Enterprise Vault™ Setting up SMTP Archiving

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.0)
  1. About this guide
      Introducing this guide
    2. Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault
        Enterprise Vault training modules
  2. Introducing Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving
    1. About Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving
        SMTP Archiving configurations
        SMTP Archiving components
      About SMTP Journaling
      About SMTP Group Journaling
      About SMTP Mailbox Journaling
      About SMTP Archiving licensing
      Journaling messages to Enterprise Vault from Exchange Server or Office 365
  3. Installing SMTP Archiving
      About installing Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving components
  4. Configuring SMTP Archiving
      Steps to configure SMTP Archiving
      Planning your configuration
    3. Configuring the Enterprise Vault SMTP Servers in the site
        Entering the name or IP address of connecting hosts
        Obtaining an SSL/TLS certificate
        Configuring message tracking for SMTP messages
    4. Adding an SMTP Archiving task and holding folder
        About the SMTP holding folder
        Keeping safety copies of archived messages
        Task summary reports
    5. Adding an SMTP Archiving task and holding folder
        About the SMTP holding folder
        Keeping safety copies of archived messages
        Task summary reports
    6. Configuring retention categories and retention plans
        Managing cascading retention settings on multiple archives
        About changing retention on SMTP Group Journaling provisioning groups
    7. Creating SMTP policies
      1. About X-Headers
          About X-Kvs X-Headers
          Searching archives for messages with specific X-Headers
    8. Configuring archives for SMTP messages
        Assigning multiple archives to spread the archiving load across servers
      Adding SMTP routing addresses
      Checking settings for SMTP Journaling
      Additional configuration for Compliance Accelerator
  5. Provisioning users for SMTP Group or SMTP Mailbox Journaling
      About SMTP provisioning groups
      Adding an SMTP Group Journaling provisioning group
      Adding an SMTP Mailbox Journaling provisioning group
      Changing the order of the SMTP provisioning groups
      Deleting an SMTP provisioning group
      Adding or deleting an SMTP Provisioning task
      SMTP Provisioning task summary reports
      Configuring the SMTP site setting, Selective Journal Archiving
      Adding SMTP target addresses manually
  6. Using the SMTP dashboard
      About the SMTP dashboard
      Using the Summary page
      Using the Search page
      Using the SMTP Archiving page
  7. PowerShell cmdlets
      About the PowerShell cmdlets for SMTP Archiving
  8. Appendix A. Configuring target address rewriting
      About target address rewriting
      Steps to configure target address rewriting
      Adding SMTP target addresses
      Adding target address aliases

Configuring the Enterprise Vault SMTP Servers in the site

After you have completed the initial set up of Enterprise Vault, you configure the SMTP connection settings for the Enterprise Vault SMTP servers, as described in this section.

These settings are stored in the Enterprise Vault directory, and propagated to each Enterprise Vault SMTP server in the site. Starting or restarting the Enterprise Vault Admin service on an Enterprise Vault SMTP server forces the settings on that SMTP server to synchronize with the settings in the directory.

In the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, the SMTP server settings are in the properties of the container Targets > SMTP.

To configure the Enterprise Vault SMTP servers

  1. On the computer that hosts the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, log on as the Vault Service account, or an account that has the SMTP Administrator role.
  2. Open the Enterprise Vault Administration Console.
  3. In the navigation pane, expand the site, then the Targets container.
  4. Right-click the SMTP container and select Properties.
  5. The SMTP Properties dialog box is displayed.

    When you open the dialog box for the first time, click Configure settings... to launch the SMTP Server Settings wizard.

    The wizard enables you to configure the following settings for the SMTP servers:

    SMTP port

    The port on which the SMTP server listens. By default, the SMTP server listens on port 25. Ensure that the port you specify is open on each SMTP server.

    Maximum message size

    The maximum size of SMTP message that the SMTP servers will accept. If you do not specify a maximum message size, there is no limit on the size of messages.


    Defines the credentials used by MTAs when connecting to the Enterprise Vault SMTP server.

    If you want connecting hosts to use authentication when connecting, enter the credentials that they need to use. The username should be specified in the form user@domain. There is no requirement for the username to be an existing email address, or an account in Active Directory.

    Authentication is required by default.

    You can control plain text authentication as follows:

    • Never allow plain text authentication

    • Always allow plain text authentication with or without TLS

    • Allow plain text authentication only when TLS is enabled

    Connection security

    Specifies which of the following connections are permitted:

    • Only encrypted

    • Only unencrypted

    • Both encrypted and unencrypted

    If you choose to use an encrypted connection, Enterprise Vault allows communication with the SMTP server only over encrypted channels. The Enterprise Vault SMTP server rejects messages that are sent over unencrypted channels. Veritas recommends that you configure only encrypted connections to ensure security.

    To support encrypted connections, you need to have a valid PFX or PKCS#12 (.p12) certificate file.

    See Obtaining an SSL/TLS certificate.

    The wizard enables you to install the certificates.


    You can configure connection security setting at the server-level by editing the settings on the SMTP tab of the computer properties.

    Connection control

    Enables you to control which computers can connect to the Enterprise Vault SMTP servers. If you do not add any computers to the connection control list, then any computer may connect to the Enterprise Vault SMTP servers. If you add one or more computers to the list, then only the computers listed can connect.

    You can specify the connecting hosts using one of the following formats:

    • Host name

    • Host name suffix

    • Host name pattern

    • IPv4

    • IPv4 range in CIDR notation

    • IPv6

    • IPv6 range in CIDR notation

    See Entering the name or IP address of connecting hosts.

    Select the format that you want to use to enter the value. Then enter the name or IP address in the specified format.

    Alternatively, you can import the values from a .csv file. Each host should be listed on a new line as host_name_or_address, format.

    Message tracking

    If you enable message tracking, Enterprise Vault logs the details of messages that each SMTP server receives. You can see the list of the SMTP servers in the site, along with the location of the message tracking log file on each server. By default, the message tracking log file is stored in the folder, Reports\SMTP\SmtpService, in the Enterprise Vault program folder on each SMTP server. You can change the location of the message tracking log file. You can also configure whether you want to include the subject line of the message in the message tracking log file and the DTrace logs.

    See Configuring message tracking for SMTP messages.