NetBackup™ Web UI Administrator's Guide
- Section I. About NetBackup
- Section II. Monitoring and notifications
- Monitoring NetBackup activity
- Activity monitor
- Job monitoring
- Troubleshooting the viewing and managing of jobs
- Device monitor
- Notifications
- Registering the data collector
- Monitoring NetBackup activity
- Section III. Configuring hosts
- Managing host properties
- Busy file settings properties
- Client attributes properties
- Client settings properties for UNIX clients
- Client settings properties for Windows clients
- Data Classification properties
- Default job priorities properties
- Encryption properties
- Exchange properties
- Exclude list properties
- Fibre transport properties
- General server properties
- Global attributes properties
- Logging properties
- Media properties
- Network settings properties
- Port ranges properties
- Preferred network properties
- Resilient network properties
- Restore failover properties
- Retention periods properties
- Scalable Storage properties
- Servers properties
- SharePoint properties
- SLP settings properties
- Managing credentials for workloads and systems that NetBackup accesses
- Managing deployment
- Managing host properties
- Section IV. Configuring storage
- Overview of storage options
- Configuring disk storage
- Integrating MSDP Cloud and CMS
- About configuring disk pool storage
- About the MSDP object store
- Managing media servers
- Configuring storage units
- Managing robots and tape drives
- Add a robot to NetBackup manually
- Managing robots
- Managing tape drives
- Managing tape media
- About adding volumes
- Managing volumes
- About recycling a volume
- About injecting and ejecting volumes
- Managing volume pools
- Managing volume groups
- Inventorying robots
- Staging backups
- Troubleshooting storage configuration
- Section V. Configuring backups
- Overview of backups in the NetBackup web UI
- Managing protection plans
- Managing classic policies
- Protecting the NetBackup catalog
- Catalog backups
- Managing backup images
- Pausing data protection activity
- Section VI. Managing security
- Security events and audit logs
- Managing security certificates
- Managing host mappings
- Minimizing security configuration risk
- Configuring multi-person authorization
- Managing user sessions
- Configuring multifactor authentication
- Managing the global security settings for the primary server
- About trusted primary servers
- Using access keys, API keys, and access codes
- Configuring authentication options
- Managing role-based access control
- Disabling access to NetBackup interfaces for OS Administrators
- Section VII. Detection and reporting
- Detecting anomalies
- About backup anomaly detection
- Malware scanning
- Usage reporting and capacity licensing
- Detecting anomalies
- Section VIII. NetBackup workloads and NetBackup Flex Scale
- Section IX. Administering NetBackup
- Management topics
- Managing client backups and restores
- About client-redirected restores
- Section X. Disaster recovery and troubleshooting
- Section XI. Other topics
- Additional NetBackup catalog information
- About the NetBackup database
- About the NetBackup database installation
- Post-installation tasks
- Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows
- Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX
NetBackup event types supported with notifications
The following NetBackup event types support event notifications in the NetBackup web UI.
Table: NetBackup event types supported with notifications
Event type and notification type value | Action | Severity | Sample notification message |
Autodiscovery and Discover Now AutoDiscoveryEvent | no actions | INFO | An appropriate notification is generated when an autodiscovery action or a Discover Now action is performed for VMWare, RHV, or Cloud servers. |
no actions | CRITICAL | Note: An appropriate notification is generated when an autodiscovery action or a Discover Now action fails for VMWare, RHV, Nutanix, or Cloud servers. Note: An appropriate notification is generated when an autodiscovery action or a Discover Now action fails for VMWare, RHV, or Cloud servers. | |
CRL Health | Not applicable | CRITICAL | The CRL on host $ {hostName} is not refreshed. |
Catalog Backup Health | Not applicable | CRITICAL | One or more users who can access the identity files that need to be backed up as part of the disaster recovery (DR) package, do not exist on the system. |
Catalog Image Expiration Catalog Note: Also applicable for manual image expiration. | Not applicable | CRITICAL | Event for Catalog Image received. No additional details found. Catalog Image Image_Name was modified. Catalog Image Image_Name expired. |
cDOT Client cDOTClientEvent | CREATE | INFO | {Cluster_Data_ONTAP_Client_Name} was added as a cDOT client. |
DELETE | CRITICAL | {Cluster_Data_ONTAP_Client_Name} was deleted as a cDOT client. | |
Certificate Health | Not applicable | CRITICAL | The certificate for host $ {hostName} is going to expire soon. |
Client ClientEvent | CREATE | INFO | The client {Client_Name} was created. |
DELETE | CRITICAL | The client {Client_Name} was deleted. | |
UPDATE | INFO | The client {Client_Name} was updated. | |
NetBackup Configuration Health | Not applicable | CRITICAL | The NetBackup configuration file contains multiple CLIENT_NAME entries. |
NetBackup Configuration Health | Not applicable | CRITICAL | The service user does not have the required permissions on one or more links or junction target directories. Run the 'Install_Path\NetBackup\bin\goodies\nbserviceusercmd.exe -addAcl' command to assign the correct permissions. The service user does not have the required permissions on one or more soft link target directories. The service user does not have the required permissions on ALTPATH directories that are configured for one or more clients. Run the 'Install_Path\NetBackup\bin\goodies\nbserviceusercmd.exe -addAcl' command to assign the correct permissions. |
NetBackup Configuration Health | Not applicable | INFO | Assigned the execute permission to the service user on one or more NetBackup directories. |
