NetBackup™ Bare Metal Restore™ Administrator's Guide
- Introducing Bare Metal Restore
- Configuring BMR
- Protecting clients
- Setting up restore environments
- Shared resource trees
- Creating a shared resource tree
- Managing shared resource trees
- Adding software to a shared resource tree
- Importing a shared resource tree
- Copying a shared resource tree
- Deleting a shared resource tree
- Managing boot media
- Restoring clients
- BMR disk recovery behavior
- About restoring BMR clients using network boot
- About restoring BMR clients using media boot
- About restoring to a specific point in time
- About restoring to dissimilar disks
- Restoring to a dissimilar system
- About restoring NetBackup media servers
- About external procedures
- About external procedure environment variables
- About SAN (storage area network) support
- About multiple network interface support
- Managing Windows drivers packages
- Managing clients and configurations
- Client configuration properties
- Managing BMR boot servers
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting issues regarding creation of virtual machine from client backup
- A restore task may remain in a finalized state in the disaster recovery domain even after the client restores successfully
- Creating virtual machine from client backup
- Virtual machine creation from backup
- Monitoring Bare Metal Restore Activity
- Appendix A. NetBackup BMR related appendices
- Network services configurations on BMR boot Server
- BMR client recovery to other NetBackup Domain using Auto Image Replication
Creating a shared resource tree
A shared resource tree must be created on a local file system of the boot server. BMR sets permissions for the SRT directory to allow read access to all and read and write access to the root or Administrator user.
When you create an SRT, you install the operating system software and NetBackup client software into the SRT. You also can install other software when you create the SRT or at any time thereafter.
You cannot create Legacy SRTs on a BMR boot server.
To create an SRT, you need the installation software or images for the following items:
Operating system (UNIX and Linux only).
For Linux SRTs, the Bare Metal Restore third-party products CD. This CD contains the open source products that may not be included in the vendor Linux distribution.
Veritas updates the third-party components in 3PPCD to their respective recent releases from time to time. Veritas always recommends using the latest possible version of 3PPCD while creating new SRTs. A Boot Server of NetBackup version 8.3 or later requires version 3.0 of BMR 3PPCD. For NetBackup versions earlier than 8.3, Veritas recommends using version 2.0 of 3PPCD as you are not allowed to use newer version 3.0 of 3PPCD. Similarly, for Boot Servers with NetBackup versions earlier than 8.0, only version 1.0 of 3PPCD could be used. Also, a user is allowed to continue using the existing SRTs created with older versions of 3PPCD. During first time SRT creation BMR keeps the contents of 3PPCD at location /usr/openv/netbackup/baremetal/server/data/media/3PPCD/ when we the user provides the 3PPCD. For subsequent SRT creation we use the contents from this location. If this location is empty due to some reason, bmrsrtadm asks for 3PPCD during SRT creation. After upgrading older boot servers to 8.3, during SRT creation BMR checks the OS version for which SRT is being created, BMR verifies this location contents and cleans the area and asks for version 3.0 of 3PPCD.
Optional: Other applications or packages (such as Veritas Volume Manager or Veritas File System).
Optional: Patches, maintenance levels, Maintenance Packs, service packs, fileset, or the drivers that the operating system requires or other software that is installed in the SRT. You must install into the SRT any operating system patches that the NetBackup client software requires. If they are not installed, NetBackup does not function correctly in the temporary restore environment, and the restore may fail.
For more information about package or patch dependencies, see the NetBackup Release Notes.
If you need more than one SRT of the same operating system, create an SRT with only the operating system and NetBackup client software. (For example, you want to restore the clients that have different versions of Veritas Volume Manager or different drivers.) Then make as many copies as you need and add the different versions of the other software to the copies. If you copy an existing SRT, it is usually faster than if you create an SRT.
During SRT creation, you are prompted for the path to the installation program or software if you do one of the following:
Place the installation program in a removable media drive of the boot server. Then provide the path to that removable media drive.
Copy the contents of the installation program to a local directory. Then provide the path to that local directory.
Copy the installation program contents to a remote directory, available to the boot server through NFS or network share. Then provide the path to that remote directory or share location.
The amount of time that is needed to create an SRT is between 5 minutes to 60 minutes. It depends on the speed of the system, the operating system of the SRT being created, and other software being installed.