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NetBackup 10.2
NetBackup Installation and Upgrade:
- For the best install and upgrade experience, please review the NetBackup upgrade and installation quick reference (with links to resources) first.
Media Server Deduplication Option for Cloud (MSDP-C) Install / Upgrade:
- Manual steps are required to migrate MSDP-C credentials. Failure to complete this migration of the credentials will result in the disk pool being offline. Please refer to https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.100067222 for steps to complete this portion of the upgrade process.
NetBackup 10.2
Veritas NetBackup™ 10.2 delivers the industry’s most advanced, cloud-optimized, scalable data protection solution, with enhancements to cyber resiliency and operational efficiency that strengthen data protection, while reducing cost and resource demands. With the latest release, NetBackup continues to radically simplify data protection, with the benefit of new resiliency and automation features and expanded workload support.
To learn more about NetBackup and what it can do for you, please visit our NetBackup product page - https://www.veritas.com/protection/netbackup.
What's new in NetBackup 10.2
- NBDB conversion from Sybase to PostgreSQL
- Malware scanning for DNAS workloads
- Azure Sentinel integration
- IRE improvements
- External Credential Management System support for MS-SQL workloads
- Air-Gap Renewing Token based Authentication
- DBPaaS Instant Access in data mover container
- NetBackup Snapshot Manager improvements including:
- Replication orchestration in SLP
- Application consistent snapshots in Azure cloud VMs
- Single file restore from Backup of Snapshot
- Restore UI improvements for workloads
- Device Monitor
- Activity Monitor - Restart Daemons
- WebUI table and column sizing - user session
- Storage & MSDP improvements for scale out and on-prem
- S3 Data Ingest to MSDP
- Bucket level storage optimized immutability on GCP for DIY storage
- Cassandra DataStax SSL and LDAP Security Support
- PostgreSQL and MySQL Automated Recovery
- NetBackup for OpenStack - Data Ingest
- VCT with Accelerator for DNAS policy
- VMWare - XFS exclude unused blocks
- NetBackup Self-Service Enhancements:
- VCD plugin 10.4 support
- Backup from snapshot for VMware
- VM restore into a new vApp
- Miscellaneous Fixes and Enhancements
See Release notes for details.
NEW! - NetBackup 9.1 and newer can now connect to Veritas Alta View. Veritas Alta View is a secure management console—delivered as a service—that provides you the ability to easily manage all of your critical data protection and reporting within a single view. You can start using Veritas Alta View today at no cost with NetBackup Enterprise subscriptions. More information: Veritas Alta™ View: Data Protection in the Cloud | Veritas. Request access to Veritas Alta View today: Ready to simplify data protection? Get started with Veritas Alta View today. | Veritas.
Base and upgrade installers
Click Base and upgrade installers to view the files associated with this product version. Check the box next to each file that you wish to download, then click Download. The Download button will appear once you check the first file. After you click Download, you may be prompted to select a Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) account. If you are asked to select a VEMS account, select the account that you wish to be the account of record for your download transaction.
To download files in the Base and upgrade installers section:
- You must have a Veritas account. If you do not have a Veritas account, you can create one by clicking Sign in at the top of the page and then clicking Create one.
- Your Veritas account ID (email address) must be registered as a user of a VEMS account that holds an entitlement for the product with an Entitled Version (displayed in VEMS) that is greater than or equal to this product';s'; version.
- Your Veritas account ID must have either the VEMS Administrator or Download Software privilege.
- You must log in with this Veritas account. To log in, click Sign in.
Note: You may not be entitled to download all files listed as some Veritas product offerings entitle different file sets. For example, some product offerings vary by platform (Windows, Linux, Unix, etc.). In these cases you will only be able to download files for the platforms entitled by your VEMS entitlements.
To view which products and versions you are entitled to download, log into VEMS by clicking Licensing on Support home page. Once logged in, click Entitlements at the top of the page. Locate the entitlements for this product and verify that the Entitled Version for at least one entitlement for the product is greater than or equal to the version of the product you want to download. You will not be able to download the product if the version of the product you want to download is greater than the Entitled Version of all of the entitlements for the product.
The Download Center records all download transactions. After you click Download, you may be prompted to select a Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) account. Select the VEMS account you wish to be the account of record for your download transaction.
Click Updates to view all software updates associated with this version of the product. Click the Update name to view the full details of the update and to download its files. Check the box next to each file that you wish to download, then click Download. The Download button will appear once you check the first file.
To download files in the Updates section:
- You must have a Veritas account. If you do not have a Veritas account, you can create one by clicking Sign in at the top of the page and then clicking Create one.
- You must log in with this Veritas account. To log in, click Sign in.
- Some updates require that you purchased a maintenance contract and that your contract was active at the time the update was release. If so, your Veritas account ID (email address) will need to be a registered user of a Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) account that holds an entitlement for one of the product releases listed in the update's' Applies to the following releases section.
