Enterprise Vault™ Setting up SMTP Archiving

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.3)
  1. About this guide
      Introducing this guide
    2. Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault
        Enterprise Vault training modules
  2. Introducing Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving
    1. About Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving
        SMTP Archiving configurations
        SMTP Archiving components
      About SMTP Journaling
      About SMTP Group Journaling
      About SMTP Mailbox Journaling
      About SMTP Archiving licensing
      Journaling messages to Enterprise Vault from Exchange Server or Office 365
  3. Installing SMTP Archiving
      About installing Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving components
  4. Configuring SMTP Archiving
      Steps to configure SMTP Archiving
      Planning your configuration
    3. Configuring the Enterprise Vault SMTP Servers in the site
        Entering the name or IP address of connecting hosts
        Obtaining an SSL/TLS certificate
        Configuring message tracking for SMTP messages
    4. Adding an SMTP Archiving task and holding folder
        About the SMTP holding folder
        Keeping safety copies of archived messages
        Task summary reports
    5. Adding an SMTP Archiving task and holding folder
        About the SMTP holding folder
        Keeping safety copies of archived messages
        Task summary reports
    6. Configuring retention categories and retention plans
        Managing cascading retention settings on multiple archives
        About changing retention on SMTP Group Journaling provisioning groups
    7. Creating SMTP policies
      1. About X-Headers
          About X-Kvs X-Headers
          Searching archives for messages with specific X-Headers
    8. Configuring archives for SMTP messages
        Assigning multiple archives to spread the archiving load across servers
      Adding SMTP routing addresses
      Checking settings for SMTP Journaling
      Additional configuration for Compliance Accelerator
  5. Provisioning users for SMTP Group or SMTP Mailbox Journaling
      About SMTP provisioning groups
      Adding an SMTP Group Journaling provisioning group
      Adding an SMTP Mailbox Journaling provisioning group
      Changing the order of the SMTP provisioning groups
      Deleting an SMTP provisioning group
      Adding or deleting an SMTP Provisioning task
      SMTP Provisioning task summary reports
      Configuring the SMTP site setting, Selective Journal Archiving
      Adding SMTP target addresses manually
  6. Using the SMTP dashboard
      About the SMTP dashboard
      Using the Summary page
      Using the Search page
      Using the SMTP Archiving page
  7. PowerShell cmdlets
      About the PowerShell cmdlets for SMTP Archiving
  8. Appendix A. Configuring target address rewriting
      About target address rewriting
      Steps to configure target address rewriting
      Adding SMTP target addresses
      Adding target address aliases

Planning your configuration

Before you configure SMTP Archiving, it is important to have a clear picture of how you want your SMTP archiving environment to work. This section lists aspects of the configuration that you need to plan before you begin the configuration process. The information includes recommendations to help you create an efficient environment that is easy to maintain.

Enterprise Vault SMTP servers
  • Consider how many Enterprise Vault SMTP servers to configure.

    If you plan to configure multiple archives for a routing address or SMTP Group Journaling provisioning group, then consider spreading the archives across different Enterprise Vault SMTP servers that host a storage service.

  • If you want to restrict connections to the Enterprise Vault SMTP servers in the site, then you need to identify the servers from which you want to allow connections.

  • To support encrypted connections, you need a valid SSL/TLS certificate.

  • Decide whether to implement message tracking.

See Configuring the Enterprise Vault SMTP Servers in the site.

Storage requirements
SMTP routing addresses
  • Decide on the routing addresses that you want to use to send the SMTP email to Enterprise Vault SMTP servers.

  • You will need to configure MTAs that send SMTP messages to Enterprise Vault to use the routing addresses.

  • If you have a software or hardware load-balancing solution, you need to configure it to receive messages addressed to the routing addresses, and distribute the messages to the Enterprise Vault SMTP servers.

See About SMTP Journaling.

See About SMTP Group Journaling.

See Journaling messages to Enterprise Vault from Exchange Server or Office 365.

Types of SMTP Journaling to configure
  • Decide on the type or types of journaling that you want to implement:

    • SMTP Journaling

    • SMTP Group Journaling

    • SMTP Mailbox Journaling

    • SMTP Journaling and SMTP Group Journaling

    • SMTP Journaling and SMTP Mailbox Journaling

  • Consider what value to set for the SMTP site setting, "Selective Journal Archiving ".

    When you add the first provisioning group, Enterprise Vault automatically changes the value of this setting to Inclusive.

Additional hints and tips:

  • If you are implementing SMTP Mailbox or Group Journaling with SMTP Journaling, consider if there are users whose personal email should not be sent to the general SMTP Journaling archives. If there are, then you can use the value Exclusive for the SMTP site setting, Selective Journal Archiving.

See SMTP Archiving configurations.

See Configuring the SMTP site setting, Selective Journal Archiving.

SMTP Group and Mailbox Journaling provisioning groups

If you are implementing SMTP Group and Mailbox Journaling, we strongly recommend that you configure target users in provisioning groups. This not only simplifies the configuration process, but ensures that retention remains consistent across your SMTP Archiving configuration.

