Enterprise Vault™ Setting up SharePoint Server Archiving

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (15.0)
  1. About this guide
      Introducing this guide
    2. Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault
        Enterprise Vault training modules
  2. Configuring SharePoint archiving
      About SharePoint archiving with Enterprise Vault
      Overview of configuring Enterprise Vault for SharePoint
      Configuring Enterprise Vault access to the SharePoint server
      Installing Enterprise Vault components on the SharePoint server
      Running the Enterprise Vault for SharePoint configuration wizard
    6. Creating objects in the Administration Console for SharePoint archiving
        Creating a SharePoint archiving task
        SharePoint archiving task properties
      3. Creating an archiving policy for Enterprise Vault for SharePoint
          Viewing or modifying a SharePoint archiving policy
        About the vault stores for SharePoint archives
      5. Adding a SharePoint archiving target
          Changing the default archiving settings for a SharePoint target
          Stopping the archiving of sites on a target
        Creating archiving targets for SharePoint site collections
        Creating archiving target subsites to override archiving settings
  3. Running SharePoint archiving
      Starting a SharePoint archiving run
      Scheduling SharePoint archiving runs
  4. Adding SharePoint archiving Web Parts
      About the SharePoint archiving Web Parts
      Adding the Archive Search Web Part to a SharePoint page
  5. User access to archived SharePoint documents
    1. About user access to archived SharePoint items
        Accessing archived versions on the SharePoint version history page
      2. Using the Archive Search Web Part to search for archived items
          SharePoint Archive Search Web Part advanced search
          Customizing the Archive Search Web Part search form
          Restoring a document using the Archive Search Web Part
      Modifying the browser security settings for SharePoint users
  6. Appendix A. Installing Enterprise Vault and SharePoint on a single server
      Installing Enterprise Vault and SharePoint on the same server

Using the Archive Search Web Part to search for archived items

You use the Archive Search Web Part to find items stored in the Enterprise Vault SharePoint archive.

To use the Archive Search Web Part to search for archived items

  1. In the first box, select the scope for your search: This Site or Site Collection.
  2. In the second box, enter words to search for in the name, subject or the item content, and click Go.

    For example, entering the following would return items with any of the words press, updated or v5 in the name, subject or content:

    press updated v5

    The wildcard character * can be used to denote one or more characters at the end of a word. At least three characters must precede the wildcard character. For example, new* would find an archived item called December newsletter and an item with the word newer in the item content.

    Note that to be able to search for phrases in the content, indexing must be set to Full on the archive. To see the indexing level, right-click the site collection archive in the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, select Properties and then click the Advanced tab on the properties window.

    The results of the search are displayed on the Archive Search Results page.

  3. Use the links on the left of the Archive Search Results page to group or sort the results by Author, Date, and so on. When you sort the results, an arrow will indicate the sort order; click the link a second time to reverse the order.
  4. Click the links in the Actions section to do the following:
    • Show Less/Show More to hide or display the preview information for each item.

    • Collapse Groups/Expand Groups to display just the group titles or the items in the groups.

    • Advanced Search/Simple Search to create a complex search filter or a simple search.

    The links toggle between these actions, so when you select Show Less, for example, the link changes to Show More.