination

    Lets you add a second destination, and then specify the path to that destination.

  9. (Optional) If you specify an OpenStorage destination (Amazon S3 or Microsoft Azure storage) as the Offsite destination, click OK.

    On the OpenStorage Destination dialog box select the appropriate options, and then click OK.


    Although cloud storage is a part of OpenStorage, Veritas System Recovery 18 refers to cloud storage as OpenStorage.

    See OpenStorage destination options for backups.

    See Using Amazon S3 storage as your Offsite Copy destination.

    See Using Microsoft Azure as your offsite copy destination.

    See Using S3-Compatible or Veritas Access as your offsite copy destination.

  10. Click Next.
  11. On the Options panel, set the recovery point options you want, and then click Next.

    Recovery point options


    Indicates a name for your backup.


    This option does not appear if you create a recovery point using the Back Up My Computer feature in Veritas System Recovery Disk.


    Lets you set one of the following compression levels for the recovery point:

    • None

    • Standard

    • Medium

    • High

    The results can vary depending on the types of files that are saved in the drive.

    Verify recovery point after creation

    Tests whether a recovery point or set of files is valid or corrupt.

    Limit the number of recovery point sets saved for this backup

    Limits the number of recovery point that can be saved for this backup. You can limit the number of recovery points to reduce the risk of filling up the hard drive with recovery points. Each new recovery point replaces the oldest set on your backup destination drive.

    The backup destination must contain enough free space for the number of recovery points the job is set to retain, plus one. For example, if the maximum number of recovery points to retain is set to 3, the required space in the backup destination should be able to hold 4 recovery point sets. Veritas System Recovery 18 removes the oldest recovery point set only after the successful completion of the current backup. This ensures that the number of recovery points meets the recovery point retention setting.


    This option does not appear if you create a recovery point using the Back Up My Computer feature in a Veritas System Recovery Disk.

    Include system and temporary files

    Includes an indexing support for operating system and temporary files when a recovery point is created on the client computer.


    This option does not appear if you create a recovery point using the Back Up My Computer feature in Veritas System Recovery Disk.


    Lets you add security options to the recovery point.

    Command Files

    Lets you use command files (.exe, .cmd, .bat) during a backup.

    See Running command files during a backup.


    Indicates a description for the recovery point. The description can be anything that helps you further identify the recovery point's contents.

    Advanced options for drive-based backups

    Divide into smaller files to simplify archiving

    Splits the recovery point into smaller files and specifies the maximum size (in MB) for each file.

    This option is selected by default when you specify a Microsoft OneDrive location as your primary destination. A recovery point that is larger than 10 GB is automatically split into smaller files of less than 10 GB. You can split the size of the recovery point into smaller recovery points.

    Disable SmartSector™ Copying

    Copies that are used and unused hard-disk sectors. This option increases process time and usually results in a larger recovery point.

    SmartSector technology speeds up the copying process by copying only the hard-disk sectors that contain data. However, in some cases, you might want to copy all sectors in their original layout, whether or not they contain data.

    Ignore bad sectors during copy

    Runs a backup even if there are bad sectors on the hard disk. Although most drives do not have bad sectors, the potential for problems increases during the lifetime of the hard disk.

    Perform full VSS backup

    Lets you perform a full backup on the VSS storage and send a request for VSS to review its own transaction log. This option is used for Microsoft Exchange Server only.

    Exchange VSS determines what transactions are already committed to the database and then truncates those transactions. Among other things, truncated transaction logs help keep the file size manageable and limits the amount of hard drive space that the file uses.

    If you do not select this option, backups still occur on the VSS storage. However, VSS does not automatically truncate the transaction logs following a backup.


    This option does not appear if you create a recovery point using the Back Up My Computer wizard feature in Veritas System Recovery Disk.

    Command files options

    Command files folder

    Specifies the location of command files if you want them to be located in a place other than the default location. You can also specify a location on a per-job basis, as well as specify a location that can be shared among several computers. If you specify a network location, you are prompted for network credentials.


    Lets you browse to locate a folder for any command files that you want to use.

    User name

    Specifies the user name to a command file folder that is located in a network path.


    Specifies the password to a command file folder that is located in a network path.

    Run before snapshot creation

    Indicates that you can run a command file after a backup has started and before a recovery point is created. You can run a command during this stage to prepare for the recovery point creation process. For example, you can close any open applications that are using the drive.


