NetBackup IT Analytics User Guide
- Introduction
- Understand the Portal
- About the Admin tab
- Explore your inventory
- Hierarchy toolbar to organize your data
- Show objects
- Use attributes to organize your data
- Pin reports - saving reports with inventory objects
- Assign attributes in the inventory list view
- Get acquainted with reports
- About badging
- Generate and maintain reports
- Select Report Scope
- Group hosts by attributes
- Search for hosts in the report Scope Selector
- Backup Manager advanced scope selector settings
- Solution reports scope selector settings
- Units of Measure in Reports
- Customize report filter logic
- Sort columns in reports
- Convert tabular report to chart
- Distribute, share, schedule, and alert
- Scheduling Exported Reports and Dashboards
- Organize reports
- Work with the dynamic template designer
- Dynamic Template Designer Quick Start
- Converting to a Homogeneous, Product-Specific Template
- Dynamic Template Function Configurations
- Create Fields with the Field Builder
- Scope Selector Component - Custom Filter
- Configure a Bar Chart Dynamic Template
- Steps to Create a Bar Chart Dynamic Template
- Configure an Area/Stacked Area Chart Dynamic Template
- Line Charts for Performance Metrics
- Line Chart Field Requirements
- One Object Per Line Chart, One or More Metrics Per Chart
- Multiple Objects Per Line Chart, One Metric Per Chart
- Example of a Stacked Bar Chart Dynamic Template
- Create a Sparkline Chart in a Tabular Dynamic Template
- Adding or Editing Methods
- Validate and Save a Method
- Work with the SQL template designer
- Database Published Views
- Create a SQL Template
- Configure SQL Template Scope Selector Components
- Sample SQL Queries
- Configure SQL Template Scope Selector Components
- Format the SQL Template Output
- Configure a Table in the SQL Template Designer
- Advanced SQL Report Template Options
- Export/Import SQL Templates
- Pipelined functions for report query building
- APTlistOfDates
- aptStringConcat
- getServerAttributeValue
- getObjectAttributeValue
- getChildServerGroupContextById
- getServerGroupContextById
- secsToHoursMinSecs
- APTgetTapeDriveStatusName
- getFullPathname
- listJobSummaryAfterRestart
- listJobSummaryAfterRestartNBW
- listJobSummaryAfterRestart for NetWorker Backup Jobs
- listOfBackupWindowDates
- listChargebackCatByVOLSDetail
- listChargebackCatByNcVolDetail
- listChargebackCatByFSDetail (for HNAS)
- listChargebackCatByFSDetail (for EMC Isilon)
- listChargebackByLUNSummary
- listChargebackByLUNDetail
- listChargebackCatByLUNSummary
- listChargebackCatByLUNDetail
- Alert configuration
- Manage hosts, backup servers, and host groups
- Manage attributes and objects
- Provide Portal access and user privileges
- Setting / Resetting passwords
- Managing user group home pages (Administrator)
- Configure master schedules and backup windows
- Add, edit, and move policies
- Add/Edit a threshold policy
- Capacity Chargeback policy types
- Solutions administration
- Manage and monitor data collection
- About data collection tasks
- Add/Edit data collectors
- Review collectors and collection status
- Upgrade Data Collectors
- Work with Capacity Manager host data collection
- Host Access Privileges, Sudo Commands, Ports, and WMI Proxy Requirements
- Host access requirements
- Manage credentials
- Configure host discovery policies to populate the host discovery and collection view
- Discovery processes
- Validate host connectivity
- Search and export in host discovery and collection
- Propagate probe settings: Copy probes, paste probes
- Discovery policies for Veritas NetBackup
- About Discovery types
- View and manage system notifications
- Customize with advanced parameters
- Use cases for advanced parameters
- Access control advanced parameters
- General Data Collection advanced parameters
- Cloud data collection advanced parameters
- Host discovery and collection advanced parameters
- Backup Manager advanced parameters
- Capacity Manager advanced parameters
- File Analytics advanced parameters
- Virtualization Manager advanced parameters
- Manage your Portal environment
- Analyze files
- Troubleshoot the Portal
- Retrieving log files
- Debug
- Attribute inheritance overrides
- Understanding report data caching
Create new dashboards and add reports
Dashboards provide a custom, at-a-glance overview by displaying reports you choose on a single page. You can also add a reference to an external resource. You can create an tabular report template with a frame that can be populated from another URL providing HTML5 content.
See Add an External Reference.
Dashboards created using this procedure can be modified using the Customize a Dashboard.
menu. SeeTo create a dashboard and add reports:
- Search and generate each report you want on your dashboard. Each report will display in a separate tab.
- Click the + icon and select Create Dashboard from the pop up.
- Click and drag the tab of each report you want to place on the dashboard. You can add an unlimited number of reports to a custom dashboard, but you are limited to four horizontal columns. You can resize row heights at any time using Set Layout.
A report that has been generated as a result of a drill down in another report cannot be saved or added to a dashboard because of the dependency with the parent report.
- As you drag the report on to the dashboard, areas are highlighted indicating the potential positions of the report. You can change the report's by location by dragging it to a new position.
- Click Actions > Save.
- Specify the details on the Save Dashboard pop-up as described below:
Save the dashboard as: Assign a name to the dashboard. The maximum number of characters is 80.
Short Description: Provide a description that can help in searching the dashboard. The description can help to determine the intent of dashboard. This description is limited to 512 characters and is optional.
Long Description: Enter any additional details that you wish to specify regarding the dashboard. The details may included vendor-specific names or acronyms that may help in searching the dashboard. This description is optional.
Select a folder in: /home/My Reports: Dashboards are saved folders created inside
/home/My Reports
. Select a folder from the list.Inventory Object Type: The inventory objects associated with the reports added on the dashboard are selected by default. You can add or remove the objects to override the default selection.
Subsystems: Specify one or more subsystems from which you want to view data on the dashboard. By default, the appropriate subsystem is selected.
Report Category: Assign a report category from the list. This field is mandatory.
Inventory Defaults: Click to reset the default Inventory settings. This resets the default values under Inventory Object Type and Subsystems fields.
New Folder: Click to add a new folder under
/home/My Reports
and save the dashboard in it.
Reports on dashboards are treated as stand-alone instances and are not linked to the original report. For example, when a name or scope change is made in the original report, those changes are not reflected in the dashboard version.