Cluster Server 8.0 Implementation Guide for Microsoft SQL Server - Windows

Last Published:
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation (8.0)
Platform: Windows
  1. Section I. Introducing Veritas InfoScale solutions for application high availability
    1. Understanding the InfoScale solutions for application high availability
        About the Veritas InfoScale solutions for monitoring SQL Server
      2. About the VCS agents for SQL Server
          About the VCS agent for SQL Server Database Engine
          About the VCS agent for SQL Server FILESTREAM
          About the VCS GenericService agent for SQL Server Agent service and Analysis service
          About the agent for MSDTC service
          About the monitoring options
      3. How VCS monitors storage components
          Shared storage - if you use NetApp filers
          Shared storage - if you use SFW to manage cluster dynamic disk groups
          Shared storage - if you use Windows LDM to manage shared disks
          Non-shared storage - if you use SFW to manage dynamic disk groups
          Non-shared storage - if you use Windows LDM to manage local disks
          Non-shared storage - if you use VMware storage
      4. How application availability is achieved in a physical environment
          Typical SQL Server cluster configuration using shared storage
          Typical SQL Server disaster recovery cluster configuration
          SQL Server sample dependency graph
          MSDTC sample dependency graph
      5. How is application availability achieved in a VMware virtual environment
          How the VMwareDisks agent communicates with the vCenter Server instead of the ESX/ESXi host
          Typical VCS cluster configuration in a virtual environment
    2. Managing storage and installing the VCS agents
      1. Managing storage using NetApp filer
          Connecting virtual disks to the cluster node
          Disconnecting virtual disks from the cluster nodes
      2. Managing storage using Windows Logical Disk Manager
          Reserving disks (if you use Windows LDM)
          Creating volumes (if you use Windows LDM)
          Mounting volumes (if you use Windows LDM)
          Unassigning a drive letter
          Releasing disks (if you use Windows LDM)
        Managing storage using VMware virtual disks
        About installing the VCS agents
    3. Installing SQL Server
        About installing SQL Server for a high availability (HA) configuration
        Configuring Microsoft iSCSI initiator
        About installing SQL Server on the first system
        About installing SQL Server on additional systems
        Assigning ports for multiple SQL Server instances
        Enabling IPv6 support for the SQL Server Analysis Service
  2. Section II. Configuring SQL Server in a physical environment
    1. Overview
        About configuring SQL Server in physical environment
    2. Configuring the VCS cluster
        Configuring the cluster using the Cluster Configuration Wizard
        Configuring notification
        Configuring Wide-Area Connector process for global clusters
    3. Configuring the SQL Server service group
        About configuring the SQL Server service group
        Before configuring the SQL Server service group
      3. Configuring a SQL Server service group using the wizard
          Configuring detail monitoring for a SQL Server instance
          Assigning privileges to the existing SQL Server databases and logs
        Configuring the service group in a non-shared storage environment
        Running SnapManager for SQL Server
        About the modifications required for tagged VLAN or teamed network
      7. Making SQL Server user-defined databases highly available
          Create volumes or LUNs for SQL Server user-defined databases
          Creating SQL Server databases
          Adding storage agent resources to the SQL service group
      8. Verifying the service group configuration
          Bringing the service group online
          Taking the service group offline
          Switching the service group
      9. Administering a SQL Server service group
          Modifying a SQL service group configuration
          Deleting a SQL service group
    4. Configuring an MSDTC service group
        About configuring the MSDTC service group
        Typical MSDTC service group configuration using shared storage
        Before configuring the MSDTC service group
        Creating an MSDTC service group
        About configuring an MSDTC client
        Configuring an MSDTC client
        Verifying the installation
    5. Configuring the standalone SQL Server
      1. Typical high availability configuration for a standalone SQL Server setup
          Sample configuration
      2. Configuring a standalone SQL Server for high availablility
          Moving the existing SQL Server data files and user databases
