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Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Setting up Domino Server Archiving
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.1)
- About this guide
- Setting up Domino mailbox archiving
- Preparation for Domino mailbox archiving
- Configuring Domino targets, tasks and policies in Enterprise Vault
- Adding Domino Server archiving targets
- Configuring mailbox policies for Domino mailbox archiving
- Using customized shortcuts for Domino mailbox archiving
- Configuring desktop policies for Domino mailbox archiving
- Adding a Provisioning Group when setting up Domino mailbox archiving
- Installing Enterprise Vault extensions for Notes and DWA clients
- About Enterprise Vault clients for Notes and DWA clients
- Granting Execution Control List permissions when setting up Notes and DWA clients
- Changes made by EVInstall.nsf when setting up Domino mailbox archiving
- How to edit automatic messages after installing Domino mailbox archiving
- Setting up a Vault Cache for offline users
- Setting up Domino Journaling archiving
- How to configure clients when setting up Domino Journal archiving
- Configuring filtering
- Configuring custom filtering
- Configuring registry settings for Domino custom filtering
- About custom filtering ruleset files
- About controlling default custom filtering behavior
- About the general format of ruleset files for custom filtering
- About rule actions for custom filtering
- About message attribute filters for custom filtering
- About the general format of Custom Properties.xml
- About content categories
- Defining how custom properties are presented in third party applications
Adding a Domino Journaling location
By default, Enterprise Vault archives from all Domino Journaling databases that are in the subfolder and use the StdMailJournaling template. You can use a registry value to specify other templates to use.
To add a Domino Journaling location
- In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the Archiving Targets container.
- Expand Domino.
- Expand the Domino domain that contains the server to which you want to add a location.
- Expand the Domino server to which you want to add a location and, on the shortcut menu, click New and then Domino Journaling Location.
The New Domino Journaling Location wizard starts.
- Work through the wizard.
To specify additional journaling templates
- On the Enterprise Vault server that will run the Domino Journaling task, create a new string registry value called DominoJournalingTemplates in the following location:
- Give DominoJournalingTemplates a value that is a comma-separated list of the journaling templates that you want to use.
- Restart the Domino Journaling Task to apply the new setting.