NetBackup™ Backup Planning and Performance Tuning Guide
- NetBackup capacity planning
- Primary server configuration guidelines
- Media server configuration guidelines
- NetBackup hardware design and tuning considerations
- About NetBackup Media Server Deduplication (MSDP)
- MSDP tuning considerations
- MSDP sizing considerations
- Accelerator performance considerations
- Media configuration guidelines
- How to identify performance bottlenecks
- Best practices
- Best practices: NetBackup AdvancedDisk
- Best practices: NetBackup tape drive cleaning
- Best practices: Universal shares
- NetBackup for VMware sizing and best practices
- Best practices: Storage lifecycle policies (SLPs)
- Measuring Performance
- Table of NetBackup All Log Entries report
- Evaluating system components
- Tuning the NetBackup data transfer path
- NetBackup network performance in the data transfer path
- NetBackup server performance in the data transfer path
- About shared memory (number and size of data buffers)
- About the communication between NetBackup client and media server
- Effect of fragment size on NetBackup restores
- Other NetBackup restore performance issues
- About shared memory (number and size of data buffers)
- Tuning other NetBackup components
- How to improve NetBackup resource allocation
- How to improve FlashBackup performance
- Tuning disk I/O performance
Network considerations
The inbound bandwidth of the aggregated network interface cards determines how fast data may be ingested into the server, including backups, replication and duplication, and so on. The outbound bandwidth determines how fast data may be retrieved from the system, including restore, replication, and duplication, and so on. For a given backup/restore client, the network bandwidth and the connection speed between the client and MSDP determines the maximum throughput achievable between the client and the server. The network latency and package drop rate may impact the user observed performance as well. For a high latency and low bandwidth network connection, client-side deduplication with multistream daemon (mtstrmd) can help boost the backup performance. mtstrmd is the MSDP deduplication multithreaded agent. It receives data from the deduplication plug-in through shared memory and processes. It uses multiple threads to improve performance. It performs fingerprint batch query to reduce the performance impacts from the network latency.
See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide for details about mtstrmd and how to configure the agent.