Veritas NetBackup™ Installation Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.1)
  1. Preparing for installation
      Restrictions on the NetBackup installation directory
      Creating the user account to support the NetBackup web server
      About compatibility between NetBackup versions
      About Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools
      Recommended SORT procedures for new installations
      Recommended SORT procedures for upgrades
    7. About NetBackup software availability
        About the NetBackup media kit
        About the NetBackup Electronic Software Distribution (ESD) images
    8. About storage device configuration
        Locating supported robot types
    9. How to install NetBackup
        About the NetBackup preinstall checker
        About the NetBackup Product Improvement Program
      About security certificates for NetBackup hosts
      SCCM and Chef deployment tools and documentation now available
      Support is discontinued for push installation of a master server
  2. NetBackup licenses
      About NetBackup license requirements
      About license key entry
      Frequently asked questions about license keys
  3. Installing server software on UNIX systems
    1. Installation and upgrade requirements for UNIX and Linux
        Do not mix non-English versions of Windows and UNIX platforms unless master and media servers are NetBackup appliances
        NetBackup installations on environments that run different versions of UNIX-based operating systems
        Special installation guidelines for Solaris systems
        Special installation guidelines for HP-UX systems
        Special guidelines for AIX master servers
        Special installation guidelines for UNIX clustered environments
      How the installation script works
    3. About mounting the NetBackup software media
        Mounting NetBackup software media on UNIX or Linux systems
    4. Installing NetBackup master server software on UNIX
        Continuing with NetBackup software installation
      Installing NetBackup media server software on UNIX
    6. About pushing client software from a master server to clients
        Installing client type software on a master server
  4. Installing server software on Windows systems
      Installation and upgrade requirements for Windows and Windows clusters
      Requirements for Windows cluster installations and upgrades
      Performing local, remote, or clustered server installation on Windows systems
      Post-installation tasks for NetBackup cluster environments
      Verifying Windows cluster installations or upgrades
      Installing NetBackup servers silently on Windows systems
  5. About the administrative interfaces
      About the NetBackup Administration Console
      Installing the NetBackup Administration Console
      Installing multiple versions of the NetBackup Administration Console on Windows
      Removing earlier versions of the NetBackup Administration Console on Windows
      About the NetBackup Remote Administration Console
      Installing the NetBackup Remote Administration Console
  6. Installing NetBackup client software
      About NetBackup client installation
    2. About NetBackup client installation on Windows
        About Windows client installation methods and requirements
        Installing NetBackup Windows clients locally or remotely
        Installing NetBackup Windows clients silently
        How to configure NetBackup clients
    3. About NetBackup client installation on UNIX/Linux
        About UNIX/Linux client installation methods
        Installing UNIX clients locally
        Install and upgrade of the UNIX and Linux client binaries with native installers
      4. About remote installation methods for UNIX/Linux clients
          Installing client software with the ssh method
          Installing client software with the sftp method
          Installing client software on UNIX clients using password-less ssh method
        Adding a UNIX/Linux client after initial server installation
        Upgrading clients after servers are upgraded
  7. Configuring NetBackup
      About NetBackup startup and shutdown scripts
    2. About NetBackup server configuration
        Starting the NetBackup Administration Console
        About the Device Configuration Wizard
        About the Volume Configuration Wizard
        About the Catalog Backup Wizard
        About the Backup Policy Configuration Wizard
      Update cloud configuration file on the master server immediately after install or upgrade to NetBackup 8.1
  8. Upgrading NetBackup software
      About upgrading NetBackup
      About the NetBackup 8.x Upgrade Portal
  9. Removing NetBackup server and client software
      About NetBackup server software removal on UNIX systems
      About NetBackup client software removal on UNIX and Linux systems
      Removing NetBackup from UNIX and Linux servers and clients
      About NetBackup server software removal on Windows systems
      Removing NetBackup server and client software from Windows servers, clusters, and clients
      Removing NetBackup LiveUpdate from Windows systems
      About removal of the Java Console state data from Windows servers and Windows clients
      Removing a clustered media server by migrating all data to a new media server
  10. Reference
      Generate a certificate on the inactive nodes of a clustered master server
      About the NetBackup answer file
      NetBackup master server web server user and group creation
      About the NetBackup Java Runtime Environment
      Using NetApp disk arrays with Replication Director
      Security updates to the NetBackup database

Performing local, remote, or clustered server installation on Windows systems

Use the following procedure to perform a local, a remote, or a clustered install of NetBackup on a Windows computer.

