Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Utilities
- About this guide
- ArchivePoints
- Audit Viewer
- Backtrace
- CenteraPing
- Domino Archive Exporter
- Domino Profile Document Tool
- Domino Retention Plan Tool
- DTrace
- EVDominoExchangeMigration Tool
- Running the EVDominoExchangeMigration tool
- EVDuplicateCleaner
- EVEARemovalUtility
- EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
- EVrights
- EVservice
- EVSPShortcutManager
- About EVSVR
- About the EVSVR operation settings
- Using the output from one EVSVR operation as input for another operation
- Viewing the EVSVR output log file
- Running EVSVR in interactive mode
- FSARunNow
- FSAUndelete
- FSAUtility
- NTFS to Centera Migration
- Permissions Browser
- Policy Manager (EVPM)
- Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
- Policy Manager initialization file examples
- About using the Provisioning API to run Policy Manager scripts
- Provisioning API scripting properties for Policy Manager scripts
- Provisioning API Advanced settings for Policy Manager scripts
- Provisioning API Interface methods for Policy Manager scripts
- ResetEVClient
- Vault Store Usage Reporter
ArchivePoints syntax
Use one of the following formats:
To create archive points:
ArchivePoints create archive_point_path_share_name subfolders|nosubfolders [XML_template_file_path_name]
To update the attributes of archive points:
ArchivePoints update archive_point_path_share_name subfolders|nosubfolders XML_template_file_path_name
To list all the archive points beneath a specified network share:
ArchivePoints find archive_point_path_share_name
To display the contents of the archive points:
ArchivePoints read archive_point_path_share_name
To delete the archive points:
ArchivePoints delete archive_point_path_share_name
To create an auto-enabling folder:
ArchivePoints autoenable autoenabling_folder_path on
To turn off the auto-enabling property for a folder:
ArchivePoints autoenable autoenabling_folder_path off [subfolderdelete]
where the parameters are as follows:
archive_point_path_share_name | Specifies the UNC path to the network share to which the command applies. Enclose the path in quotes if it includes any non-alphanumeric characters. |
subfolders|nosubfolders | Specifies whether to create an archive point for each immediate subfolder. |
XML_template_file_path_name | Specifies the full path to an XML template file of archive point attribute values, which override the default values or existing values. |
autoenabling_folder_path | The full path to the folder on which you want to switch on or switch off the auto-enabling property. If you omit the on and off switches, the auto-enabling property for a folder will be switched off. |
subfolderdelete | Deletes the archive point from each immediate subfolder when you switch off the auto-enabling property for a folder. |
If you specify an XML template file, it must have the following format:
<archivePoint xmlns="urn:kvsplc-com:FileSystemFolderArchivePoint"> <attribute>value</attribute> <attribute>value</attribute> <attribute>value</attribute> ... </archivePoint>
where each attribute line specifies an archive point attribute and its value.
Note the following:
You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator privileges.
If an attribute is not included in the XML template file when you create an archive point, the File System Archiving task uses the default value for that attribute.
If an attribute is not included in the XML template file when you update an archive point, the File System Archiving task does not change the existing value.
You cannot use an XML template file if you create an auto-enabling folder. The archive points associated with an auto-enabling folder must be created with default attribute values.
Table: ArchivePoints template file attributes lists the attributes you can include in the XML template file.
Table: ArchivePoints template file attributes
Attribute | Description | Default value for new archive point |
name | Specifies the name of the archive that is associated with this archive point, with any prefix if specified. | The name of the folder on which the archive point resides. |
description | Provides a description for the archive if required. The description appears in the list of file system archives under > in the Administration Console. | None. |
owner | Specifies the account to use when billing archive usage. | None. |
indexDisabled | Specifies whether to disable (true) or enable (false) indexing for the files in the archive. | false. |
indexingLevel | Specifies the indexing level, which can be either brief or full. brief indexes the metadata of archived items such as the file name and the item date, but not any content. A brief index is smaller than a full index, but users cannot search for any content in the archived items. full indexes the metadata and the content of archived items. Users can search for the content of items. | The setting on the Indexing tab of the Site properties in the Administration Console. |
indexSnippetLength | Specifies the preview length in characters. The preview length is the amount of text that Enterprise Vault shows in a search results list, when the indexing level is full. The preview length can only be 128 or 1000. The size of an index increases when you increase the preview length. | The setting on the Indexing tab of the Site properties in the Administration Console. |
indexAttachmentSnippet | Specifies whether Enterprise Vault creates previews of attachment content when the indexing level is full. The value can be true (yes) or false (no). These previews cannot be viewed in this release of Enterprise Vault. The size of an index increases when you enable this option. | The setting on the Indexing tab of the Site properties in the Administration Console. |
deleteExpiredItems | Specifies whether Enterprise Vault automatically deletes items from the archive when their retention periods expire. The value can be true (delete expired items) or false (do not delete expired items). | false. |
prefix | Specifies a prefix that Enterprise Vault prepends to name to make the archive name. A prefix may be useful if you do not specify a name and you use the subfolders option to create an archive point for each immediate subfolder of the target folder. | None. |
For example, the following file sets the attribute values for an archive point:
<archivePoint xmlns="urn:kvsplc-com:FileSystemFolderArchivePoint"> <name>Newton archive</name> <description>Isaac Newton's User Archive</description> <owner>astronomy\newtoni</owner> <indexDisabled>false</indexDisabled> <indexingLevel>full</indexingLevel> <indexSnippetLength>1000</indexSnippetLength> <indexAttachmentSnippet>false</indexAttachmentSnippet> <deleteExpiredItems>false</deleteExpiredItems> <prefix>User</prefix> </archivePoint>