Veritas NetBackup™ 命令参考指南
- 介绍
- 附录 A. NetBackup 命令
nbcomponentupdate — 更新 JRE 版本
nbcomponentupdate -product [NetBackup | OpsCenterServer | OpsCenterAgent | OpsCenterViewBuilder | RemoteJavaConsole] -component value -path component_path | -revert [-logpath path] [-help | -?] [-dryrun | -force] [-version value] [-skipmajorversioncheck]
在 UNIX 系统上,此命令的目录路径为 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/
在 Windows 系统上,此命令的目录路径为 install_path\NetBackup\bin\goodies\
可使用此实用程序升级 Veritas NetBackup 和 OpsCenter 产品中已安装的 JRE 版本。此实用程序不支持 NetBackup Plug-in for VMware vCenter 的 JRE 更新。
NetBackup 安装的 JRE 版本是支持该 NetBackup 版本的主要版本。使用此实用程序可更新到受支持的 JRE 主要版本的次要版本。Veritas 建议您仅在 JRE 供应商声明终止使用已安装的 JRE 版本时,再更新至另一个 JRE 主要版本。
关闭产品(如 NetBackup),然后再尝试更新 JRE。如果尝试更新时产品处于活动状态,该实用程序将退出并显示一条错误消息,要求您关闭该产品。
JRE 正在更新时请勿停止该实用程序。此操作可能会导致使用 JRE 的产品(例如 NetBackup)变得不稳定。
如果系统上安装了用于不同应用程序的其他 JRE 版本,NetBackup JRE 对它们没有影响。NetBackup JRE 既不与 Web 浏览器集成,也不允许 Java 小程序或 Web Start 运行。因此,在利用 Java 小程序或 Web Start 漏洞等基于浏览器的攻击中,不能使用 NetBackup JRE。
我们提供了有关 nbcomponentupdate 命令的更多信息。
如果您使用 OpsCenter 或 NetBackup 远程管理控制台,则此命令的位置如下:
OpsCenter 服务器
OpsCenter 代理
OpsCenter View Builder
NetBackup 远程管理控制台
- -component value
更新指定的组件。此选项的唯一有效值为 JRE。
- -dryrun
- -force
跳过交互模式。如果您使用 -force 且 -product 为 RemoteJavaConsole,则必须使用-version 选项。
- -help | -?
- -logpath path
指定日志文件的位置。默认情况下,会在系统临时文件夹中生成日志。在 Windows 计算机上,可以将 path 指定为
。请注意,此选项的行为取决于所指定的内容。如果您指定的路径是文件夹或驱动器,则会在指定的位置中生成日志文件。如果将 -logpath 指定为
。如果已为 -logpath 指定了文件名,但文件在该位置中不存在,则会生成具有指定名称的新文件。如果指定了
文件中生成日志。如果在日志路径中指定了文件名且该位置中存在文件,则日志将附加到该文件。如果将 -logpath 指定为
请勿为日志路径指定网络路径,如 NFS 或 CIFS。
- -path component_path
指定用于升级的 JRE 新版本所在的路径。component_path 为已安装的 JRE 的位置或已提取的 JRE 文件夹。
- -product [NetBackup | OpsCenterServer | OpsCenterAgent | OpsCenterViewBuilder | RemoteJavaConsole]
更新指定产品的 JRE 版本。此选项不分大小写。如果所选产品是 NetBackup 远程管理控制台,则该命令会列出所有已安装的远程管理控制台版本。然后,系统会提示您选择需要更新的受支持的远程管理控制台版本。
- -revert
将当前安装的 JRE 更新还原到先前安装的 JRE 版本。
- -skipmajorversioncheck
允许实用程序将 JRE 更新到任何更高的主要版本或次要版本。
- -version value
需要升级或还原的远程 Java 控制台的版本。仅当为 -product 选项指定了 RemoteJavaConsole 时,此选项才可用。之所以存在此限制,是因为只在远程 Java 控制台中保留了您可以升级或还原的多个版本。
如果不指定此选项,该实用程序会列出所有已安装的远程 Java 控制台版本。然后,实用程序会提示您选择受支持的控制台版本以进行升级或还原。如果使用 -force 选项,则必须指定 -version 选项。
示例 1:OpsCenter 升级的试运行
C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\bin>nbcomponentupdate -product OpsCenterServer -component jre -path f:\JRE_Download\jre1.8.0_66 -logpath %temp%\nbcomponentupdate.log -dryrun Command line: C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\bin\nbcomponentupdate.exe -product OpsCenterServer -component jre -path f:\JRE_Download\jre1.8.0_66 -logpath C:\Users\ADMINI~1 \AppData\Local\Temp\2\nbcomponentupdate.log -dryrun Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) version installed with product 'Veritas OpsCenter Server' : 1.8.0_31 (64bit) Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) version found at path 'f:\JRE_Download\jre1.8.0_66' : 1.8.0_66 (64bit) This utility will update the Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) binaries present at 'C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\jre' path This utility may start and stop all (or some) services depending upon the present state of services. Upgrade operation is permitted. Please re-run this command without 'dryrun' option.