    If you use this option, be sure that the command file has an error recovery mechanism that is built into it. If the computer has one or more services that must be stopped at this stage, and the command file does not contain any form of error recovery, one or more of the stopped services may not be restarted. For example, stopping a non-VSS aware database or a resource-intensive application. An error in the command file can cause the recovery point creation process to stop immediately. No other command files can run.

    See How to use Veritas System Recovery.

    Run after snapshot creation

    Indicates that you can run a command file after a snapshot is created. Running a command during this stage is a safe point to allow services to resume on the drive while continuing the recovery point creation.

    Because the snapshot takes only a few seconds to create, the database is in the backup state momentarily. A minimal number of log files are created.

    Run after recovery point creation

    Indicates that you can run a command file after the recovery point file is created. You can run a command during this stage to act on the recovery point itself. For example, you can copy it to an offline location.

    Timeout (applies to each stage)

    Lets you specify the amount of time (in seconds) that a command file is allowed to run.

  12. On the Security Options panel, set a password, select a level of encryption for the drive-based backup, and then click Next.

    Use password

    Sets a password and enables AES encryption on the recovery point when it is created.

    This check box is selected by default.


    Lets you specify a password for the backup. Passwords can include standard characters. Passwords cannot include extended characters, or symbols. (Use characters with an ASCII value of 128 or lower.)

    You must type this password before you restore a backup or view the contents of the recovery point.

    Confirm password

    Lets you retype the password for confirmation.

    AES encryption

    Encrypts recovery point data to add another level of protection to your recovery points.

    If you upgrade from a previous version to Veritas System Recovery 18, for older backup jobs where only password protection is defined, you need to edit the jobs to select the AES encryption level. If you do not edit the older backup jobs, they continue to run without AES Encryption. Veritas recommends that you edit the job and select AES encryption level.


    If the Use Password check box is selected, you must define AES encryption.

    Choose from the following encryption levels:

    • Standard 128-bit (8+ character password)

    • Medium 192-bit (16+ character password)

    • High 256-bit (32+ character password)

  13. On the Backup Time panel, select the appropriate options to specify the time and frequency of the backup, and then click Next.


    Ensure that the time for running a base backup and an incremental backup is not the same.

    Backup Time options for a recovery point set


    Runs the backup automatically according to a specified start time and the selected days of the week.


    Lets you use the default backup time schedule.


    Sets advanced scheduling options, such as setting up event triggers that start the backup in response to specific events.

    Run more than once per day

    Sets the time between backups and the number of times to back up.

    Start a new recovery point set (base)

    Starts a new recovery point set (base) weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.


    (Optional) Indicates how frequently a new recovery point set should be started.

    For example, if you select Monthly, a new base recovery point is created the first time the backup runs during each new month.

    Select event triggers

    Lets you select events that automatically create a recovery point.


    Shows you information about the backup time option you have selected or specified.

    Backup Time options for an independent recovery point

    No Schedule

    Runs the backup only when you run it yourself, manually.


    Runs the backup at the time and on the days of the week that you specify.

    When you select this option, the Select the days of the week to protect dialog box appears.


    Runs the backup at the time and on the days of the month that you specify.

    When you select this option, the Select the days of the month to protect dialog box appears.

    Only run once

    Runs the backup one time on the date and at the time you specify.

    When you select this option, the Create a single recovery point dialog box appears.


    Indicates information about the backup time option you have selected or specified.

    Change Schedule - Drive Backup options


    Lets you select the days and a start time for when the backup should run.

    Run more than once per day

    Indicates that you can run the backup more than once a day to protect data that you edit or change frequently.

    Time between backups

    Specifies the maximum time that should occur between backups.

    Number of times

    Specifies the number of times per day that the backup should run.

    Automatically optimize

    Lets you select how often optimization should occur to help manage the disk space that is used by your backup destination.

    Start a new recovery point set

    Indicates how frequently a new recovery point set should be started


    Lets you customize the start time, and the days of the week or month to run the backup.

    Event Triggers - General

    Lets you select the type of events that automatically starts a backup.

  14. (Optional) If you want to run the new backup immediately, click Run backup now.

    This option is not available if you configured an independent recovery point with the option to run it only once.

  15. Review the options you have selected, then click Finish.

    When the backup destination is a network location, all backup images in the destination folder are appended with a .tmp extension during the backup. If the backup is successful, the images are automatically renamed with a .v2i extension. If a network connection to the destination fails, the backup is unsuccessful. The corrupt images with the .tmp extension are retained. These files are not tracked byVeritas System Recovery 18 and can be deleted safely.