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Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Registry Values
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.2)
- About this guide
- Admin Service
- Administration Console
- Agents
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- Clustering
- Code Page Detection
- Directory Service
- Enterprise Vault
- EVcloudExporter
- Event filtering
- External filtering
- File System Archiving
- Indexing
- Installation
- Outlook Add-In
- Location of Outlook Add-In registry values
- Selective Journaling
- Storage Service
Location |
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Wow6432Node \KVS \Enterprise Vault \Storage |
Content | DWORD 0 - NSF migrations are blocked 1 - NSF migrations are allowed |
Description | Controls whether NSF migrations are allowed. EnableNSFMigrations is useful when you want to prevent data being written to archives, such as when performing backups. Note: The use of EnableNSFMigrations is deprecated from Enterprise Vault version 8.0. The storage service logs an event at start-up if it finds that EnableNSFMigrations is set to 0. Vaults and indexes can now be placed in backup mode using the Enterprise Vault Administration Console or a PowerShell cmdlet. For more information, see the Backup and Recovery guide. |