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Enterprise Vault™ Utilities
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.5)
- About this guide
- ArchivePoints
- Audit Viewer
- Backtrace
- CenteraPing
- Domino Archive Exporter
- Domino Profile Document Tool
- Domino Retention Plan Tool
- DTrace
- EVDominoExchangeMigration Tool
- Running the EVDominoExchangeMigration tool
- EVDuplicateCleaner
- EVEARemovalUtility
- EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
- EVrights
- EVservice
- EVSPShortcutManager
- About EVSVR
- About the EVSVR operation settings
- Using the output from one EVSVR operation as input for another operation
- Viewing the EVSVR output log file
- Running EVSVR in interactive mode
- FSARunNow
- FSAUndelete
- FSAUtility
- NTFS to Centera Migration
- Permissions Browser
- Policy Manager (EVPM)
- Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
- Policy Manager initialization file examples
- About using the Provisioning API to run Policy Manager scripts
- ResetEVClient
- Vault Store Usage Reporter
Deleting source files after migration using NTFS to Centera Migration
NTFSCenteraMigrator does not delete the source files after they have been migrated to Centera. Data in the source folders may be shared with other partitions and you must not delete the data while there are still references to it. You must not delete the source files unless it is safe to do so.
If you have moved all NTFS partitions to Centera then you can delete the source data.
To delete the source files after migration using NTFS to Centera Migration
- In the Administration Console, expand Vault Store Groups.
Expand the vault store that contains the partition you want to delete.
- Right-click the partition and, on the shortcut menu, click Delete. The Administration Console prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the partition.
- Click Yes.
- If the Administration Console lets you delete the partition then you can use Windows Explorer to delete the partition's files.
If the Administration Console does not let you delete the partition then it is not safe to delete the partition's files.