    6. Configuring an Active/Active cluster
      1. About running SQL Server in an active-active clustered environment
          Sample configuration
        Setting up the Active/Active cluster
    7. Configuring a disaster recovery setup
      1. Setting up the disaster recovery cluster
          Why implement a disaster recovery solution
          Understanding replication
          What needs to be protected in a SQL Server environment
      2. Configuring a disaster recovery set up for SQL Server
          Configuring replication using NetApp SnapMirror
          Configuring SnapMirror resources at the primary site
      3. Configuring the Global Cluster Option for wide-area failover
          Linking clusters: Adding a remote cluster to a local cluster
          Converting a local service group to a global service group
          Bringing a global service group online
      4. Administering global service groups
          Taking a remote global service group offline
          Switching a remote service group
          Deleting a remote cluster
  3. Section III. Configuring SQL Server in a VMware environment
    1. Configuring application monitoring using the Veritas High Availability solution
        Deploying the Veritas High Availability solution for configuring application monitoring
      2. Notes and recommendations
        1. Assigning privileges for non-administrator ESX/ESXi user account
            Creating a role
            Integrating with Active Directory or local authentication
            Creating a new user
            Adding a user to the role
      3. Configuring application monitoring
          Configuring the VCS cluster
          Configuring the application
        Modifying the ESXDetails attribute
    2. Administering application monitoring
        About the various interfaces available for performing application monitoring tasks
      2. Administering application monitoring using the Veritas High Availability tab
          Understanding the Veritas High Availability tab work area
          To view the status of configured applications
          To configure or unconfigure application monitoring
          To start or stop applications
          To suspend or resume application monitoring
          To switch an application to another system
          To add or remove a failover system
          To clear Fault state
          To resolve a held-up operation
          To determine application state
          To remove all monitoring configurations
          To remove VCS cluster configurations
        Administering application monitoring settings
      4. Administering application availability using Veritas High Availability dashboard
        1. Understanding the dashboard work area
            Aggregate status bar
            ESX cluster/host table
            Filters menu
            Application table
          Monitoring applications across a data center
          Monitoring applications across an ESX cluster
          Searching for application instances by using filters
          Selecting multiple applications for batch operations
          Starting an application using the dashboard
          Stopping an application by using the dashboard
          Entering an application into maintenance mode
          Bringing an application out of maintenance mode
          Switching an application
  4. Section IV. Appendixes
    1. Appendix A. Troubleshooting
        VCS logging
        VCS Cluster Configuration Wizard (VCW) logs
        VCWsilent logs
        NetApp agents error messages
      5. Error and warning messages from VCS agent for SQL Server
          Messages from the VCS agent for SQL Server Database Engine
          Messages from the VCS agent for SQL Server FILESTREAM
          Messages from the VCS agent for SQL Server Agent service and Analysis service
          SQL Server Analysis service (MSOLAP) service fails to come online with "invalid context of address" error
          Messages from the VCS agent for MSDTC
      6. Troubleshooting application monitoring configuration issues
          Running the 'hastop - all' command detaches virtual disks
          Validation may fail when you add a failover system
          Adding a failover system may fail if you configure a cluster with communication links over UDP
      7. Troubleshooting Veritas High Availability view issues
          Veritas High Availability tab not visible from a cluster node
          Veritas High Availability tab does not display the application monitoring status
          Veritas High Availabilitytab may freeze due to special characters in application display name
          Veritas High Availability view may fail to load or refresh
          Operating system commands to unmount resource may fail
    2. Appendix B. Using the virtual MMC viewer
        About using the virtual MMC viewer
        Viewing DTC transaction information

