Veritas NetBackup™ Plug-in for VMware vSphere Client (HTML5) Guide
- Introduction and notes
- Installing the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Client (HTML5)
- Configuration overview for the NetBackup Recovery and Instant Recovery Wizards
- Excluding virtual disks from the backup
- Monitoring backup status
- Restoring virtual machines
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. Instant recovery events and best practices
- Appendix B. Installing the vSphere Client (HTML5) plug-in from a NetBackup media server and plug-in package host
Installing the vSphere Client (HTML5) plug-in from a NetBackup media server and plug-in package host (web server)
This topic describes how to install the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Client (HTML5) from a NetBackup media server.
By default, the plug-in is installed over an https connection by means of the NetBackup master server. If the master server does not have a network connection to the vCenter server, you can install the plug-in from a NetBackup media server and your own plug-in package host.
The following table is a brief list of the installation requirements, followed by the installation procedure.
Table: Requirements for installing the plug-in from a NetBackup media server
Requirement | Description |
Plug-in package host (web server) | The plug-in package host must be a web server. It must be accessible as follows:
Note: You must supply the URL of the plug-in package host during plug-in installation. |
Plug-in installation media | The plug-in installation media is a zip file ( Note: Do not rename the |
NetBackup media server | The media server from which you install the plug-in must have network access to the plug-in package host web server and to the vCenter server. |
Additional configuration if the URL for the plug-in package host uses HTTP instead of HTTPS. | To configure the vCenter to allow an See The NetBackup plug-in is not shown in the vSphere Client (HTML5) interface even after registration. |
To install the plug-in from a NetBackup media server
- Download the
file from the NetBackup master server and copy it to the appropriate folder on the plug-in package host (web server). The vCenter later downloads the file from the web server.You can download the file from the master server by means of a browser:
https://master_server_host_name:8443/nbwebservice/plugins /
This example uses a port number of 8443. The port number on the master server however may be different.
- A security pop-up may ask you to verify or confirm the master server's certificate for the download. To proceed with the download, you must verify the certificate by confirming the security exception.
If the certificate has already been trusted or added as an exception, the security pop-up does not appear.
- From the media server that has network access to the vCenter and to the plug-in package host, start the vwcp_manage command:
Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\goodies\vwcp_manage.exe
UNIX, Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/vwcp_manage
If you run vwcp_manage with administrator or root privileges, the command discovers the available vCenters and presents them in a list (in a following step). Otherwise, you must provide the vCenter name or IP address.
- Registration begins with the End User License Agreement (click Accept):
- On the following dialog, use the pull-down list to select the vCenter server and enter the credentials, then click Validate.
If the vwcp_manage command was not run with administrator or root privileges, you must manually enter the vCenter name or IP address.
The registration utility connects to the vCenter server and determines whether the plug-in is registered. If the plug-in is not registered, the Plug-in package location dialog appears.
- Select Use alternate plug-in package location and enter the full URL of the plug-in package host where the
file is hosted. This host is the web server where the plug-in zip file was copied in step 1. You can test the URL by downloading the plug-in zip file using a web browser.Note:
The URL field is not pre-populated with the plug-in package host URL. You must enter the URL.
- Click Register.
If the URL entered in step 6 uses the secure
protocol, a security alert appears:This security alert shows the identity of the web server that hosts the plug-in package. The vCenter later downloads the plug-in from this server. Use this dialog to verify the identity of the plug-in package web server.
To allow the installation to proceed, click Continue.
If the URL entered in step 6 uses
instead ofhttps
, you are prompted to configure the vCenter to allow anhttp
URL:To configure the vCenter to allow an
URL, use the procedure in the following topic:See The NetBackup plug-in is not shown in the vSphere Client (HTML5) interface even after registration.
When you have completed the procedure to allow installation of the plug-in over HTTP, click OK on the Warning.
If the vCenter's
file already includes allowHttp=true, you can skip the HTTP procedure (click OK on the Warning).
The following appears:
- Click Close.
- Log on to vSphere Client (HTML5). If you are currently logged on, log out first.
The Veritas NetBackup option should appear in the left pane and in Shortcuts.
See How to access the features of the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Client (HTML5).
If the Veritas NetBackup tab does not appear:
See The NetBackup plug-in is not shown in the vSphere Client (HTML5) interface even after registration.
- To register the plug-in with another vCenter, repeat this procedure starting at step 3.