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Veritas NetBackup™ Clustered Master Server Administrator's Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (8.1.1)
- Introduction to NetBackup Master Server Clustering
- About NetBackup clustering
- NetBackup in a Windows Server Failover Clustering
- NetBackup in a Veritas Cluster Server on UNIX/Linux
- About preinstallation checklist for a NetBackup failover server installation on VCS on Unix\Linux
- NetBackup in a Veritas Cluster Server on Windows
- NetBackup in a Solaris Cluster
- NetBackup on HP Service Guard cluster
- NetBackup on PowerHA cluster for AIX
- Configuring NetBackup
- Operational notes
- Appendix A. NetBackup master server in a cluster using multiple interfaces
Bringing the NetBackup resource group online or offline
The SMIT tool manages any resource group operations. Use this tool to bring the NetBackup resource group online or offline and to move the location of the resource group.
To bring the NetBackup resource group online
- Enter the following command.
- Choose Communications Applications and Services.
- Choose HACMP for AIX.
- Choose System Management (C-SPOC).
- Choose HACMP Resource Group and Application Management.
- Choose Online Group.
- Choose the group that you want to bring online.
To bring the NetBackup resource group offline
- Enter the following command.
- Choose Communications Applications and Services.
- Choose HACMP for AIX.
- Choose System Management (C-SPOC).
- Choose HACMP Resource Group and Application Management.
- Choose Offline Group.
- Choose the group that you want to bring offline.