Enterprise Vault™ Setting up Exchange Server Archiving
- About this guide
- Distributing Exchange Server Forms
- Setting up archiving from mailboxes
- Points to note before you set up Enterprise Vault mailbox archiving
- Defining Exchange Server mailbox archiving policies
- Mailbox policy settings when setting up Exchange Server archiving
- Mailbox policy settings when setting up Exchange Server archiving
- Defining desktop policies in Exchange Server archiving
- Desktop policy settings in Exchange Server archiving
- Options tab (Exchange Server archiving desktop policy setting)
- Advanced tab (Exchange Server archiving desktop policy setting)
- Desktop policy settings in Exchange Server archiving
- Adding Exchange Server archiving targets
- Using customized shortcuts with Exchange Server archiving
- About editing automatic messages for Exchange Server archiving
- Enabling mailboxes for Exchange Server archiving
- Setting up users' desktops
- Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In for Exchange Server archiving
- Enterprise Vault Client for Mac OS X with Exchange Server archiving
- Getting users started with Exchange Server archiving
- Setting up Vault Cache and Virtual Vault
- Vault Cache synchronization
- Vault Cache header synchronization and content download
- Vault Cache advanced settings
- Virtual Vault advanced settings
- Setting up archiving from public folders
- About public folder policy settings
- Exchange Public Folder policy settings
- Exchange Public Folder policy settings
- Adding public folder archiving targets
- Setting up archiving of journaled messages
- Envelope Journaling
- Setting up Enterprise Vault Office Mail App for Exchange Server
- About the Enterprise Vault Office Mail App
- Deploying the Enterprise Vault Office Mail App
- Troubleshooting the Enterprise Vault Office Mail App
- Configuring access to Enterprise Vault from Outlook RPC over HTTP clients
- Configuring filtering
- About filtering
- Configuring selective journaling
- Configuring group journaling
- Configuring custom filtering
- About custom filtering ruleset files
- About controlling default custom filtering behavior
- About the general format of ruleset files for custom filtering
- About rule actions for custom filtering
- About message attribute filters for custom filtering
- About the general format of Custom Properties.xml
- About content categories
- Defining how custom properties are presented in third party applications
- Custom properties example
Vault Cache synchronization
Vault Cache synchronization updates the Vault Cache with changes made to the online archive, and updates the online archive with changes made to the Vault Cache. The changes that are synchronized between Vault Cache and the online archive include create, update, and delete actions on items and folders.
Whether the Vault Cache is fully up to date with the online archive depends on when Vault Cache synchronization and the Exchange Mailbox Archiving task last ran.
After an initial synchronization when the Vault Cache is first enabled, synchronization can start in the following ways:
The Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In automatically performs Vault Cache synchronization once a day. If the Outlook Add-In cannot connect to Enterprise Vault, then it waits for a minimum of five minutes before it attempts to contact the server again.
If a scheduled synchronization time is missed, the Outlook Add-In attempts a synchronization when the user next opens Outlook. The first attempt is made after the period specified in the Exchange Desktop policy, in the Vault Cache advanced setting
.For example, users may miss their scheduled Vault Cache synchronization times during a weekend, when they do not use Outlook. In this case, a large number of header synchronization requests may occur at around the same time on Monday. To avoid an excessive load on the Enterprise Vault server, an Enterprise Vault mechanism limits the number of header synchronization requests that are accepted. When this mechanism operates, scheduled synchronization succeeds for some users. Other users have to wait until their header synchronization request is processed. The mechanism is invisible to users, so they do not see any error message. Their header synchronization request is repeated, as usual, at minimum intervals of five minutes until it succeeds. When the synchronization succeeds, the daily scheduled synchronization time is reset to the time of the successful synchronization.
Alternatively, you can use the registry setting,
, to configure the Outlook Add-In to ignore missed scheduled Vault Cache synchronizations when the user opens Outlook. If you enable this setting, a Vault Cache synchronization occurs at the next scheduled synchronization time.If Vault Cache synchronization is required at other times, the user can start the synchronization in Outlook. A manual synchronization does not affect the next scheduled time for automatic synchronization.
Unlike a scheduled synchronization, a manual synchronization that fails is not retried.
You can use the Virtual Vault advanced settings
and to trigger an automatic Vault Cache synchronization. The settings specify thresholds for the number and total size of pending archive items in Virtual Vault.These threshold settings are important if your users move or copy items from their mailboxes into Virtual Vault to archive them. When only scheduled synchronization and manual synchronization are in use, items are probably not archived until the scheduled time. Until then, moved and copied items exist only on the user's computer. The threshold settings let you control when synchronization occurs, so you can minimize the risk of data loss.
By default, the threshold settings are not active. You can optionally set one or both of them. If you set both, the first threshold value that is reached or exceeded triggers a synchronization.
If the user suspends Vault Cache synchronization and either of these threshold settings is active, the user cannot move or copy items into Virtual Vault.
Unlike a scheduled synchronization, an automatically triggered synchronization that fails is not retried.
See Threshold number of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange Virtual Vault setting).
See Threshold total size of items to trigger synchronization (Exchange Virtual Vault setting).
The content download from the Enterprise Vault server to the Outlook client uses Microsoft Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) technology.
For information about troubleshooting Vault Cache synchronization problems, see the appendix "Troubleshooting" in the Administrator's Guide. The section on Vault Cache synchronization problems includes details of how to use the Vault Cache Diagnostics web page. This web page shows the last Vault Cache synchronization attempt from each user, and for each archive that they synchronize. The reporting information that is displayed on the page is posted by client computers immediately after they attempt a synchronization, and regardless of the outcome.
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