Enterprise Vault.cloud™ Folder Sync 1.12 Administration Guide
- Overview
- Requirements for Folder Sync
- Preparing the service accounts
- Installing and configuring Folder Sync
- Running and scheduling Folder Sync synchronizations
- Performing a "Run Now" Folder Sync synchronization
- Monitoring and managing Folder Sync
- Troubleshooting Folder Sync
Checking the Folder Sync synchronization status from the ArchiveTools Management Console
You can check the Folder Sync synchronization status for all your Office 365 mailboxes from the ArchiveTools Management Console.
To check the Folder Sync synchronization status from the ArchiveTools Management Console
- On the Folder Sync server, click Start > All Programs > ArchiveTools > ArchiveTools Management Console.
- In the left pane of the Management Console, expand the Archive Accelerator node.
- Expand the Archive Tools node.
- Expand the Servers node.
- Expand the All Mailboxes node.
In the main pane the columns of the mailbox database table provide the following information for each mailbox.
The ArchiveTools Management Console does not automatically update statuses for the table. Click Refresh to update the synchronization status.
Display Name
The mailbox display name.
Mailbox DN
The Distinguished Name of the mailbox.
Account ID
Displays the ID of the provisioned account in Enterprise Vault.cloud, if Folder Sync has identified a provisioned account.
If the entry is blank, Folder Sync has not identified a provisioned account for the mailbox, and folder synchronizations do not proceed.
Primary Email
The primary email address for the mailbox.
The last date and time when the latest folder synchronization started.
The date and time when the latest folder synchronization completed.
Last Completed
The date and time of the last occasion on which folder synchronization completed.
True: Folder Sync has established that a provisioned account exists in Enterprise Vault.cloud.
False: Folder Sync has not identified a provisioned account in Enterprise Vault.cloud.
True: The mailbox is selected for a scheduled synchronization.
False: The mailbox is unselected for scheduled synchronization.
Indicates the folder synchronization status, as follows:
To be started. Folder synchronization has not run.
Started. Folder synchronization is in progress.
Stopped. The Item Synch task stopped while folder synchronizations were in progress.
Completed. Folder synchronization finished successfully.
Erred. An error occurred during processing. See the Event Log column for details.
Deleted. Unable to resolve the mailbox distinguished name in Active Directory.
To be synchronized. This status may occur if the Item Synch task is interrupted while synchronizing the Folder Sync database with Active Directory.
Event Log
An event log error that was generated for Folder Sync for this mailbox.
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