To install NetBackup 8.1 server software on a local, remote, or clustered Windows server

  1. Log on to the system. Be sure to log on with administrator privileges.
    • For local installations, log on to the system where you want to install NetBackup.

    • For remote installations, log on to a system with network access to all of the hosts where you want to install NetBackup.

    • For cluster installations, log on to the active node (the node with the shared disk).

  2. Start the NetBackup Installation Wizard with one of the following methods:

    • DVD media

      Insert the NetBackup for Windows DVD in the drive. If Autorun is disabled, navigate to the DVD drive and run Browser.exe.

    • ESD images (downloaded files)

      Navigate to the directory where the images reside and run Browser.exe.

  3. On the initial browser screen (Home), click Installation.
  4. On the Installation screen, click NetBackup Server Software Installation.
  5. On the Welcome screen, review the content and click Next.
  6. (Conditional) If you previously installed NetBackup 8.1 on this host, you see the Program Maintenance dialog.
    • Select Modify to change installation settings for the local host, or to use the local host as a platform to perform push installation to remote hosts.

    • Select Repair to restore NetBackup 8.1 to its original state on the local host.

    • Select Remove to remove NetBackup 8.1 from the local host.

  7. On the License Agreement screen, do the following and click Next:

    I agree to and accept the terms of the license agreement.

    You must select this item to install the software.

  8. On the Veritas NetBackup Installation Type screen, provide the following information:

    Where to install

    • For a local installation, select Install to this computer only.

    • For a remote installation, select Install to multiple computers on your network.

    • For a cluster installation, select Install a clustered Master Server.

      This option is available only if the installation process determines that your system is configured for a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) or VCS clustered environment.


    Select this option to install NetBackup with the default settings.


    Select this option to install NetBackup with the settings that you want.

    Click Next.

  9. On the NetBackup License Key and Server Type screen, provide the following information:

    License Key

    Enter the product license that you received with your product.

    The license that you provide determines which components you can select. For example, you can click the icon next to NetBackup Master Server only if you enter a master server license.

    For remote and cluster installations:


    The license that you enter here gets pushed to the other nodes. Your license may enable add-on products. If you push NetBackup to nodes that have an add-on product already installed, your license works for the add-on product(s).

    During this installation process, the following occurs to verify that you have proper credentials to perform remote installations:

    • When you select a clustered system for installation, NetBackup determines if you have proper administrator credentials on all nodes in the cluster. If you do not have the proper credentials, the system is not added to the list.

    • If you have the proper credentials, NetBackup performs a second check to determine if a license is needed. If a license is needed and one was not entered, the system cannot be added to the list. You must enter a valid license to install on that node. If you enter an invalid license, this screen remains visible until a valid license is entered.

    NetBackup Master Server

    Click this icon to install master server software.

    NetBackup Media Server

    For local or remote installations, click this icon to install media server software.

    Disaster Recovery Master Server

    Select this option to perform a disaster recovery of your master server. The disaster recovery process requires additional steps and information that is not covered in this manual. More information is available.

    Veritas NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide

  10. On the NetBackup Web Services screen, specify the account type and the account details.

    What types of acccounts should we use?

    Select either Local or Domain (Active Directory).

    Select Local if you want to associate the web server with a user and a group account that exist on the local host.

    Select Domain (Active Directory) if you want to associate the web server with a user and a group account that exist on a trusted Windows domain.

    What are the existing account details

    Specify the information as shown:

    • Domain - If you chose the Domain (Active Directory) account type, specify the name of the domain to which the user and the group accounts belong.

    • Group - Specify the name of the group account to associate with the web server.

    • User - Specify the name of the user account to associate with the web server. For security reasons, do not specify a user account that has administrative privileges on the host.

    • Password - Specify the password of the user account in the User field.


    After installation, you cannot change the user account for the NetBackup web server. Do not delete this account, as you cannot reconfigure the account for the web server after installation.

    More information is available.

    See Installation and upgrade requirements for Windows and Windows clusters.

  11. (Conditional) This step applies only to the local installations that are Custom. For Typical installations, skip to the next step.

    This step describes how to select and configure the NetBackup Installation Folder, NetBackup Port Numbers, and the NetBackup Services.

    • NetBackup Installation Folder

      On this screen, you can select where the NetBackup files are installed.

