Veritas NetBackup™ OpsCenter Administrator's Guide
- Overview of NetBackup OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter components
- About starting the OpsCenter console
- About OpsCenter console components
- About the View pane
- Sizing the Content pane
- About using tables
- Installing OpsCenter
- About planning an OpsCenter installation
- About the OpsCenter licensing model
- Managed NetBackup master server considerations
- About designing your OpsCenter Server
- About planning an OpsCenter Agent deployment
- Installing OpsCenter on Windows and UNIX
- About OpsCenter upgrade on Windows and UNIX
- About post-installation tasks
- About uninstalling OpsCenter on Windows and UNIX
- About clustering OpsCenter
- About planning an OpsCenter installation
- OpsCenter Getting Started feature
- Administering OpsCenter
- About the services and processes used by OpsCenter
- OpsCenter server scripts on Windows and UNIX
- About OpsCenter database administration
- About backup and restore of OpsCenter and OpsCenter Analytics
- About communication ports and firewall considerations in OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter log files
- Understanding OpsCenter settings
- Setting user preferences
- About managing licenses
- Configuring the data purge period on the OpsCenter Server
- Configuring SMTP server settings for OpsCenter
- Adding host aliases in OpsCenter
- Merging objects (hosts) in OpsCenter
- Modifying tape library information in OpsCenter
- Copying a user profile in OpsCenter
- Setting report export location in OpsCenter
- About managing Object Types in OpsCenter
- About managing OpsCenter users
- About adding AD / LDAP user groups in OpsCenter
- About managing recipients in OpsCenter
- About managing cost analysis and chargeback for OpsCenter Analytics
- Understanding data collection
- About data collection in OpsCenter
- About managing OpsCenter Agents
- About managing OpsCenter Data Collectors
- About configuring data collection for NetBackup
- About the Breakup Jobs option
- Viewing master server details and data collection status
- Collecting data from PureDisk
- Managing OpsCenter views
- About OpsCenter views
- About managing OpsCenter views
- View filters in OpsCenter
- Monitoring NetBackup using OpsCenter
- Controlling the scope of Monitor views
- About monitoring NetBackup using the Overview tab
- About monitoring NetBackup jobs
- Monitor > Services view
- About monitoring Audit Trails
- Managing NetBackup using OpsCenter
- About managing alert policies
- About creating (or changing) an alert policy
- About managing NetBackup storage
- About managing NetBackup devices
- About Operational Restore and Guided Recovery operations
- About Operational Restores from OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter Guided Recovery
- Troubleshooting Guided Recovery
- About managing NetBackup Hosts
- About managing NetBackup Deployment Analysis
- Data compilation for the Capacity License report
- Generating a Capacity Licensing report
- Supporting Replication Director in OpsCenter
- Understanding and configuring OpsCenter alerts
- About using SNMP
- About using SNMP
- Reporting in OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter reports
- Report Templates in OpsCenter
- About managing reports in OpsCenter
- Creating a custom report in OpsCenter
- About managing My Reports
- About managing My Dashboard
- About managing reports folders in OpsCenter
- About managing report schedules in OpsCenter
- About managing time schedules in OpsCenter
- Appendix A. Additional information on PureDisk data collection
- Appendix B. Attributes of NetBackup data
- Appendix C. Man pages for CLIs
- Appendix D. Creating views using CSV, TSV, and XML files
- Appendix E. Error messages in OpsCenter
Upgrading OpsCenter on Windows
Use the following procedure to upgrade OpsCenter components on a Windows host.
Review the following considerations before installing OpsCenter components on Windows:
If you plan to upgrade both the backup product like NetBackup, Backup Exec, or PureDisk and the OpsCenter components, it is recommended that you upgrade OpsCenter components first. By upgrading OpsCenter components before the backup product, OpsCenter can start collecting data from the backup product once it is added to the console.
You must perform upgrades in the following order:
Serial No.
Steps to upgrade
Upgrade the OpsCenter Server
Upgrade the OpsCenter Agent
Upgrade the OpsCenter View Builder
Upgrade the backup product that you are using like NetBackup, Backup Exec, or PureDisk.
Refer to the appropriate product manuals.
The above order also holds true if you plan to upgrade only OpsCenter and not the backup product. Always upgrade the OpsCenter Server first followed by the Agent and the View Builder.
Veritas recommends that you enable 8.3 file name creation before installing OpsCenter components. If 8.3 file name creation is disabled, enable it and restart the Windows host before installing or upgrading to OpsCenter components.
You must not run any other installation while installing OpsCenter components. Additionally after an installation is complete, you should wait for some time before installing other OpsCenter components.
