By ticking this box, you are permitting Veritas Storage Ireland Limited and Veritas Technologies LLC (“Veritas”) as controllers of your personal data, to send you marketing communications by email.
You may require us to stop providing these communications at any time by amending your preferences here: or by contacting the Privacy Team using the details given below. Should you make this request, we will retain your personal data to the extent necessary to ensure that your preferences are honoured, on the grounds of our legitimate interests in ensuring that we meet your request and comply with our obligations under data protection law. We will also remove your personal data if at any time we become aware that the contact details that we are using for this purpose are no longer valid. Your personal data will be transferred to systems in the United States and accessed and processed in India, as well as the UK and other countries in the European Union. Veritas uses data transfer agreements on the terms of the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission to ensure these transfers are lawful.
For questions about your privacy, including to obtain copies of the Standard Contractual Clauses, please contact us by email at, or by mail, care of the Legal Team, 350 Brook Drive, Green Park, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 6UH.
Individuals residing in Europe have rights in relation to their personal data, including the right to complain to their local Data Protection Authority. For more details of those rights please see the “Your Rights” section of our online privacy policy at
数据迅速增长,在众多的云、虚拟环境以及日益变化的应用程序平台中变得更加支离破碎。统一数据保护保证 IT 部门在控制成本和风险的同时实现规定服务级别的唯一方式,不管数据位于内部还是云,一概适用。
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Dave High
Dave High 是数据保护支持专家。到目前为止,他已在 Veritas 任职 21 年之久,担任过各种职位,在 NetBackup 正式冠名之前他就在使用这个产品。他曾担任过 10 年的 Veritas 顾问,与客户一起进行 NetBackup 的安装、故障排除和升级。他对数据保护事业投入满腔热情,是 Veritas 产品套件(尤其是 NetBackup)的坚定拥护者。工作之余,他喜欢打一局高尔夫球。不过,即使好球不常在,臭球他也能以平常心对待。