Veritas NetBackup™ for Microsoft SharePoint Server Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.3, 8.2, 8.1.2, 8.1.1)
  1. Introducing NetBackup for SharePoint Server
      About NetBackup for SharePoint Server
      Features of NetBackup for SharePoint
      SharePoint Server backup operations
      About the contents of a SharePoint Server backup and a SharePoint Foundation backup
      SharePoint Server restore operations
      Limitations on SharePoint Server backups and restores
      NetBackup File System Daemon
  2. Installing NetBackup for SharePoint Server
      Planning the installation of NetBackup for SharePoint
      Verifying the operating system and platform compatibility
      NetBackup server and client requirements
      SharePoint server software requirements
      Requirements for installing the SQL Server back-end servers in a cluster
      About the license for NetBackup for SharePoint
  3. Installing and configuring NFS for SharePoint Granular Recovery
      About installing and configuring Network File System (NFS) for SharePoint Granular Recovery
      Requirements for SharePoint Granular Recovery
      Configurations that are supported for SharePoint Granular Recovery
    4. About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS) on Windows 2012, 2012 R2, or 2016
        Enabling Services for Network File System (NFS) on a Windows 2012, 2012 R2, or 2016 media server
        Enabling Services for Network File System (NFS) on a Windows 2012, 2012 R2, or 2016 client
    5. About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS) on Windows 2008 and 2008 R2
        Enabling Services for Network File System (NFS) on Windows 2008 or 2008 R2
        Disabling the Client for NFS on the media server
        Disabling the Server for NFS
      Configuring a UNIX media server and Windows clients for backups and restores that use Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
      Configuring a different network port for NBFSD
  4. Configuring NetBackup for SharePoint Server
      About configuring NetBackup for SharePoint
      About a SharePoint non-granular backup vs. a backup that uses Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
    3. Configuring a SharePoint backup that uses Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
        Disk storage units supported with SharePoint Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
        Limitations and conditions for restores that use SharePoint Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
      Configuring the logon account for the NetBackup Client Service for NetBackup for SharePoint
      Configuring the logon account for the NetBackup Legacy Network Service for NetBackup for SharePoint
    6. Configuring SharePoint client host properties
        SharePoint properties
        Specifying the account that logs on to the SharePoint application server
        Configuring local security privileges for the SharePoint Servers
        Performing consistency checks with NetBackup for SharePoint backups
        Consistency check options for SharePoint Server
      Configuring mappings for restores of a distributed application, cluster, or virtual machine
      Reviewing the auto-discovered mappings in Host Management
      Performing a manual backup
  5. Configuring NetBackup for SharePoint backup policies
      About backup policies for granular backup and recovery of SharePoint Server
      About backup policies for SharePoint farm backup and recovery
      About backup policies for disaster recovery of SharePoint Server
      About VMware backup policies that protect SharePoint Server
    5. About configuring a backup policy for SharePoint
        Adding a new NetBackup for SharePoint policy
        About policy attributes
      3. Adding schedules to a NetBackup for SharePoint policy
          About schedule properties
          NetBackup for SharePoint Server backup types
        Adding clients to a policy
      5. Creating a backup selections list for a SharePoint Server policy
          Performing SharePoint backups with multiple data streams
          Using wildcards in a SharePoint backup selections list
        Configuring exclude lists for SharePoint clients
  6. Performing backups and restores of SharePoint Server and SharePoint Foundation
    1. About user-directed backups of SharePoint Server and SharePoint Foundation
        Specifying the server and client for a SharePoint Server backup operation
        About backup options for NetBackup for SharePoint
        Performing a user-directed backup of SharePoint Server and SharePoint Foundation
    2. About restores of SharePoint Server and SharePoint Foundation
        Specifying the server, client, and the policy type for a SharePoint Server restore operation
        Restore options for SharePoint Server on the Microsoft SharePoint tab
        Restore options for SharePoint Server on the General tab
        How the NetBackup Recovery Assistant restores SharePoint Server and SharePoint Foundation
        Restoring SharePoint Server and SharePoint Foundation
        Restoring the SharePoint Search Service Application
        About requirements for restores of individual SharePoint items using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
        Restoring individual SharePoint items from full database backups
        Recovering a SharePoint Web application in a farm with multiple front-end servers
        Restoring a deleted SharePoint list
        Redirecting a restore of a SharePoint web application within a farm
        Redirecting a restore of a SharePoint Web application to another farm
        Redirecting the restore of a SharePoint Server Web application content database to an alternate SQL instance
        Redirecting individual SharePoint items to a file path (SharePoint 2010)
  7. Protecting SharePoint Server data with VMware backups
    1. About protecting SharePoint Server data with VMware backups
        About the Veritas VSS provider for vSphere
        Support and requirements for VMware backups that protect SharePoint Server
        Limitations of using a VMware policy to protect SharePoint Server
    2. About configuring a VMware backup that protects SharePoint Server
        Installing the Veritas VSS provider for vSphere
        Configuring a VMware backup policy to protect SharePoint Server
        Configuring the granular proxy host for Federated SharePoint configurations with VMware
      Restoring SharePoint data from a VMware backup
  8. Disaster recovery
      About disaster recovery of a SharePoint Server
      Requirements for disaster recovery of a SharePoint Server
      Recovering a SharePoint server (without BMR)
  9. Troubleshooting
    1. About NetBackup for SharePoint debug logging
        Enabling the debug logs for a NetBackup for SharePoint client automatically
        Enabling the debug logging for NetBackup for SharePoint manually
        Setting the debug level on a NetBackup for SharePoint Windows client
        Veritas VSS provider logs
    2. About NetBackup status reports
        Viewing the progress report of a NetBackup for SharePoint operation
      Restores to different SharePoint service pack or different cumulative update levels
      Modified system files or ghost files are not cataloged or restored during a site collection restore
      Troubleshooting SharePoint jobs that use Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
      About troubleshooting SharePoint restore operations
      About NetBackup for SharePoint and client-side deduplication
      Troubleshooting VMware backups and restores of SharePoint Server