Veritas recommends that you do not cancel or interrupt the installation process once it is started.
If you try to install OpsCenter components on a system where OpsCenter is already installed, the installer runs in a Maintenance mode. The Maintenance mode lets you repair or remove the OpsCenter component that is installed on your system.
To upgrade OpsCenter Server on Windows
- If you plan to upgrade your backup product and OpsCenter, ensure that you upgrade OpsCenter first. When upgrading OpsCenter, always upgrade the OpsCenter Server first followed by the Agent and then the View Builder.
- On a Windows host where you want to install OpsCenter Server, insert the appropriate OpsCenter product DVD in the DVD drive.
If auto-run is enabled, the Veritas DVD Browser appears.
If auto-run is not enabled, click Start > Run. On the Run dialog box, in the Open text box, type 'D:\Browser.exe' and press Enter:
Where D is the DVD drive.
The Veritas DVD Browser appears.
- On the Veritas DVD Browser, click the Installation link.
- Click the OpsCenter Server Installation link to install Veritas NetBackup OpsCenter Server.
- The Welcome panel of the Installation Wizard appears. The Installation Wizard detects an existing installation of OpsCenter Server on the system. Depending on the installed version, the following message may be displayed on the Welcome panel:
The installer has detected that Veritas OpsCenter Server current version is already installed on your system that will now be upgraded to new version.
Click Next to continue.
- Read the license agreement, check I accept the terms of the license agreement.
You may opt to check or uncheck Participate in the NetBackup Product Improvement Program. This option is checked by default.
If you check this option, the installer uploads installation deployment and product usage information to Veritas automatically and in a secured manner. This data helps Veritas to guide future product development and also analyze issues.
Click Next.
- On the Installation Choice panel, click Typical to use the default settings, installation location, or port numbers. Typical is selected by default.
Also compare the space that is required for installing OpsCenter Server and the actual space that is available.
The Custom option is disabled when you upgrade to OpsCenter. You cannot customize the default settings, locations, or port numbers while upgrading to OpsCenter.
Click Next.
- Specify a location for saving the old OpsCenter database. The default location is C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter_SavedData.
In case of sequential OpsCenter upgrades (for example, version 1 > version 2 > version 3), the old
folder may already exist. If theOpsCenter_SavedData
folder is overwritten during upgrade, the OpsCenter user interface may not start properly. To avoid this problem, you should rename the oldOpsCenter_SavedData
folder before upgrading to OpsCenter.Click Browse to specify a different location.
In case the directory
C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter_SavedData
does not exist, you are prompted to create it. Click Yes to create the directory.Note:
Ensure that the database location has adequate space by going through the Disk space requirements section on this page. A green checkmark appears in the Required column if there is adequate disk space.
- Click Next.
- On the Import Authentication Settings panel, select one of the following options:
Do not import users
Select this option if you do not want to import users from the earlier OpsCeOpsCenter versions into OpsCenter database. Only default OpsCenter user is created who can logon to OpsCenter and reset passwords for all other existing passwords.
Import users
Select this option if you want to import users from earlier OpsCenter versions into OpsCenter database.
For more details, refer to the About Importing Authentication Settings section.
See About importing authentication settings during OpsCenter upgrade.
If import of authentication settings and users from the older OpsCenter version fails, you need to reset passwords of all OpsCenter(vx) users using the default OpsCenter user credentials.
- On the License Keys panel, enter your demo or permanent key that you have received with the purchase of OpsCenter and click Add Key.
- The installer shows the summary of the installation settings. Check Save summary to option to save the installation summary. Click Browse to save the installation summary in your preferred location.
Click Install to begin the installation. The installer installs OpsCenter Server software and also migrates data to the OpsCenter database. The database migration may take some time based on the size of your database.
- After successful installation, you can view the installation logs or view the Readme.
Click Finish.
The installation logs are generated in the following location:
If you run the installer in a maintenance mode later,
is also generated in the same location.In OpsCenter, the database upgrade logs are stored at the following location:
See About OpsCenter upgrade failure scenarios.
After successful upgrade, OpsCenter database password is set to an auto-generated string, if the earlier password is still the default one, that is 'SQL'. Veritas recommends that you change the database password after the installation.
See Changing the OpsCenter database administrator password.
If you had changed the default password in the earlier version, you do not need to change it again. The installer retains the old password that you can use in the current version.
To upgrade OpsCenter Agent on Windows
- If you plan to upgrade your backup product and OpsCenter, ensure that you upgrade OpsCenter first. When upgrading OpsCenter, always upgrade the OpsCenter Server first followed by the OpsCenter Agent and then the View Builder.
