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Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Accelerator Installation Guide
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.2)
- Introducing Discovery Accelerator
- Preparing to install Discovery Accelerator
- Configuration options for Discovery Accelerator
- Prerequisites for Discovery Accelerator
- Security requirements for temporary folders
- Installing Discovery Accelerator
- Installing the Discovery Accelerator server software
- Creating the configuration database and customer databases
- Setting up a Custodian Manager website
- Configuring Discovery Accelerator for use in a SQL Server AlwaysOn environment
- Installing Discovery Accelerator in a clustered environment
- Installing the Discovery Accelerator client software
- Installing the Discovery Accelerator server software
- Appendix A. Ports that Discovery Accelerator uses
- Appendix B. Troubleshooting
Cannot create or upgrade Discovery Accelerator customer databases when Symantec Endpoint Protection is running
If Symantec Endpoint Protection is running on your Discovery Accelerator server, you may be unable to create customer databases or upgrade existing ones. We recommend that you shut down Endpoint Protection while you perform these operations.
When the Discovery Accelerator server is running in a centrally managed Endpoint Protection environment, you need only disable the Intrusion Prevention check that is responsible for the issue. Although this disables the Intrusion Prevention check on all servers that are in the same group as the Discovery Accelerator server, it saves you from having to shut down Endpoint Protection completely.
To disable Endpoint Protection's Intrusion Prevention check
- Log on to the computer where the Endpoint Protection Manager Console is running.
- Open the Endpoint Protection Manager Console.
- Click Policies.
- Under View Policies, click Intrusion Prevention.
- In the right pane, right-click your Intrusion Prevention policy, and then click Edit.
- Click Exceptions.
- Click Add.
- Select the signature ID 20079 in the list, and then click Next.
- Set Action to Allow and Log to either option, and then click OK.
- Click OK.
- Wait a few moments for Endpoint Protection to roll out the policy to the servers in the group.