How To Create a SharePoint Groups and Teams Connector in the Alta SaaS Protection (ASP) Administration Portal

文章: 100050382
上次发布时间: 2023-09-19
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产品: Veritas Alta SaaS Protection


This article will discuss how to create a SharePoint Groups and Teams connector in the ASP Admin Portal.  



1. Log into the Admin portal using an account that has the correct permissions

2. Once logged in, go to Administration > Connectors > New Connector

3. Choose Teams and click Next.  

4. The next box will appear. Choose the Teams Site Collections button.  If both are required to be backed up, two connectors will need to be created.   For steps to create a Teams Chat connector, refer to article:

How To Create a Teams Chat Connector in the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Administration Portal



5. Complete the following section:

Connector Name: This should reflect the type of data that will be ingested. This name is found throughout many areas within the admin portal. For this example, use SP Groups and Teams.

Stor: It is very important to choose the correct Stor.  Each Stor will be named according to the type of data that will be stored within the tenant.  For this example, the Stor should contain 'SharePoint' in the name. 

Machine: Choose the server where this connector will be running on.  

Thread Count: The default of 10 is usually recommended but can be adjusted according to the load. Contact support for further recommendations. 

Email Notifications: This option will allow a customer to enter an email address(es) where a summary email can be sent when a connector has completed the crawl.  

Click next when all options have been configured. 

5. The default is to ingest All Groups and Teams Site Collections that it finds within SharePoint.  If this is not desired (perhaps testing purposes), select the Specific site collections option.  This allows for entering the specific site collection URL's. 

Enter the Admin site URL

Continuous Data Protection: This is optional.  For more information on this topic, refer to the following article:  How To Configure Continuous Data Protection

No site collection scope (All site collections): This is the default setting in which most cases is sufficient

Rolling site collection scope: This is used when there will be multiple connectors that split the load.  Contact support for more information regarding this.  

6. Click the Add credentials button and enter the Client ID and Client secret. Then re-enter those same credentials under the PowerShell authentication section. These credentials were created as part of the pre-requisites mentioned at the beginning of this article.

7.  The next section allows for scheduling the connector crawls.  Simply click the Add task button and apply the settings as needed then click next.  Note: This is optional.  If no schedule is added, the connector will not run unless done manually. 

8. This setting is optional. Configured as needed. 

9. Review the summary section and click Save to complete the process. 