- On a Windows host where you want to install OpsCenter Agent, insert the OpsCenter product DVD in the DVD drive.
If auto-run is enabled, the Veritas DVD Browser appears.
If auto-run is not enabled, click Start > Run. On the Run dialog box, in the Open text box, type D:\Browser.exe and press Enter:
Where D is the DVD drive.
The Veritas DVD Browser appears.
- On the Veritas DVD Browser, click the Installation link.
- Click the OpsCenter Agent Installation link to install Veritas NetBackup OpsCenter Agent.
- The Welcome panel of the Installation Wizard appears. The Installation Wizard detects an existing installation of OpsCenter Agent on the system. Depending on the installed version, the following message may be displayed on the Welcome screen:
The installer has detected that Veritas OpsCenter Agent old_version is already installed on your system that will now be upgraded to new_version.
Click Next to continue.
The Installation Wizard automatically detects and installs 32-bit Agent software on 32-bit Windows platforms and 64-bit Agent software on 64-bit Windows platforms. 32-bit Agent software is not supported on 64-bit Windows platforms.
If you have an existing 32-bit Agent installation on a 64-bit system and you install OpsCenter Agent, the Installer automatically uninstalls the older 32-bit software and installs 64-bit Agent software. You need to perform the following tasks after you upgrade to 64-bit OpsCenter Agent:
If 32-bit Agent software is upgraded to 64-bit, all Agent tuning configurations in
file that you may have made earlier should be performed again manually. TheOpsCenterAgentService.xml
file is used to specify how much memory is allocated for the Agent Java process and can be located in <INSTALL_PATH>\agent\bin.If 32-bit Agent software is upgraded to 64-bit software and the Agent is not installed on the OpsCenter Server, any Agent configurations in the
file that you may have made earlier must be performed manually again after you upgrade. Possible Agent configuration inlog.conf
can be changing the Agent logging level etc. Thelog.conf
file is located in <INSTALL_PATH>\agent.
- Read the license agreement, check I accept the terms of the license agreement.
You may opt to check or uncheck Participate in the NetBackup Product Improvement Program. This option is checked by default.
If you check this option, the installer uploads installation deployment and product usage information to Veritas automatically and in a secured manner. This data helps Veritas to guide future product development and also analyze issues.
Click Next.
- The installer shows the summary of the installation settings. Check Save summary to option to save the installation summary. Click Browse to save the installation summary in your preferred location.
Click Install to begin the installation. The installer installs OpsCenter Agent software.
- After successful installation, you can view the installation logs or view the Readme.
Click Finish.
The installation logs are generated in the following location:
If you run the installer in a maintenance mode later,
is also generated in the same location.
To upgrade OpsCenter View Builder on Windows
- If you plan to upgrade your backup product and OpsCenter, ensure that you upgrade OpsCenter first. When upgrading OpsCenter, always upgrade the OpsCenter Server first followed by the Agent and then the View Builder.
- On a Windows host where you want to install OpsCenter View Builder, insert the OpsCenter product DVD in the DVD drive.
If auto-run is enabled, the Veritas DVD Browser appears.
If autorun is not enabled, click Start > Run. On the Run dialog box, in the Open text box, type D:\Browser.exe and press Enter:
Where D is the DVD drive.
The Veritas DVD Browser appears.
- On the Veritas DVD Browser, click the Installation link.
- Click the OpsCenter View Builder Installation link to install Veritas NetBackup OpsCenter View Builder.
- The Welcome panel of the Installation Wizard appears. The Installation Wizard detects an existing installation of OpsCenter View Builder on the system. Depending on the installed version, the following message is displayed on the Welcome panel:
The installer has detected that Veritas OpsCenter View Builder old_version is already installed on your system that will now be upgraded to new_version.
Click Next to continue.
- Read the license agreement, check I accept the terms of the license agreement.
You may opt to check or uncheck Participate in the NetBackup Product Improvement Program. This option is checked by default.
If you check this option, the installer uploads installation deployment and product usage information to Veritas automatically and in a secured manner. This data helps Veritas to guide future product development and also analyze issues.
Click Next.
- The installer shows the summary of the installation settings. Check Save summary to option to save the installation summary. Click Browse to save the installation summary in your preferred location.
Click Install to begin the installation. The installer installs OpsCenter View Builder software.
- After successful installation, you can view the installation logs or view the Readme.
Click Finish.
The installation logs are generated in the following location:
If you run the installer in a maintenance mode later,
is also generated in the same location.