Veritas NetBackup™ for OpenStack Administrator's Guide
- Introduction
- Deploying NetBackup for OpenStack
- Requirements
- NetBackup for OpenStack network considerations
- Preparing the installation
- Spinning up the NetBackup for OpenStack VM
- Installing NetBackup for OpenStack Components
- Installing on RHOSP
- 1. Prepare for deployment
- 3] Update overcloud roles data file to include NetBackup for OpenStack services
- 7] Verify deployment
- 8] Additional Steps on NetBackup for OpenStack Appliance
- Installing on RHOSP
- Configuring NetBackup for OpenStack
- Post Installation Health-Check
- Uninstalling from RHOSP
- Install workloadmgr CLI client
- Configuring NetBackup OpenStack Appliance
- Configuring NetBackup Master Server
- NetBackup for OpenStack policies
- Performing backups and restores of OpenStack
- Required restore.json for CLI
- Configuring and starting a file search in Horizon
- Create a File Recovery Manager Instance
- Performing Backup Administration tasks
- NBOS Backup Admin Area
- Policy Attributes
- Policy Quotas
- Managing Trusts
- Policy import and migration
- Disaster Recovery
- Example runbook for disaster recovery using NFS
- Disaster recovery of a single policy
- Copy the policy directories to the configured NFS Volume
- Make the Mount-Paths available
- Reassign the policy
- Restore the policy
- Clean up
- Disaster recovery of a complete cloud
- Reconfigure the Target NetBackup for OpenStack installation
- Make the Mount-Paths available
- Reassign the policy
- Restore the policy
- Reconfigure the Target NetBackup for OpenStack installation back to the original one
- Clean up
- Troubleshooting
5] Provide environment details in nbos_env.yaml
Provide backup target details and other necessary details in the provided environment file. This environment file is used in the overcloud deployment to configure NetBackup for OpenStack components. Container image names have already been populated in the preparation of the container images. Still it is recommended to verify the container URLs.
The following information is required additionally:
Network for the datamover API
datamover password
Backup target type {nfs/s3}
In case of NFS
List of NFS Shares
NFS options
In case of S3
S3 type {amazon_s3/ceph_s3}
S3 Access key
S3 Secret key
S3 Region name
S3 Bucket
S3 Endpoint URL
S3 Signature Version
S3 Auth Version
S3 SSL Enabled {true/false}
S3 SSL Cert
Use ceph_s3 for any non-aws S3 backup targets.
resource_registry: OS::TripleO::Services::nbosdm: ../services/nbosdm.yaml OS::TripleO::Services::nbosdmapi: ../services/nbosdmapi.yaml # NOTE: If there are addition customizations to the endpoint map (e.g. for # other integratiosn), this will need to be regenerated. OS::TripleO::EndpointMap: endpoint_map.yaml parameter_defaults: ## Enable NetBackup for OpenStack's quota functionality on horizon ExtraConfig: horizon::customization_module: 'dashboards.overrides' ## Define network map for NetBackup OpenStack Datamover API Service ServiceNetMap: nbosdmapiNetwork: internal_api ## NetBackup for OpenStack Datamover Password for keystone and database nbosdmPassword: "test1234" ## NetBackup for OpenStack container pull urls DockerNbosdmImage: nbos-undercloud:8787/nbosdm:9.0.1017-rhosp16.1 DockerNbosdmapiImage: nbos-undercloud:8787/nbosdmapi:9.0.1017-rhosp16.1 ## If you do not want NetBackup for OpenStack's horizon plugin to replace your horizon container, just comment following line. ContainerHorizonImage: nbos-undercloud:8787/nbos-horizon-plugin: 9.0.1017-rhosp16.1 ## Backup target type nfs/s3, used to store snapshots taken by NetBackup for OpenStack BackupTargetType: 'nfs' ## For backup target 'nfs' NfsShares: '' NfsOptions: 'nolock,soft,timeo=180,intr,lookupcache=none' ## For backup target 's3' ## S3 type: amazon_s3/ceph_s3 S3Type: 'amazon_s3' ## S3 access key S3AccessKey: '' ## S3 secret key S3SecretKey: '' ## S3 region, if your s3 does not have any region, just keep the parameter as it is S3RegionName: '' ## S3 bucket name S3Bucket: '' ## S3 endpoint url, not required for Amazon S3, keep it as it is S3EndpointUrl: '' ## S3 signature version S3SignatureVersion: 'default' ## S3 Auth version S3AuthVersion: 'DEFAULT' ## If S3 backend is not Amazon S3 and SSL is enabled on S3 endpoint u rl then change it to 'True', otherwise keep it as 'False' S3SslEnabled: False ## If S3 backend is not Amazon S3 and SSL is enabled on S3 endpoint URL and SSL certificates are self signed, then ## user need to set this parameter value to: '/etc/nbosdm/s3-cert.pem', otherwise keep it's value as empty string. S3SslCert: '' ## Don't edit following parameter EnablePackageInstall: True