Enterprise Vault™ Classification using the Veritas Information Classifier
- About this guide
- Preparing Enterprise Vault for classification
- Setting up Veritas Information Classifier policies
- Defining and applying Enterprise Vault classification policies
- Defining classification policies
- Running classification in test mode
- Using classification with smart partitions
- Appendix A. Enterprise Vault properties for use in custom field searches
- Appendix B. PowerShell cmdlets for use with classification
- Appendix C. Classification cache folder
- Appendix D. Migrating from FCI classification to the Veritas Information Classifier
- Appendix E. Monitoring and troubleshooting
Analyzing sample content for policy matches
Before you put any policies into effect, you may want to evaluate them against a sample set of your organization's content. Not only does the Analyze feature let you do this but it also generates a detailed Risk and Compliance Analysis report of its findings. Use this report to determine whether the built-in policies meet your needs or whether extra, custom policies are also required.
Note that the Analyze feature skips certain types of files, such as image and audio files, because they do not have any textual content. It also skips any files that are larger than 10 MB.
To analyze sample content for policy matches
Do one of the following:
To find the content that matches one or more specific policies, select these policies in the policy list and then click Analyze.
To find the content that matches any of the available policies, or a group of related policies such as the GDPR and Personal Data policies, click Analyze at the left of the Veritas .
- In the Policies page of the Analyze wizard, verify that you have selected the required option and then click Next to go to the Folder page.
- In the Folder page, drag and drop the local or network folder containing the files that you want to analyze, and then click Next to go to the Analyze page.
A maximum of 20,000 files can be analyzed.
- In the Analyze page, wait for the analysis to complete, and then click respective tabs to view more information on potentially sensitive files.
Click Next to go to the Summary page.
The analysis may take some time if there are a large number of files or they contain a lot of text.
- In the Summary page, click Download full report (PDF) or Download (CSV) to download the Compliance Analysis report in PDF or comma-separated value (CSV) formats.