NetBackup Configuration Health | Not applicable | WARNING | Could not assign the execute permission to the service user on one or more NetBackup directories. |
DBPaaS Operation RCA | Not applicable | CRITICAL | Cannot complete backup. See the Root Cause Identifier (RCA) link for more information. |
Drive DriveChange | CREATE | INFO | The drive {Drive_Name} was created for host {Host_Name}. |
DELETE | CRITICAL | The drive {Drive_Name} was deleted for host {Host_Name}. | |
UPDATE | INFO | The drive {Drive_Name} was updated for host {Host_Name}. Note: A notification message like this one is generated when a drive is updated for a particular host or when a drive state is changed to UP or DOWN. | |
Isilon Client IsilonClientEvent | CREATE | INFO | {Isilon_Filer_Client_Name} was added as an Isilon client. |
DELETE | CRITICAL | {Isilon_Filer_Client_Name} was deleted as an Isilon client. | |
KMS Certificate Expiration KMSCredentialStatus | EXPIRY | WARNING | The certificate that is used to communicate with the KMS server {KMS_Server_Name}${server} is about to expire in {days_to_expiration}. If the certificate is not renewed on time, communication with the KMS server fails. |
Library Event - Robot Library | CREATE | INFO | The library {Library_Name} was created for host {Host_Name}. |
DELETE | CRITICAL | The library {Library_Name} was deleted for host {Host_Name}. | |
UPDATE | INFO | The library {Library_Name} was updated for host {Host_Name}. | |
Machine [Primary/Media/Cluster] Machine | CREATE | INFO | The host {Host_Name} was created. |
DELETE | CRITICAL | The host {Host_Name} was deleted. | |
Media Media | CREATE | INFO | The media {Media_ID} was created. |
DELETE | CRITICAL | The media {Media_ID} was deleted. | |
UPDATE | INFO | The media {Media_ID} was updated. | |
Media Group MediaGroup | CREATE | INFO | The media group {Media_Group_ID} was created. |
DELETE | CRITICAL | The media group {Media_Group_ID} was deleted. | |
UPDATE | INFO | The media group {Media_Group_ID} was updated. | |
Media Pool MediaPool | CREATE | INFO | The media pool {Media_Pool_ID} was created. |
DELETE | CRITICAL | The media pool {Media_Pool_ID} was deleted. | |
UPDATE | INFO | The media pool {Media_Pool_ID} was updated. | |
Message Broker Service Status ServiceStatus | RUNNING | INFO | The NetBackup Messaging Broker service is running. NetBackup internal notifications are now enabled. |
STOPPED | INFO | The NetBackup Messaging Broker service is stopped. NetBackup internal notifications are now disabled. | |
Policy Policy Note: When possible, an aggregated policy event for two or more policy actions is created. | Create | INFO | The policy {Policy_Name} was created. Event for Policy received. No additional details found. |
Update | INFO or CRITICAL | The policy {Policy_Name} was activated. The policy {Policy_Name} was deactivated. The policy {Policy_Name} was updated. The client {Policy_Name} was added to the policy ${policyName}. The client {Policy_Name} was removed from the policy {Policy_Name}. The schedule {Policy_Name} was added to the policy ${Policy_Name}. The schedule {Policy_Name} was removed from the policy {Policy_Name}. | |
Delete | CRITICAL | The policy {Policy_Name} was deleted. | |
Protection Plan ProtectionPlan | Create | INFO | Received an event for protection plan. The protection plan Protection_Plan_Name is created. The protection plan Protection_Plan_Name is created from existing NetBackup policy. |
Update | INFO | The protection plan Protection_Plan_Name is updated. | |
Delete | CRITICAL | The protection plan Protection_Plan_Name is deleted. | |
Protection Plan Subscription ProtectionPlanSubscription | Create | INFO | Received an event for protection plan subscription. The Asset_Class Asset_Display_Name is subscribed to protection plan Protection_Plan_Name. |
Update | INFO | The Asset_Class Asset_Display_Name subscription with protection plan Protection_Plan_Name is updated. | |
Delete | CRITICAL | The Asset_Class Asset_Display_Name is unsubscribed from protection plan Protection_Plan_Name. | |
Retention Event RetentionEvent | UPDATE | INFO | Retention level has been changed. |
Storage life cycle policy SLP | Create | INFO | Event for Storage Lifecycle Policy received. No additional details found. The Storage Lifecycle Policy {Policy_Name} was created. |
Delete | CRITICAL | The Storage Lifecycle Policy {Policy_Name} was deleted. The Storage Lifecycle Policy {Policy_Name} with version Version_Number was deleted. | |
Storage life cycle policy state change SlpVersionActInactEvent | UPDATE | INFO | The SLP version {Version} was changed. |
Storage Unit StorageUnit Note: Any change to a basic disk staging schedule (DSSU), such as adding, deleting, or modifying, generates relevant storage unit notifications. With those notifications, some additional policy notifications are also generated with policy name __DSSU_POLICY_{Storage_Unit_Name}. | CREATE | INFO | The storage unit {Storage_Unit_Name} was created. |
DELETE | CRITICAL | The storage unit {Storage_Unit_Name} was deleted. | |
UPDATE | INFO | The storage unit {Storage_Unit_Name} was updated. | |
Storage Unit Group StorageUnitGroup | CREATE | INFO | The storage unit group {Storage_Unit_Group_Name} was created. |
DELETE | CRITICAL | The storage unit group {Storage_Unit_Group_Name} was deleted. | |
UPDATE | INFO | The storage unit group {Storage_Unit_Group_Name} was updated. | |
UPDATE | INFO | The storage service {Storage_Service_Name} was updated. | |
Usage Reporting UsageReportingEvent | No actions | INFO or ERROR | The usage report generation has started. The usage report is generated successfully. Failed to generate the usage report. For more details, refer to the gather and report logs in the parent directory. |
VMware Discovery TAGSDISCOVERYEVENT | no actions | INFO | VMware tags cannot be retrieved. |
Web Truststore Health | Not applicable | CRITICAL | One or more files and / or directories do not have appropriate web service user permissions. |