Configuring a SQL Server service group using the wizard

This section describes how to configure a SQL service group using the configuration wizard.

The SQL Server Configuration Wizard is used to configure a service group for only one SQL Server version at a time. To configure a service group for another SQL Server version, you must run the wizard again.

For a shared storage configuration, use the service group configuration wizard to configure the service group.

To create a SQL Server service group on the cluster

  1. Ensure that you have stopped the SQL Server service for the instance and are running the wizard from the first cluster node.


    If the SQL Server service is running when you launch the wizard in the create mode, the wizard fails to reconfigure the service to start under Lanman context.

  2. Start the SQL Server Configuration Wizard from the Solutions Configuration Center or click Start > All Programs > Veritas > Veritas Cluster Server > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Wizard.
  3. Review the prerequisites on the Welcome panel and then click Next.
  4. On the Options panel, select Create service group and then click Next.
  5. On the Service Group Configuration panel, specify the service group name and system list.

    Complete the following:

    • In the Service Group Name field, specify a name for the SQL Server service group, for example, INST1_SG. If there are multiple instances, ensure that the name is unique within the cluster.

    • In the Available Cluster Systems box, select the systems on which to configure the service group and click the right-arrow to move the systems to the Systems in Priority Order list.

    • To change the priority of a system in the Systems in Priority Order list, select the system and click the up and down arrow icons. Arrange the systems in priority order as failover targets for the group. The server that needs to come online first must be at the top of the list.

      For an active/active configuration, ensure that the active and failover systems are set differently for each instance. For example, if the system priority for the first instance is SYSTEM1, then SYSTEM2, the system priority for the second instance should be SYSTEM2, then SYSTEM1.

    • To enable the service group to automatically come online on one of the systems, select the Include selected systems in the service group's AutoStartList attribute checkbox.

      For information about the AutoStartList attribute, see the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide.

    • Click Next.

  6. On the SQL Server Instance Selection panel, select the SQL Server instance and any other services that were installed and that needs to be configured for high availability in your environment. Complete the following steps and then click Next.
    • From the SQL Server version drop-down list, select the SQL Server version for which you wish to configure the service group.

      You can configure a service group for only one SQL Server version in a single wizard workflow. To configure another SQL Server version, you must run the wizard again.

      The wizard displays instances of the selected SQL Server version that satisfy the following criteria:

      • Instances installed identically on all the systems

      • Instances not configured in other SQL service groups

    • Select the SQL Server instances that you wish to configure in the service group.

    • If required, select the other services that you wish to make highly available. These options are available for selection only if the corresponding services are installed.

      Note that you can choose only one instance of the Analysis service per service group. If you have selected an instance of Analysis service, you must uncheck it before you can select another instance of the Analysis service.

      Note that services that are already configured and online in the cluster appear in bold and are not available for selection. You have to offline the service group and run the wizard in the modify mode to edit the service resources.

    • Select SQLFILESTREAM if you wish to configure high availability for FILESTREAM enabled database objects. The wizard configures a resource only if FILESTREAM is enabled for the instance on the current node.

      Note that FILESTREAM option will not appear for selection if it is not enabled on the node.

    • Clear the Configure NetApp SnapMirror Resource(s) check box. This option is applicable only in case of a disaster recovery configuration. The SnapMirror resource is used to monitor replication between filers at the primary and the secondary site, in a disaster recovery configuration. If you are setting up a disaster recovery environment, check this check box to configure the SnapMirror resource at the primary site. Note that you must configure the SnapMirror resource only after you have configured replication between the NetApp filers.

  7. Click Yes on the dialog box that prompts you whether you wish to allow the wizard to reconfigure the database paths for the selected instances using the current cluster node as a reference.
  8. On the User Databases List panel, view the summary of the databases for the selected instance and then click Next.

    In case of multiple instances, select the required instance from the SQL Instance dropdown list. The panel displays the databases and the respective files for which the wizard configures resources. Click a database name to view its database files.

    Databases that appear with a red cross indicate that the wizard does not configure the storage agent resources for those items. These databases either do not reside on shared storage or the wizard is unable to locate them. If you wish to configure resources for these databases, ensure that the database are located on shared storage and then run the wizard again.

  9. On the SQL Server Cluster Account Configuration panel, specify the SQL cluster account details and then click Next.

    The SQL Cluster account must be configured if the SQL Server service and the SQL Server Agent service accounts do not have local administrator privileges on all the SQL Server nodes in the service group.

    Complete the following steps for each SQL Server instance that you wish to configure in the service group:

    • Select a SQL instance from the Instance Name box.

    • Check the Configure SQL Server Cluster Account check box.

    • Click Use service SIDs to set the SQL Server service name as the SQL cluster account.

    • Click Use Domain Group Accountand then click the adjacent ellipsis button to launch the Windows Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box.

      Then specify a domain group and click OK to set the domain group as the SQL cluster account.

      If you specify a domain group as the SQL cluster account, ensure that the SQL Server service and SQL Server Agent service accounts are part of the specified domain group.

    The SQL agent assigns the specified account with Full Control privileges to the SQL Server databases and log files. This ensures that they are accessible upon failover.

  10. On the Detail Monitoring Configuration panel, configure detail monitoring for the SQL Server instances. This step is optional. If you do not want to configure detail monitoring, click Next and proceed to the next step.

