Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Guide for Microsoft Outlook Users (Full Outlook Add-In)
Searching for your archived items
After Enterprise Vault has archived an email or another Outlook item, you can find it with either Enterprise Vault Search or Outlook Instant Search. Enterprise Vault Search finds all items archived from your mailbox, File System, SharePoint and so on. Outlook Instant Search finds both archived items in your Virtual Vault and shortcuts in your mailbox.
If there is no shortcut to the archived item and you cannot find it in Virtual Vault, you can use the Search Vaults feature in Enterprise Vault to find and restore the item.
To search for your archived items with Search Vaults
Do one of the following:
On the Enterprise Vault tab on the Outlook ribbon, in the Search group or on the More Actions menu, click Search Vaults.
Click in the Outlook Instant Search box and then, on the Search tab, in the Enterprise Vault group, click Search Vaults.
If you use Outlook 2013 or later and can see the Enterprise Vault Office Mail App at the top of the current item, click Search in the Office Mail App.
- If Enterprise Vault prompts you for your logon details, type them and then click OK.
If the logon dialog box does not have a separate Domain field, you must type your user name in the form domain_name\user_name.
- Enter the search criteria, and then start the search.
- If required, restore one or more items to your mailbox.
For more information on how to use Enterprise Vault Search, see the online Help that accompanies it.