    Destination Folder

    By default, NetBackup files are installed to the following location:

    C:\Program Files\VERITAS

    To change the folder destination where NetBackup is installed:

    • Click Change.

    • Browse to the preferred location and designate a new or an existing folder.

    • Click Next.

    Additional information about installation folder restrictions is available.

    See Restrictions on the NetBackup installation directory.

    Click Next.

    • NetBackup Port Numbers

      On this screen, you can change port numbers, if it is necessary in your configuration.

      You may need to change a port number if you encounter conflicts when NetBackup and another industry product try to share the same port. Another example is if a port conflict occurs with a firewall, which may cause security issues.

      To change a port number, select the port number that you want to replace and type the new number.

      Click Next.

    • NetBackup Services

      On this screen, provide the following startup account and startup type information for NetBackup services:

      Log On

      Specify either Local System account or This account.

      By default, the Local System account is selected, so that NetBackup uses the built-in system account. When this option is selected, the fields below it are disabled.

      To specify a different account:

      • Select This account.

      • Enter the account information in the following fields:




      Startup Type

      This option determines whether NetBackup services start automatically if you need to restart the NetBackup host. The default is Automatic.

      To start NetBackup services manually after a restart, select Manual.

      Start job-related NetBackup services following installation

      By default, job-related services are set to start automatically after the installation has completed.

      To prevent job-related services from starting automatically, click on the box to clear the check mark.

      Safe Abort Option

      This option determines how the installation proceeds if a restart is required as part of the installation.

      If you select this option and the installation process determines that a restart is required, the installation stops. The system is then rolled back to its original state.

      If you do not select this option, the installation proceeds even if the installation process determines that a restart is required.

      Click Next.

  12. On the NetBackup System Names screen, provide the following information:

    Master Server Name

    (Conditional) For local master server installations, enter the name of the local computer. For a cluster installation, enter the cluster virtual server name.

    For media server installations, you must change the name to the master server name to which the media server is configured.

    Additional Servers

    Enter the names of any additional NetBackup master servers and media servers that you want to communicate with this server. Include the names of computers where you plan to install NetBackup later.

    To enter more than one name, separate each name with a comma or press Enter after each name.

    Media Server Name

    This field appears only for local NetBackup Enterprise media server installations.

    When you install media server software, this field defaults to the local server name.

    EMM Server Name

    The EMM (Enterprise Media Manager) server contains all of the information about NetBackup volume configuration and device configuration.

    Accept the default name of the EMM server. You must configure EMM on the master server. All master servers must have their own EMM configuration. Remote EMM or shared EMM is not supported.

    Consider the following in regard to the EMM server:

    • Veritas does not support EMM server installation on a CIFS-mount.

    • If the NetBackup system shares drives by using the Shared Storage Option (SSO), all NetBackup servers must use the same host to store device information.

    For more information on EMM servers and EMM databases, refer to the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.

    OpsCenter Server Name (Optional)

    OpsCenter is a web-based administration and management tool for NetBackup.

    If you have an OpsCenter server or plan to install one, enter the server name or the IP address for that server here.

    For a clustered server, do not use the virtual name. Instead, use the actual host name of the cluster node.

    Click Next.

  13. After you confirm you want to continue, the installer fetches the certificate authority certificate details. You have the option to click Cancel to halt this action. Be aware if you click Cancel, this action requires you to rerun the installation or continue with the installation without the required security components. If these security components are absent, backups and restores fail.
  14. Enter the Certificate Authority Fingerprint as prompted.

    After you confirm the fingerprint information, the installer stores the certificate authority certificate details. You have the option to click Cancel to halt this action. Be aware if you click Cancel, this action requires you to rerun the installation or continue with the installation without the required security components. If these security components are absent, backups and restores fail.

  15. After the Certificate Authority certificate is stored, the installer fetches the host certificate. You have the option to click Cancel to halt this action. Be aware if you click Cancel, this action requires you to rerun the installation or continue with the installation without the required security components. If these security components are absent, backups and restores fail.
  16. (Conditional) If prompted by the Security Token screen, enter the security token.

    If you were issued a security token, enter it below.

    The token format is 16 upper case letters. Alternatively, you can also select the Proceed without providing a security token option. When the option is selected, this warning is shown:

    In some environments, failure to provide a security token can result in failed backups. Contact your backup administrator if you have questions.

    After you enter a security token, you have the option to click Cancel to halt the deployment of the host certificate. Be aware if you click Cancel, this action requires you to rerun the installation or continue with the installation without the required security components. If these security components are absent, backups and restores fail.

