Veritas NetBackup™ Backup, Archive, and Restore Getting Started Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.1.1, 8.1)

Restoring files and directories

This topic describes how to restore backed up items, as follows:

  • From normal or archived backups.

  • Individual items from array-based snapshots.

For normal or archived backups, the procedure includes the following tasks:

  • Find the items you want to restore.

  • Select the destination where you want the items restored.

  • Select the appropriate restore options.

  • Change the job priority for the restore (optional).

For other restore types, see the online Help.

To restore files and folders

  1. Start the restore, as follows:

    UNIX and Linux

    • Click the Restore Files tab.

      The space under the menu bar displays the following information about how NetBackup is currently set up for the operation:

      • NetBackup server

      • Source client

      • Destination

      • Policy type

    • In the Restore type drop-down list, select either Normal Backups (default) or Archived Backups.

    • Click View > Refresh.

    The following is an example of the Restore Files tab:


    • Click File > Select Files and Folders to Restore and select either from Normal Backup or from Archived Backup.

      There may be a delay while NetBackup retrieves the backup images and builds the list of files that you can restore.

      The window title bar displays the following information about how NetBackup is currently set up for the operation:

      • Server

      • Source Client

      • Destination Client

    The following is an example of the restore window

  2. To select the items that you want to restore, in any pane, click the check box to the left of the item.

    A check mark next to individual items indicates that those items are selected. A check mark next to a directory (folder) indicates that all items in the directory are selected. A diagonal slash mark next to a directory indicates that only some items within it are selected.

  3. To preview a list of the removable media (such as tape) that NetBackup needs to perform the restore, do the following:

    • On Windows systems, click Actions > Preview Media.

    • On UNIX systems, click Preview.

    If the items that you want to restore are in backup images that reside on disk storage units, no media is listed in the preview.

    Click OK to close the dialog box

  4. To set up how to restore the selected items, do the following:

    • On UNIX systems, click Restore.

      The following is an example of the Restore Marked Files dialog box:

    • On Windows systems, click Actions > Start Restore of Marked Files.

      The following is an example of the Restore Marked Files dialog box:

  5. In the Restore Marked Files dialog box, select from the following options to meet the requirements for the restore:


    Select one of the following destination options:

    • Restore everything to its original location (default)

    • Restore everything to a different location (maintaining existing structure)

    • Restore individual directories (folders) and files to different locations

    • Create and restore to a new virtual hard disk file (Windows systems only)

      For details about each option, see the online Help.

    Restore Options

    On UNIX systems, select from the following restore options:

    • Overwrite existing files.

    • Restore directories without crossing mount points.

    • Restore without access control attributes (Windows clients only).

    • Rename hard links.

    • Rename soft links.

    On Windows systems, select from the following restore options:

    • Restore without access control attributes (Windows clients only).

    • Overwrite existing files.

    • Restore the file using a temporary file name.

    • Do not restore the file (default).

    For details about each option, see the online Help.

    Job Priority

    You can change the priority of this restore by clicking the Override default priority check box, and then set a priority number.

    The default is 90000. The available range is 0 to 99999. Higher numbers are higher priority.

    For details about this feature, see the online Help.

  6. Click Start Restore.
  7. To view the restore progress, do the following:

    • On Windows systems, in the View Status dialog box that appears, click Yes.

    • On UNIX systems, in the Task Progress tab that appears, click Yes.


    The backup job progress logs are stored in the default log files. The path for the default log file of a job is displayed in the Results of the Task Selection Above pane in the Task Progress tab.

    The restore may take a few minutes to complete. After you start a restore operation, you can close Backup, Archive, and Restore and perform other tasks. NetBackup continues the operation in the background.