Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Setting up SMTP Archiving

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (12.1)
  1. About this guide
      Introducing this guide
    2. Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault
        Enterprise Vault training modules
  2. Introducing Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving
      About Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving
      About SMTP Journaling
      About Selective SMTP Journaling
      About SMTP Mailbox Journaling
      Configuring SMTP Journaling and SMTP Mailbox Journaling
      Configuring Selective SMTP Journaling and SMTP Mailbox Journaling
      Using Exchange Server to journal messages to Enterprise Vault
  3. Installing SMTP Archiving
      About installing Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving components
  4. Configuring SMTP Archiving
      Steps to configure SMTP Archiving
      Creating archives for SMTP messages
    3. Configuring retention categories and SMTP policies
      1. About X-Headers
          About X-Kvs X-Headers
          Searching archives for messages with specific X-Headers
    4. Configuring the Enterprise Vault SMTP Servers in the site
        Entering the name or IP address of connecting hosts
        Obtaining an SSL/TLS certificate
    5. Adding SMTP target addresses
        Additional configuration for Selective SMTP Journaling or SMTP Mailbox Journaling
        Adding a large number of SMTP target addresses
    6. Adding an SMTP Archiving task
        About the SMTP holding folder
        Keeping safety copies of archived messages
        Task summary reports
  5. Configuring target address rewriting
      About target address rewriting
      Steps to configure target address rewriting
      Adding SMTP target addresses
      Adding target address aliases
  6. PowerShell cmdlets
      About the PowerShell cmdlets for SMTP Archiving

Additional configuration for Selective SMTP Journaling or SMTP Mailbox Journaling

If you are implementing Selective SMTP Journaling or SMTP Mailbox Journaling, you will need to perform the following additional configuration:

  • Add as targets both the routing addresses and the selected addresses.

  • Open Site properties, and select the Advanced tab.

    In the List settings from box, select SMTP.

    Ensure that the value of Selective Journal Archiving is Yes.

    If the value is No, select the setting and click Modify. Change the value of this setting to Yes and click OK. The archiving task may now search for the target addresses in all the following fields in messages: X-RCPT-TO, To, CC, BCC, From, and Sender.

    Apply the settings and close the Site properties dialog.

  • Open the properties dialog for each of the SMTP target addresses, and set the check box, Archive messages sent from or received by this SMTP address, according to the archive or archives in which you want the archiving task to store messages that contain the target address. Use the following points to determine whether you select or clear the check box:

    • If the target is a selected address, select the check box. This ensures that the archiving task stores messages that contain this target address in the archive that is associated with the target.

    • If the target is a routing address, and you want the archiving task to store messages to this address in the associated journal archive, select the check box. If a message to this target address also includes a selected target address, then the task will store the message in the archive for the routing address and in the archive for the selected target address.

    • If the target is a routing address, and you want messages stored only in the archives that are associated with selected target addresses, clear the check box.

To apply these configuration changes you must restart the SMTP Archiving task on the Enterprise Vault SMTP server. If there are multiple Enterprise Vault SMTP servers in the site, then you need to start the SMTP Archiving task on each SMTP server.