Steps to download the Backup Exec Licenses, Installation Files, Updates, Feature Pack, Service Pack, Hotfix and Patches within VEMS

文章: 100044376
上次发布时间: 2022-10-11
评级: 7 12
产品: Desktop Laptop Option, System Recovery, Backup Exec

This article provides details on how to locate and download the Licenses, Installation Files, Updates, Feature Pack, Service Pack, Hotfix and Patches for Backup Exec from the Veritas Entitlement and Management System (VEMS) website.

A more detailed guide (including PDF Documentation) is available in the VEMS Guide 

Portal users that cannot see the expected information within specific sections of the portal or those that are having difficulty accessing the portal should review the more detailed information within the VEMS Guide and may have to contact our Customer Care team to resolve their issue, as members of Technical Support are unable to directly assist with portal issues.

Note: In order to make some screens clearer in this article most images are cropped to remove unimportant detail from near the edges.


1.  Locate your Backup Exec entitlements in your Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) account

a) Enter into your web browser and click the ‘User’ icon to log into your Veritas Account.


b) Enter your Veritas Account credentials and click ‘Submit’. If you don’t already have a Veritas Account, then click ‘Create Account’ to register.


c) This will result in being logged into your Veritas Account. Click the ‘Licensing’ icon to enter VEMS.

d) Select the Entitlements tab


e) Within the Entitlements section, apply any appropriate filters and/or scroll down to locate the available entitlements for the required version of Backup Exec. Depending on the licensing edition purchased, multiple entitlements may exist that cover the Backup Exec Server(s) and all the separate agents and options for the specific Backup Exec version.

For more information related to step by step instructions for installing license keys review - Step By Step guide to install and review Backup Exec licenses



2.  Generate the License Key(s) within the Entitlements Section

   (Licenses will NOT be visible in the License Keys section of VEMS if these steps have NOT been performed)

a) To generate a Backup Exec License Key, click ‘Generate License’ in the Actions column against the entitlement (hover the mouse pointer over the buttons to identify the correct button). Note: In environments with smaller screen resolutions, the Actions column may be off the right side of the screen, and require a scroll to the right to locate the action buttons. Additionally (depending on resolution and number of entitlements) the left-right scroll-bar may be off the bottom edge of the visible screen, and require scrolling down to use.

b) On the Generate License Key page.

  - Select (click once on) the row for the correct product version (usually the latest) in the table

  - Specify the quantity being used from the entitled amount.

  - Optionally enter any comments to store a reminder about the usage of the license

  - Click the generate button (which on smaller screen resolutions may be off the bottom of the page)

c) The Generated License Key page will be displayed with the details for the new License Key. Click ‘Save License’ in the Actions column to save the License Key to the local file system. Click ‘Email License’ to receive the License Key via email.

d) Repeat the steps until all the required Backup Exec license keys have been generated and Saved (or emailed)

Note: Generated license keys are available in the Licenses Keys tab of VEMS. Please review the VEMS Guide for details of abilities available in the License Keys section of VEMS.

For more information related to step by step instructions for installing license keys review - Step By Step guide to install and review Backup Exec licenses



3. Download the Backup Exec Installation Media/Files, Updates, Feature Pack, Service Pack, Hotfix and Patches

a) Select the Downloads Tab in VEMS


Select the Downloads in Veritas Support Page

This will redirect you to Veritas Download Center

b) Select Product --> Backup Exec. Select Version --> 22

c) Select Explore


d) Select Product to Download.  Note:  Base and Upgrade installers contains FULL installation or upgrade media.

e) Select and click Download.


For Backup Exec there may be file choices that include a smaller executable patch file and a larger ZIP file (containing the complete ISO for the product installer). If planning to upgrade an older (major) version or performing a new installation, then the complete ISO is required, if intending to patch an existing installation running the same major version then the patch file will be required.


Veritas now offers Professional Service for Backup Exec™ — the Backup Exec Installation, Migration and Upgrade Service — this service will help you implement the latest version of Backup Exec.

The service includes the following three options:

Option 1: An installation of the current version of Backup Exec or a previous version if required.
Option 2: An upgrade of the Backup Exec Server to the latest version of Backup Exec
Option 3: A migration of the data from an existing Backup Exec server to a new Backup Exec server

To purchase the service, contact your local software reseller or Veritas account representative today. Click here for more details.

You may also reach out to Authorized Veritas Distribution Partner using following link:


Step By Step guide to install and review Backup Exec licenses

Step by Step Upgrade of Backup Exec

Updated Downloads Center makes finding your Veritas Product Downloads even easier!

Eligibility Rules for the NEW Veritas Downloads Center

How to get updates for Backup Exec - Feature Pack, Service Pack, Hotfix, Patches and Device Drivers


UMI Code: V-379-34581
