V-79-57344-33967 : How to troubleshoot backup jobs that fail with the error message " Final error: 0xe00084af - The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed "

文章: 100021291
上次发布时间: 2023-10-24
评级: 1 2
产品: Backup Exec


How to troubleshoot backup jobs that fail with the error message " Final error: 0xe00084af - The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed "

Error Message

Final error: 0xe00084af - The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed

Final Error category: Job Errors

UMI code : V-79-57344-33967

Error code : e0008488,Access is denied


Backup jobs fail with the error message shown above.  However, the job logs may or may not indicate which directory cannot be found or accessed. This error can occur because of one of the reasons mentioned below:
1. The resource selected for backup does not still exist in the environment.
2. Changes made in Active directory or workgroup with regards to the User name or password used by Backup Exec (Service Account or Logon Account).
3. TCP Port 10000 for Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) that Backup Exec uses is being shared or block by another application on the remote machine.
4.  Another backup software is running during the Backup Exec backups and has control of the files Backup Exec is trying to access
5. There is not sufficient free space in disk to save the snapshot.


To resolve the issue, perform either of the following solutions:
Scenario 1:
Verify that the resource to be backed up still exists in the environment. If the resource does not exist, modify the backup job selection list and remove the entry for the  resource per the following steps:
1. From the Job Setup tab, right-click on the concerned backup job. Select Properties
2. Select the Selections option.
3. Click on " View Selection Details".
4. Locate and delete the entry referring to the resource.

Scenario 2:
Logon to the media server as the logon account associated with each job and confirm the correct password has been entered.  If the account password is changed in Active Directory or workgroup, then the change needs to be reflected in the Backup Exec console at Network, Logon Accounts.  Refer to the Related Documents Section below for further details on changing logon account passwords (Figure 1).
Figure 1:

Scenario 3:
Change the NDMP port to something other than 10000 which is the default port on all servers that are being backed up by Backup Exec.  For more information on this, review the following document:
- How to change the default port used by the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers (RAWS)
Note:  If the steps above do not resolve the issue, review the articles in the Related Documents Section below for further troubleshooting information.
Scenario 4:
Re-schedule Backup Exec backups to run before or after other software backups or anti-virus scans
Scenario 5:

If the actual data is available on the backup resource (Check for the selected data in Windows explorer) then the issue could be with the shadow copies have been created and not sent to Backup Exec.

Ensure to enable the Advanced Open File Option (AOFO) from the backup job properties under "Settings" and "Advanced Open File".  Check "Use Advanced Open File Option".

(If AOFO is already enabled, this scenario can be confirmed by executing the job and monitoring the job status. The job will start and will display the following status in sequence :
Start the Job - Check the job status: Running, Queued, Snapshot Processing, Running and finally Fails with error 0xe00084af - Directory not found)

Scenario 6:

Check the security permission of the directory which is not accessible.
Create a New Folder and copy all the content from the old folder to the new one. And delete the old directory.

Scenario 7:

If the backup job fails with the error message ''Final error: 0xe00084af - The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed.'' on a server with multiple nested copies of Application Data folder

1.Open the backup job properties.

2.Select 'Advanced' from the left pane under 'settings'

3.Uncheck the below options (Figure 2)

  • Backup files and directories by following junction points.

  • Backup files and directories by following symbolic links.

Figure 2:


Scenario 8:

An error is recorded in the Windows event viewer:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Backup Exec
Event Category: None
Event ID: 57481
Date:  7/13/2010
Time:  7:47:30 PM
User:  N/A
Computer: Test123
An unusual error (1392) was encountered while enumerating the contents of the directory:D:\PDFWE\Data\PEM_Vault\9. It is possible that files or subdirectories have not been backed up. Please examine your job log or catalogs to ensure this directory tree was backed up in its entirety.

To fix such an error, ensure that the listed resource is available and online from the media server via Windows explorer. Then perform a chkdsk and defragmentation on the drive where the file or folder resides.

Scenario 9:

Review the Microsoft Windows Event Viewer System Event logs on the server being backed up. Confirm the System Event log displays the following event during the time of the backup:

Event ID 55: "The file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Please run the chkdsk utility on the volume <drive letter>"

This could happen if the file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Kindly try the following steps:

1.  Go to the command prompt and run CHKDSK /r /f to verify the integrity of the disk and fix any file system errors. Note: (This will require the server to be rebooted, so make sure there is scheduled maintenance for downtime)

2.  Defragment the volume where the data in question resides
3.  If the issue still exists after running CHKDSK /r /f completes successfully and defragmenting the volume where the data resides, then refer to the failed job log to see which directories are having the issue and copy and paste the data in question to a different location. 
4.  Edit the backup job to point to the new location and if the results are successful, then try renaming or deleting the original location and copy and paste the data back to a newly created directory with the same path as the original location.

Scenario 10:

Increase the space in disk




Etrack : 0xe00084af UMI : V-79-57344-33967 JIRA : e0008488