    Perform the following steps only if you wish to configure detail monitoring for an instance:

    • Check the check box for a SQL instance, and then click the button from the Detail Monitoring Properties column to specify the detail monitoring settings.

      See Configuring detail monitoring for a SQL Server instance.

    • Repeat these steps for each SQL Server instance that you wish to configure detail monitoring for.

    Clear the check box to disable detail monitoring for the instance.

    Click Next.

  11. On the Registry Replication Path panel, specify the mount path to the registry replication volume (INST1_REGREP_VOL) and click Next.

    Veritas recommends that RegRep resources and SQL data be in separate volumes.

  12. On the Virtual Server Configuration panel, configure the virtual server as follows:
    • Select IPv4 to configure an IPv4 address for the virtual server.

      • In the Virtual IP Address field, type a unique virtual IPv4 address that is currently not being used on your network, but is in the same subnet as the current node.

      • In the Subnet Mask field, type the subnet to which the virtual IPv4 address belongs.

    • Select IPv6 to configure an IPv6 address for the virtual server. The IPv6 option is disabled if the network does not support IPv6.

      • Select the network from the drop-down list. The wizard uses the network prefix and automatically generates an IPv6 address that is valid and unique on the network.

    • Enter the virtual name for the server, for example INST1-VS. Ensure that the virtual server name you enter is unique in the cluster.

    • For each system in the cluster, select the public network adapter name.

      The Adapter Display Name field displays the TCP/IP enabled adapters on a system, including the private network adapters, if they are TCP/IP enabled. Make sure that you select the adapters to be assigned to the public network, and not those assigned to the private network.

    • If you require a computer object to be created in the Active Directory, click Advanced Settings, check the Active Directory Update required check box, specify the desired Organizational Unit (OU) in the domain and then click OK.

      This sets the Lanman resource attributes ADUpdateRequired and ADCriticalForOnline to true. It allows the Lanman agent to update the Active Directory with the virtual server name.

      You can type the OU details in the format CN=Computers,DC=domainname,DC=com. To search for an OU, click on the ellipsis button and specify the search criteria in the Windows Find Organization Unit dialog box.

      By default, the Lanman resource adds the virtual server to the default container "Computers." The user account for VCS Helper service must have adequate privileges on the specified container to create and update computer accounts.

    • Click Next.


    If you have a tagged VLAN network configuration having multiple logical network interfaces or a teamed network interface that have the same MAC address, then you must edit the "MACAddress" attribute of the NIC agent and the IP agent, after you configure the application service group.

    See About the modifications required for tagged VLAN or teamed network.

  13. On the Initiator Selection panel, select the initiator for the virtual disk from the list of available initiators displayed for each cluster node, and then click Next.

    If you are configuring MPIO over FC, you must select at least 2 FC initiators for each cluster node. Note that the node from which you run this wizard already has an initiator selected by default. This is the initiator that was specified when you connected the LUNs to this cluster node.

  14. On the Service Group Summary panel, review the service group configuration and then click Next. The Resources box lists the configured resources. The wizard assigns unique names to resources based on their respective name rules. Click a resource to view its attributes and their configured values in the Attributes box. Optionally, if desired, change the names of the resources.

    To edit a resource name, click the resource name or press the F2 key. Press Enter after editing each resource name.

    To cancel editing a resource name, press Esc.

  15. Click Yes when prompted to confirm creating the service group. Messages indicate the status of the commands.
  16. Select the Bring the service group online check box, if you want to bring the service group online.

    You may want to review the service group configuration in the Cluster Manager (Java Console) before bringing the service group online. You can use the Cluster Manager to bring the service group online later.

    You must bring the SQL service group online on the node from where you ran the configuration wizard. This is the first cluster node where you installed SQL Server. This allows the wizard to configure the resources required for SQL Server services.

    The wizard marks all the resources in the service group as CRITICAL. If desired, use Cluster Manager (Java Console) or the command line to change the state.

    If you have created a new SQL Server database, you must modify the SQL Server service group to add the required storage agent resources to the service group. Run the service group configuration wizard to modify the service group.

    Click Finish to exit the wizard or click Next to configure another SQL service group or an MSDTC service group.

    The wizard marks all the resources in the service group as CRITICAL. If desired, use Cluster Manager (Java Console) or the command line to change the state.

    You can also configure an MSDTC service group.