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NetBackup OpsCenter 10.0 Hotfix - VTS22-009 Security Advisory (Etrack 4073151)
Veritas Bug ID: ET 4073151
Version: OpsCenter 10.0
Problem Description: OpsCenter 10.0 VTS22-009 Security Advisory
Fix Included : Security fixes for vulnerabilities associated with announcement VTS22-009.
Install on: OpsCenter Server , OpsCenter View Builder Client
Version 4 ReadMe Notes:
1. This EEB contains all fixes from versions 1, 2, and 3 plus additional fixes in version 4. Note: You do not have to uninstall existing versions of this EEB.
2. For customers who have been previously reporting inconsistencies with Client names in OpsCenter reports, it is strongly recommended to follow these additional
steps in this Tech article.
3.Also please run cleanAmginuousClients83() multiple times if you see any existing duplicate clients after single run.
4. Please ignore message of uninstallation of previous version of this EEB. This EEB contains all fixes till date.
VTS22-009 Advisory Link
Installation Instructions: 1) All OpsCenter services can remain running.
2 ) Install the EEB.
Using OpsCenter Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) installer on Windows:
1) Download the zip and extract the appropriate EEB package into into the C:\tmp directory.
2) Extract the EEB package.
3) As admin user on the OpsCenter server/agent, install the EEB as follows.
OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat [-server | -agent | -jvb ] base-directory
OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -server base_directory_of_server_installation_in_quotes
e.g. OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -server "C:\Program Files\Symantec"
OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -agent base_directory_of_agent_installation_in_quotes
e.g. OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -agent "C:\Program Files\Symantec"
OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -jvb base_directory_of_viewbuilder_installation_in_quotes
e.g. OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -jvb "C:\Program Files\Symantec"
Using OpsCenter Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) installer on Linux:
1) Download the zip and extract appropriate EEB package into into the cd /tmp/OpsCenterEEBInstaller/unix
2) Extract the EEB package.
3) As root on the Opscenter server/agent, install the EEB package binaries as follows.
cd /tmp/OpsCenterEEBInstaller/unix
/bin/sh ./OpsCenterEEBInstaller.sh [-server | -agent] base-directory
/bin/sh ./OpsCenterEEBInstaller.sh -server base_directory_of_server_installation
e.g. /bin/sh ./OpsCenterEEBInstaller.sh -server /opt
/bin/sh ./OpsCenterEEBInstaller.sh -agent base_directory_of_agent_installation
e.g. /bin/sh ./OpsCenterEEBInstaller.sh -agent /opt
To Uninstall EEB on Windows:
1) As admin user on the OpsCenter server/agent, uninstall the EEB as follows.
cd to the folder where the EEB package was extracted.
OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat [-rollbackserver | -rollbackagent | -rollbackviewbuilder] base-directory
OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -rollbackserver base_directory_of_server_installation_in_quotes
e.g. OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -rollbackserver "C:\Program Files\Symantec"
OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -rollbackagent base_directory_of_agent_installation_in_quotes
e.g. OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -rollbackagent "C:\Program Files\Symantec"
OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -rollbackviewbuilder base_directory_of_agent_installation_in_quotes
e.g. OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -rollbackviewbuilder "C:\Program Files\Symantec"
[Note : An EEB pack can only rollback itself]
To Uninstall EEB on Linux:
1) As a root user on the Opscenter server/agent, uninstall the EEB package binaries as follows.
cd /tmp/OpsCenterEEBInstaller/unix
/bin/sh ./OpsCenterEEBInstaller.sh [-rollbackserver | -rollbackagent] base_directory
/bin/sh ./OpsCenterEEBInstaller.sh -rollbackserver base_directory_of_server_installation
e.g: /bin/sh ./OpsCenterEEBInstaller.sh -rollbackserver /opt
/bin/sh ./OpsCenterEEBInstaller.sh -rollbackagent base_directory_of_agent_installation
e.g: /bin/sh ./OpsCenterEEBInstaller.sh -rollbackagent /opt
[Note : An EEB pack can only rollback itself]
Checksums for all files (cksum):
File Checksum Byte count
all/OpsCenter_LinuxR_x86_x86_64_100EEB_ET4073151_4.tar.gz 3184134542 75216111
all/OpsCenter_LinuxS_x86_x86_64_100EEB_ET4073151_4.tar.gz 1882728787 75216109
all/OpsCenter_windows_AMD64_100EEB_ET4073151_4.zip 65798738 75546562
文件名 | 描述 | 版本 | 平台 | 大小 |