  17. (Conditional) For remote installations only:

    On the Veritas NetBackup Remote Hosts screen, specify the hosts where you want NetBackup installed.

    • Windows Destination Systems

      Right-click Windows Destination Computers and select from the drop-down menu, or use the following methods:


      Click here to search the network for the hosts where you want to install NetBackup.

      • On the Available Systems dialog box, select the computer to add and click Next.

      • On the Remote Computer Login Credentials dialog box, enter the User Name and the Password of the account to be used to perform the installation on the remote computers.

      • If you plan to install to multiple remote computers, click the box next to Remember User Name and Password. Selecting this option prevents the need to enter this information for each remote computer.

      • Click OK.

      • On the Remote Destination Folder dialog box, verify or change the Destination Folder where NetBackup is installed.

        The default location is C:\Program Files\Veritas.

        If you plan to install to multiple remote computers and you want to use the same location, click the box next to Use this folder for subsequent systems. Selecting this option prevents the need to enter the location for each remote computer.


      Click here to import a text file that contains a list of host names. When you create the text file, the host names must be defined in the following format:



      Click here to add a host manually.

      • On the Manual Remote Computer Selection dialog box appears, enter the Domain and the Computer Name, then click OK.

      • On the Remote Computer Login Credentials dialog box, enter the User Name and the Password of the account to be used to perform the installation on the remote computers.

        If you plan to add and install to multiple remote computers, click the box next to Remember User Name and Password. Selecting this option prevents the need to enter this information for each remote computer.

      • Click OK.

      • On the Remote Destination Folder dialog box, verify or change the Destination Folder where NetBackup is installed.

        The default location is C:\Program Files\Veritas\.

        If you plan to install to multiple remote computers and you want to use the same location, click the box next to Use this folder for subsequent systems. Selecting this option prevents the need to enter the location for each remote computer.

      • Click OK.


      To remove a host from the Destination Systems list, select the host and click here.


      Click here to change the destination for NetBackup file installation on the selected remote host.

    • Click Next.

  18. (Conditional) For cluster installations only:

    On the NetBackup Remote Hosts screen, specify the remote system information for installation on those computers.

    • On the initial screen, right-click Browse.

    • On the Available Systems dialog box, select the computer that you want to add. Control-click to select multiple computers.

      Click Next.

    • On the Remote Computer Login Credentials dialog box, enter the user name, password, and domain that NetBackup is to use on the remote system(s).

      If you intend to add more remote computers, click the check box next to Remember user name and password.

      When you provide credentials, you select cluster nodes and add them to the Windows Destination Systems list. These are the nodes on which you remotely install NetBackup. Make sure that you select your local host when you select systems to install.

      Each time you choose a system, NetBackup performs system and license checks. For example, it verifies the system for a server installation that matches the type that you selected, as follows:

      • NetBackup not installed

      Considers the remote to be verified.

      • NetBackup already installed

      Compares the installation type on that system to the installation type that you request.

      • Invalid combination

      Notifies you of the problem and disallows the choice. One example of an invalid combination is to try to install a Remote Administration Console on a remote system that is already a master server.

      • Remote system not a supported platform or level

      Notifies you of the problem and disallows the choice.

      The installation procedure also verifies that you have proper administrator credentials on the remote system. If you do not have administrator credentials, the Enter Network Password screen appears, and prompts you to enter the administrator's user name and password.

      Click OK and continue selecting destination systems.

    This process repeats for each node that you select. You can elect to retain the user name and password. In that case, you are prompted only when the user name or password is not valid.

    Note the following about the push-install process in a clustered environment:

    • You can install NetBackup on any number of nodes. However, the clustering service sets the limit for the number of nodes in a cluster, not NetBackup.

    • Language packages and other NetBackup add-on products cannot be installed with the push method. Add-on products must be installed on each individual node in the cluster group. For instructions on how to install these products, refer to the NetBackup documentation that supports each product.

    • NetBackup pushes to the other nodes only the license keys you enter at the beginning of the installation. Your license keys may enable add-on products. If you push NetBackup to nodes that have an add-on product already installed, your key works for that product.

    Click Next.

  19. (Conditional) For cluster installations only:

    On the Cluster Settings screen, you provide the virtual and the physical network information.

    For new installations, the following configuration settings that you enter apply to all nodes:

    Create a new Cluster Group

    For new cluster installations, select this option.