Restore options for SharePoint Server on the Microsoft SharePoint tab

On this tab you can choose to bring databases online after a restore job. You can also specify a different location to which to redirect a web application. The farm and the web application to which you want to redirect the restore must already exist.

Table: Microsoft SharePoint tab



Bring restored databases online and reconnect previous database links

Select this option to bring the databases online after a restore job. This option also re-establishes the link between the restored databases and their corresponding web applications.

Preserve existing Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site and application pool

If the website and the application pool for the SharePoint web application that you restore already exists in IIS, this option preserves them during restore. If you do not check this option, the website and the application pool are deleted from IIS during the restore. After they are deleted, they are recreated in the default location that SharePoint specifies.

If versioning is enabled on the restore destination

If versioning is enabled on the destination to which you want to restore an individual item or document, select one of the following options:

  • Add as a new version

    NetBackup restores the existing item or document as a new version, which makes it the most recent version of the existing item. For example, assume that you have five versions of testfile.doc and choose to restore version 2.0 of the file. When the file is restored, it is added as testfile.doc 6.0 and is the most recent version.

  • Skip if the item exists

    NetBackup does not restore the item if an identical item or document exists in the restore destination. NetBackup notes that the file was skipped in the job log.

  • Restore over existing items

    NetBackup restores the existing item as a new version and deletes the existing version.

    For example, assume that the version history is as follows:

    testfile.doc version 3.0
    testfile.doc version 2.0
    testfile.doc version 1.0

    testfile.doc version 3 is the most recent version. If you choose to restore testfile.doc version 2.0, the restore adds testfile.doc version 4.0 and deletes testfile.doc version 2.0. So the version history appears as follows:

    testfile.doc version 4.0
    testfile.doc version 3.0
    testfile.doc version 1.0

    testfile.doc version 2.0 is now version 4.0 of the file.

If versioning is not enabled on the restore destination

If versioning is not enabled on the destination to which you want to restore an individual item, select one of the following options:

  • Skip if the item exists

    NetBackup does not restore the item if an identical item exists in the restore destination. NetBackup indicates that the file was skipped in the log.

  • Restore over existing items

    NetBackup replaces the existing item with the restored item.

Restore only the most recent version of an item

Check this option to only restore the most recent version of an item. Note that NetBackup restores the most recent version of the versions you selected for restore. If a more recent version exists, but you did not select it for restore that version is not restored.

Include security information

Check this option to restore any applicable security information with the item. Note that security information is restored only if you select a parent folder and not when you select individual items. For example, security information is restored when you select Shared Documents, but not if you select an individual document. However, an individual object can have user permissions that are defined with a level of "limited access." In this case, permissions for those users are not restored with that object.

You can restore different levels of security based on the SharePoint item you restore:

  • Sites

    User and SharePoint Group information and security ACL are restored for top-level sites.

  • Subsites

    Security ACL is restored.

  • Lists

    Security ACL and other security-related information are restored.

Redirect SharePoint Resources

Check this option to redirect a Web application. Then click one of the following:

  • Web application

  • Alternate SQL instance

  • Individual SharePoint sites, documents, lists, or items

Note that you can only redirect documents or pictures to a path.

Web application

Select this option to redirect a Web application to another Web application.

  • In the URL box, specify the URL of the destination site. For example:

    http://URL to Web application

  • In the Front end web server name box, indicate the host name of the web server to which you want to redirect. The web server must already exist on the destination location.

Alternate SQL instance


Select only one database to redirect. If you select multiple databases, all databases are written to the target database.

Select this option to redirect a web application to an alternate SQL instance.

In the SQL Server\Instance box, indicate the name of the target SQL Server and the target instance name.

In the Target Database box, indicate the name of the target database.

Individual SharePoint sites, documents, lists, or items


This feature applies only to SharePoint 2010.

Click Individual SharePoint sites, documents, lists, or items to redirect items.

In the Restore to drive or UNC path box, enter the drive letter and path or UNC path. Use the following format for a UNC path: \\servername\share.