示例 2:NetBackup 的交互式更新
$ /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/nbcomponentupdate -product NetBackup -component jre -path /downloadedJre/jre1.8.0_91/ Command line: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/nbcomponentupdate -product NetBackup -component jre -path /downloadedJre/jre1.8.0_91/ Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) version installed with product 'Veritas NetBackup' : 1.8.0_31 (64bit) Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) version found at path '/downloadedJre/jre1.8.0_91' : 1.8.0_91 (64bit) This utility will update the Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) binaries present at '/usr/openv/ java/jre' path This utility may start and stop all (or some) services depending upon the present state of services. Do you want to continue (Y[es]/N[o]): Yes Performing upgrade steps ... [1/4] Pre-installation step is in progress [1/4] Pre-installation step is completed successfully [2/4] Installation step is in progress [2/4] Installation step is completed successfully [3/4] Post-installation step is in progress [3/4] Post-installation step is completed successfully [4/4] Commit and Cleanup step is in progress [4/4] Commit and Cleanup step is completed successfully After upgrading, Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) version installed with product 'Veritas NetBackup' : 1.8.0_91 (64bit) Successfully upgraded Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) for Veritas NetBackup. The log file generated for this operation is /tmp/logs/nbcomponentupdate/ nbcomponentupdate_12-08-2016_16.15.13.log
示例 3:NetBackup 的非交互式还原
# ./nbcomponentupdate -product NetBackup -component jre -revert -force Command line: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/nbcomponentupdate -product NetBackup -component jre -revert -force Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) version installed with product 'Veritas NetBackup' : 1.8.0_91 (64bit) After revert, Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) version with product 'Veritas NetBackup' : 1.8.0_31 (64bit) This utility will update the Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) binaries present at '/usr/openv/ java/jre' path This utility may start and stop all (or some) services depending upon the present state of services. Performing revert steps ... [1/4] Pre-installation step is in progress [1/4] Pre-installation step is completed successfully [2/4] Installation step is in progress [2/4] Installation step is completed successfully [3/4] Post-installation step is in progress [3/4] Post-installation step is completed successfully [4/4] Commit and Cleanup step is in progress [4/4] Commit and Cleanup step is completed successfully After reverting, Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) version installed with product 'Veritas NetBackup' : 1.8.0_31 (64bit) Successfully reverted Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) for Veritas NetBackup. The log file generated for this operation is /tmp/logs/nbcomponentupdate/ nbcomponentupdate_22-08-2016_13.07.42.log
示例 4:远程 Java 控制台的交互式还原
D:\sandbox>nbcomponentupdate.exe -product remotejavaconsole -component jre -revert -logpath D:\LogFolder Command line: D:\sandbox\nbcomponentupdate.exe -product remotejavaconsole -component jre -revert -logpath D:\LogFolder Following NetBackup Remote Java Console instances found on the host are supported by the utility: 1> NetBackup - Java (NB-Java) 7.7 JRE : 1.8.0_31 (64bit) 2> NetBackup - Java (NB-Java) 7.7.1 JRE : 1.8.0_31 (64bit) 3> NetBackup - Java (NB-Java) 7.7.2 JRE : 1.8.0_77 (64bit) ** NOTE ** Unsupported versions of Veritas NetBackup Remote Java Console found on the host: NetBackup - Java (NB-Java) 7.6, NetBackup - Java (NB-Java) 7.5 Please enter choice [(1 - 3) or Q(uit) to exit]: 3 After revert, Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) version with product 'Veritas NetBackup Remote Java Console' : 1.8.0_31 (64bit) This utility will update the Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) binaries present at 'D:\RJC772\ Java\jre' path Do you want to continue (Y[es]/N[o]): y Performing revert steps ... [1/4] Pre-installation step is in progress [1/4] Pre-installation step is completed successfully [2/4] Installation step is in progress [2/4] Installation step is completed successfully [3/4] Post-installation step is in progress [3/4] Post-installation step is completed successfully [4/4] Commit and Cleanup step is in progress [4/4] Commit and Cleanup step is completed successfully After reverting, Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) version installed with product 'Veritas NetBackup Remote Java Console' : 1.8.0_31 (64bit) Successfully reverted Java Runtime Envrionment(JRE) for Veritas NetBackup Remote Java Console. The log file generated for this operation is D:\LogFolder\ nbcomponentupdate_22-08-2016_16.22.13.log