- If you are not a registered user of any VEMS accounts that entitles the download, you will be prompted to enter an Entitlement Code. Enter either a VEMS entitlement ID or appliance serial number. If the Entitlement Code can be matched to a VEMS entitlement that can entitle the download, you will be able to download the update. VEMS entitlement IDs and the appliance serial numbers can be found on on your Veritas Certificate or can be provided by registered VEMS user.
The Download Center records all download transactions. After you click Download, you may be prompted to select a VEMS account. Select the VEMS account you wish to be the account of record for your download transaction.
Getting Help
If you are having any trouble downloading files you think you should be able to download, first contact someone within your company that has administrative access to your VEMS account(s). If you still need assistance, you can chat with us from the Support homepage or contact us.
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生成注册表凭据最多可能需要 30 秒。请稍候…
新的容器注册表凭据详细信息显示在下方。Veritas 建议使用下方的“保存”按钮将这些信息保存到一个文件中。由于此文件中包含敏感信息,因此应将其保存在安全位置,并且只应在必要时分享。
所有与此凭据相关的提取/下载活动均将予以记录,并关联到此凭据和记录帐户。作为此凭据的创建者,您需对与此凭据相关的所有注册表活动负责,并且必须确保根据您与 Veritas 所签协议的条款(包括产品 EULA)使用该凭据。
作为此凭据的创建者,您需对与此凭据相关的所有注册表活动负责,并且必须确保根据您与 Veritas 所签协议的条款(包括产品 EULA)使用该凭据。
新的容器注册表凭据详细信息显示在下方。此凭据只能在 Veritas 内部使用,不应提供给任何第三方。
所有与此凭据相关的提取/下载活动均将予以记录。作为此凭据的创建者,您需对与此凭据相关的所有注册表活动负责,并且必须确保仅将其用于已批准的 Veritas 内部活动。
此凭据只能在 Veritas 内部使用,不应提供给任何第三方。
所有与此凭据相关的提取/下载活动均将予以记录。作为此凭据的创建者,您需对与此凭据相关的所有注册表活动负责,并且必须确保仅将其用于已批准的 Veritas 内部活动。
新的容器注册表凭据详细信息显示在下方。Veritas 建议使用下方的“保存”按钮将这些信息保存到一个文件中。由于此文件中包含敏感信息,因此应将其保存在安全位置,并且只应在必要时分享。
作为此凭据的创建者,您需对与此凭据相关的所有注册表活动负责,并且必须确保根据您与 Veritas 所签协议的条款(包括产品 EULA)使用该凭据。
docker login -u {{username}} -p {{password}} {{registryDomain}}
kubectl create secret generic primary-credential-secret --namespace nb-namespace --from-literal=username={{username}} --from-literal=password={{password}}
新的容器注册表凭据详细信息显示在下方。Veritas 建议使用下方的“保存”按钮将这些信息保存到一个文件中。由于此文件中包含敏感信息,因此应将其保存在安全位置,并且只应在必要时分享。
所有与此凭据相关的提取/下载活动均将予以记录,并关联到此凭据和记录帐户。作为此凭据的创建者,您需对与此凭据相关的所有注册表活动负责,并且必须确保根据您与 Veritas 所签协议的条款(包括产品 EULA)使用该凭据。
作为此凭据的创建者,您需对与此凭据相关的所有注册表活动负责,并且必须确保根据您与 Veritas 所签协议的条款(包括产品 EULA)使用该凭据。
新的容器注册表凭据详细信息显示在下方。此凭据只能在 Veritas 内部使用,不应提供给任何第三方。
所有与此凭据相关的提取/下载活动均将予以记录。作为此凭据的创建者,您需对与此凭据相关的所有注册表活动负责,并且必须确保仅将其用于已批准的 Veritas 内部活动。
此凭据只能在 Veritas 内部使用,不应提供给任何第三方。
所有与此凭据相关的提取/下载活动均将予以记录。作为此凭据的创建者,您需对与此凭据相关的所有注册表活动负责,并且必须确保仅将其用于已批准的 Veritas 内部活动。
新的容器注册表凭据详细信息显示在下方。Veritas 建议使用下方的“保存”按钮将这些信息保存到一个文件中。由于此文件中包含敏感信息,因此应将其保存在安全位置,并且只应在必要时分享。
作为此凭据的创建者,您需对与此凭据相关的所有注册表活动负责,并且必须确保根据您与 Veritas 所签协议的条款(包括产品 EULA)使用该凭据。
请注意,此内容包含由英文机译而来的文本。Veritas 不保证翻译版本的准确性和完整性。若要了解本知识库文章的最新信息,请参考英文版本。
请注意,此内容包含由英文机译而来的文本。Veritas 不保证翻译版本的准确性和完整性。若要了解本知识库文章的最新信息,请参考英文版本。
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请注意,此内容包含由英文机译而来的文本。Veritas 不保证翻译版本的准确性和完整性。若要了解本知识库文章的最新信息,请参考英文版本。