    IPv4 Clusters

    The default cluster setting is IPv4.

    Enter the following addresses:

    • Virtual IPv4 Address

      The IP address to which the virtual server name should resolve.

      For new cluster installations, you must enter the address manually.

    • IPv4 Subnet Mask

      Identifies a subnetwork so that IP addresses can be shared on a local area network. This number correlates directly to the virtual IP address of the cluster.

    IPv6 Clusters

    To enable IPv6 clusters, select this option.

    Enter the following IP address:

    • Virtual IPv6 Address

      The IPv6 address must be entered in CIDR format.

    NB Cluster Group Name

    The name that is used to identify a NetBackup service group or resource group. The resources in any resource group are related and interdependent.

    Virtual Host Name

    The name by which NetBackup is known in the cluster.

    When you install the client software, this host name must be added to the Additional Servers field on the NetBackup System Names screen.

    The server uses this name when it communicates with the client nodes.

    Path to Shared Data

    A directory on one of the shared disks in the cluster where NetBackup stores configuration information. If the letter for the disk (or drive) does not appear in the pull-down list, enter only the letter.

    Public Network

    For NetBackup clustered environments, select a public network that is assigned to the node of the cluster.


    You must not select a private network that is assigned to this cluster.

    Cluster Configuration

    After you set all of the parameters, click this icon to configure the cluster for use with NetBackup. The Next icon is not available until after successful cluster configuration.

    The text box provides the following information about the configuration:

    • Identifies any existing clusters or NetBackup cluster groups.

    • Indicates a successful configuration.

    • Identifies any problems or errors that occurred during the configuration (configuration failure).


    If you click Cancel after a successful cluster configuration for new installations, a pop-up message appears. The message asks if you are sure that you want to proceed with the cancelation. To cancel the installation and remove the new cluster group, click Yes. To continue with the installation and retain the new cluster group, click No and then click Next.

    If the cluster configuration fails, see the NetBackup Clustered Master Server Administrator's Guide for information about how to resolve the problem.

    When the successful cluster configuration message appears, click Next.

  20. On the Ready to Install the Program screen, review the Installation Summary that shows your selections from the previous steps.


    Veritas recommends that you review the summary screen for any warning messages. You can prevent installation and upgrade issues if you resolve any problems before you continue the installation.

    Then select one of the following options:

    • Click Install to start the installation.

    • Click Back to view the previous screens and make any changes, then return to this screen and click Install.

    • Click Cancel to cancel the installation.

    After you click Install, the installation process begins and a screen appears that shows you the installation progress. This process may take several minutes.

    For remote and cluster installations, up to five installations occur simultaneously. When an installation is completed, another one begins so that a maximum of five installations are in progress.

  21. On the Installation Complete screen, select from the following options:

    View installation log file

    The installation log file provides detailed installation information and shows whether any errors occurred.

    Examine the installation log at the following location:



    When you perform a remote or a cluster installation to multiple computers, this option only lets you view the log for the local computer. Each computer that you selected for installation contains its own installation log file. To view the log file of a remote computer, open a Windows Explorer window and enter \\<COMPUTERNAME>.

    Search the installation log for the following error indications:

    • Strings that include Return Value 3.

    • Important log messages that are color coded as follows:

      Yellow = warning.

      Red = error.


    Select one of the following to complete the installation:

    • If you are done installing software on all servers, click the box next to Launch NetBackup Administration Console now and click Finish.

      The NetBackup Administration Console starts a Configuration Wizard so that you can configure your NetBackup environment.

    • If you have more server software to install, click Finish.

      You can move on to the next computer and install the necessary server software.

  22. (Conditional) On a clustered NetBackup master server, you must copy the Certificate Authority certificate and the host certificate to the inactive node. More information is available:

    See Generate a certificate on the inactive nodes of a clustered master server.

    If you performed a disaster recovery of the master server, you must first generate the token and then copy it to each of the inactive nodes. More information about how to handle disaster recoveries is available.

    Veritas NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide

  23. (Conditional) If you use cloud storage in your NetBackup environment, you must update your cloud configuration file. More information is available.

    See Update cloud configuration file on the master server immediately after install or upgrade to NetBackup 8.1.

  24. Repeat the steps in this procedure for any other servers.
  25. After all server software is installed, you are ready to install client software.

    See About NetBackup client installation.

    See Post-installation tasks for NetBackup cluster environments.

    See Verifying Windows cluster installations or upgrades.