  • To determine the main provisioning groups, identify the groups of users who require the same retention and policy settings.

  • Within the larger groups, identify any users who need to be excluded from archiving, or provisioned with different settings. You can then create smaller provisioning groups for these users.

  • Work out the order in which you want Enterprise Vault to process the groups.

    The groups are processed from the top of the list down. If users appear in more than one provisioning group, they are only provisioned in the first provisioning group that includes them.

    When ordering the provisioning groups, put the most explicit group at the top of the list of groups, and the most general at the bottom of the list.

Additional hints and tips:

  • The same target user cannot be provisioned for both SMTP Group and Mailbox Journaling.

  • You can create disabled provisioning groups that contain the users to exclude from archiving.

  • The target setting, Target only primary email address , defines whether targets are created for all of the Active Directory user's SMTP addresses. If you have target users who are in multiple sites, make sure this setting is consistent for these users in all the sites.

  • We recommend that you always add an Active Directory target user using one of the menu options other than Email address.

    Use the Email address option to add to the provisioning group the target SMTP address of a user who is not associated with an Active Directory account. For example, you can use this option to add to the group users who are external to your organization.

  • Manually-added targets take precedence over provisioned targets. If a target exists in a provisioning group and in the manual target list, you need to remove the manual target before the user is provisioned in the group.

See About SMTP provisioning groups.


Consider the types of archives to use, and method of creation.

  • SMTP Journaling and SMTP Group Journaling. You can assign multiple archives to an SMTP Journaling target routing address, or an SMTP Group Journaling provisioning group. If you want to use new SMTP archives, then you can create these in the wizards for adding the routing addresses or adding an SMTP Group Journaling provisioning group. If you want to use different types of journal archives or existing archives, you need to make sure these exist before you run the wizards.

    If you select existing archives, you can select any of the following types of archive: SMTP, Shared, Exchange Journal, or Domino Journal.

  • SMTP Journaling and SMTP Group Journaling. The archives associated with a routing address or an SMTP Group Journaling provisioning group must have the same retention settings. Enterprise Vault automatically manages retention settings on these archives. If you change retention on one of the archives, then Enterprise Vault cascades the change to the other archives associated with the routing address or provisioning group. For this reason, we recommend that each routing address and each SMTP Group Journaling provisioning group use different archives.

  • SMTP Mailbox Journaling. Provisioning can automatically create a new Internet Mail archive for each target user in the provisioning group. If target users in an SMTP Mailbox Journaling provisioning group were previously provisioned in IMAP provisioning groups, then Enterprise Vault links the target user to their existing Internet Mail archive.

    Exchange Mailbox archives are also supported for SMTP Mailbox Journaling, but only for manually-added target users. Only Internet Mail archives can be used for target users in SMTP Mailbox Journaling provisioning groups.

Additional hints and tips:

  • SMTP Journaling and SMTP Group Journaling. Enterprise Vault automatically spreads the archiving load across servers when you assign multiple archives to a routing address or provisioning group. We recommend that you use this feature instead of address rewriting.

  • If the same users are provisioned for IMAP (Internet Mail provisioning groups) and SMTP Mailbox Journaling, the provisioning groups in IMAP and SMTP Archiving must apply the same retention to the Internet Mail archives.

  • If you run the SMTP Provisioning task and the Client Access Provisioning task on the same users, we recommend that you do not run both of these tasks concurrently. Change the schedules of the tasks to make sure that one task has finished before the other starts.

See Configuring archives for SMTP messages.

Retention settings

Decide what retention categories and retention plans to use for provisioning groups and manually-added target addresses, such as routing addresses.

  • Although you can create retention categories in the new target and new provisioning group wizards, we recommend that you plan and create these beforehand.

  • Keep retention simple. Consider using the same retention categories and plans across different types of archiving in your Enterprise Vault environment.

  • The archives associated with a routing address or an SMTP Group Journaling provisioning group must have the same retention settings. Enterprise Vault automatically manages retention settings on these archives. If you change retention on one of the archives, then Enterprise Vault cascades the change to the other archives associated with the routing address or provisioning group.

Additional hints and tips:

  • Keep the number of different retention categories and plans in your sites as few as possible, and apply them consistently. The flexibility within Enterprise Vault means that there are various ways of overriding default retention settings. If your retention model becomes too complex, retention may not be applied as you expect.

  • If the same users are provisioned for IMAP (Internet Mail provisioning groups) and SMTP Mailbox Journaling, the provisioning groups in IMAP and SMTP Archiving must apply the same retention to the Internet Mail archives.

See Configuring retention categories and retention plans.

SMTP policies

Decide what SMTP policies to use.

  • Some messages may include proprietary X-Headers that you want to index, or use to control how the messages are processed.

  • Consider whether to keep or discard journal reports for the target or provisioning group. As journal reports include BCC information, the reports should not be included in archives to which end users have access, for example, SMTP Mailbox Journaling.

See Creating SMTP policies.

Additional configuration for Compliance Accelerator

If you use Compliance Accelerator, you need to decide which domains used in SMTP targets should be considered as internal.

See Additional configuration for Compliance Accelerator.