Enterprise Vault™ Compliance Accelerator Reviewer's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (15.1)

UserRoles - List by filters

POST https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>/odata/userroles

Request body

Specify the following filters to obtain refined and selective results from this report.


Either Departments or Users is a mandatory parameter. The Scope is an optional parameter.





Mandatory (if the Users parameter is not provided)

Optional (if the Users parameter is provided)

Specifies IDs of the departments to which users and their roles belongs to.


The Users roles API can pass a maximum of 100 Departments IDs as input.

Data Type: JSON array of integers 'id'(identifier fields) that is Departments.



Specifies the scope of the users roles. Possible values are: 160 for application-level roles and 161 for department-level roles.

Data Type: JSON array of integers 'id'(identifier fields) that is Scopes.


Mandatory (if the Departments parameter is not provided)

Optional (if the Departments parameter is provided)

Specifies IDs of the users.


The Users roles API can pass a maximum of 100 User IDs as input.

Data Type: JSON array of integers 'id'(identifier fields) that is Users.

Scenario 1

To get the item counts only for Users when the Users are mentioned, but the Departments and the Scopes are not mentioned.

Sample request

POST https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>/odata/Userroles


"Departments": [],

"Scopes" :[]

"Users" :[3821]


Scenario 2

To get the item counts only for users when Departments are mentioned, but the Scopes and Users are mentioned.

Sample request

POST https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>/odata/Userroles


"Departments": [23],

"Scopes" :[]

"Users" :[]


Scenario 3

To get the item counts only for users when Departments and Scopes are mentioned, but Users are not mentioned.

Sample request

POST https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>/odata/Userroles


"Departments": [23],

"Scopes" :[161]

"Users" :[]


Scenario 4

To get the item counts only for users when Departments are not mentioned, but the Scopes and Users are mentioned.

Sample request

POST https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>/odata/Userroles


"Departments": []

"Scopes" :[160]

"Users" :[3821]


Scenario 5

To get the item counts only for users when the Departments, Scopes, and Users are mentioned.

Sample request

POST https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>/odata/Userroles


"Departments": [23],

"Scopes" :[160,161]

"Users" :[55,67]


Sample response

(For scenario 1 to 5) Status code: 200 OK

Scenario 6

Invalid Inputs. Either the Department or the User parameter must be specified as input.

Sample request

POST https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>/odata/Userroles


"Departments": [],

"Scopes" :[160]

"Users" :[]


Sample response

Status code: 400 Bad Request Error Code: InvalidOdataQuery

Supported OData Filters

See Supported OData query options.


See Responses.