Using Google Cloud Storage (S3) as a primary storage for Enterprise Vault

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (15.1)

Getting the Google Cloud Storage (S3) supported authentication

You must have the following for using the Google Cloud Storage (S3) compliant storage device:

  • Enterprise Vault 14.3 or later

  • Google Cloud Storage (S3) storage Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, for connecting to it

  • Google Cloud Storage (S3) storage S3 service hostname

  • Google Cloud Storage (S3) bucket name

  • Google Cloud Storage (S3) storage S3 bucket access type

  • Bucket's region

By default, the partition is created in the non-WORM mode.

  • Add a new Google Cloud Storage (S3) partition

  • View a Google Cloud Storage (S3) partition

  • Edit a Google Cloud Storage (S3) partition

  • Delete a Google Cloud Storage (S3) partition