Enterprise Vault™ Setting up SharePoint Server Archiving

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (12.4)
  1. About this guide
      Introducing this guide
    2. Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault
        Enterprise Vault training modules
  2. Configuring SharePoint archiving
      About SharePoint archiving with Enterprise Vault
      Overview of configuring Enterprise Vault for SharePoint
      Configuring Enterprise Vault access to the SharePoint server
      Installing Enterprise Vault components on the SharePoint server
      Running the Enterprise Vault for SharePoint configuration wizard
    6. Creating objects in the Administration Console for SharePoint archiving
        Creating a SharePoint archiving task
        SharePoint archiving task properties
      3. Creating an archiving policy for Enterprise Vault for SharePoint
          Viewing or modifying a SharePoint archiving policy
        About the vault stores for SharePoint archives
      5. Adding a SharePoint archiving target
          Changing the default archiving settings for a SharePoint target
          Stopping the archiving of sites on a target
        Creating archiving targets for SharePoint site collections
        Creating archiving target subsites to override archiving settings
  3. Running SharePoint archiving
      Starting a SharePoint archiving run
      Scheduling SharePoint archiving runs
  4. Adding SharePoint archiving Web Parts
      About the SharePoint archiving Web Parts
      Adding the Archive Search Web Part to a SharePoint page
  5. User access to archived SharePoint documents
    1. About user access to archived SharePoint items
        Accessing archived versions on the SharePoint version history page
      2. Using the Archive Search Web Part to search for archived items
          SharePoint Archive Search Web Part advanced search
          Customizing the Archive Search Web Part search form
          Restoring a document using the Archive Search Web Part
      Modifying the browser security settings for SharePoint users
  6. Appendix A. Installing Enterprise Vault and SharePoint on a single server
      Installing Enterprise Vault and SharePoint on the same server

Customizing the Archive Search Web Part search form

You can use the Manage Scope and Manage Properties links to customize the search form in the Archive Search Web Part by adding SharePoint sites to the scope list and custom properties to the properties listed.

  • Manage Scope enables you to add sites to the Search scope drop-down box. For example, you may want to include a site that has been deleted, as there may still be archived content from this site.

  • Manage Properties enables you to add custom properties to the "Search by properties" drop-down box. Custom properties can be defined for item libraries. Enterprise Vault stores these additional properties when it archives.

To add a site to the search scope list

  1. In the Archive Search Web Part, click Manage Scope.
  2. Click Add a Site.
  3. Enter the Site name and the URL for the required site.
  4. Click OK. The site is displayed on the Custom Sites page.
  5. Click Back to return to the main search page.
  6. When you click the arrow beside the Search scope drop-down box. The new site is now available in the list.

To add a custom property to the Search by properties list

  1. In the Archive Search Web Part, click Manage Properties.
  2. Click Add a Property.
  3. Enter the Property name of the required custom property.
  4. Click OK. The site is displayed on the Custom Properties page.
  5. Click Back to return to the main search page.

    When you click the arrow beside the property box under Search by properties, the new site is now available in the list.


Do not add multiline fields as a property. If you want to search for items with multiline fields, you can do a content search using text from the multiline fields. If you add multiline fields as a property, the search results may not contain the items you are looking for.