Troubleshooting Tape Device Detection Backup Exec for Windows NDMP Option (NetApp)

文章: 100018219
上次发布时间: 2018-05-17
评级: 0 2
产品: Backup Exec


Troubleshooting Tape Device Detection Backup Exec for Windows NDMP Option (NetApp)


1) Confirm the Tape device is supported by Backup Exec for Windows under NDMP section in the Backup Exec Hardware compatibility list.
Backup Exec Master Compatibility List

2) Install the latest Backup Exec updates which include Tape Device Driver and Robotic Library drivers.

How to get updates for Backup Exec - Service Pack, Hotfix, Patches and Device Drivers

3) Install NDMP Option license on the  Backup Exec for Windows Media Server

4) NetApp Filer should be running OnTap 7.0.3 or greater. The OnTap Version can be checked by entering the following command (accessed using telnet or the web interface or local login):

NetApp Release 7.2.3: Wed Apr 2 10:45:00 EST 2008

5) In order for Backup Exec to back up NDMP resources, the NDMP service must be running on the NDMP device. The NDMP Service can be started by entering the following command on the NDMP device

NETAPPFILER>ndmpd status
ndmpd ON.
No ndmpd session Active

Note: Make sure NDMP Version on the Remote Filer is set to "Level -4". If the level is below "4" then backup is not possible. To check the NDMP Version, type following command on the Filer :

NETAPPFILER>ndmpd version
ndmpd highest version set to :4

To set the NDMP level to "4" type the following command on the Filer:

NETAPPFILER>ndmpd version 4
ndmpd version set to: 4

6) The NDMP device must be configured to use the challenge (MD5) method for authentication by using the following command:
NETAPPFILER>ndmpd.authtype challenge
NETAPPFILER>options ndmpd.authtype challenge

To authenticate with the NDMP server you should use the root password or non-root user with system generated NDMP-specific password. To configure these and other settings, refer to your NAS documentation.

7) Add and backup the NetApp Filer using the following article:
How to perform a backup of NDMP Filers (NAS) with the Veritas Backup Exec Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) Option.
8) If the tape device is not detected by Backup Exec confirm the tape drive and library are detected properly on the NetApp filer.

The following commands can be used for diagnostic troubleshooting:

storage show tape supported - Displays a list of tape drives supported by the NetApp Filer.  If the tape drive is not listed download the latest tape configuration file (.tcf) from NetApp or contact NetApp technical support.  

storage show tape     Information about all tape devices are shown.
storage show mc       Information about all media changer devices is shown.

sysconfig -v              Display NetApp filers configuration. Display detailed information about each I/O device.  
sysconfig -t               Display device and configuration information for each tape drive
sysconfig -m             Displays tape library information.

ndmpd probe             Displays detailed information about a specific NDMP session when used as "ndmpd probe XX". Using the probe option without specifying a session parameter displays NDMP information for all active sessions.
ndmpd status            Displays the current state of each NDMP session. Sessions are numbered 0 to 99.
ndmpd kill                 Terminates the specified session when used as "ndmpd kill XX".

9) The only debugging options are turning on Backup Exec live debugger SGMon's Device and Media option with Verbose Logging and debugging NetApp ndmpd.

Set the NetApp filers ndmpd debug level to 70:

For OnTap 7.x - 8.0 use the command below:

NETAPPFILER>ndmpd debug n

n specifies debug level from 0 - 70; default value is 0

Level 0 : Turns off debugging
Level 10 : Displays NDMP connection info
Level 30 : Level 10 + displays actual NDMP messages and NDMP errors
Level 50 : Level 30 + displays environment variables and NDMP exceptions
Level 70 : Level 50 + displays SCSI Command descriptor blocks (CDBs)

NDMP session debug log files are stored in the "/etc/log" directory. The file name is in ndmplog.yyyymmdd format

For OnTap 8.1 and later use the command below:

NETAPPFILER>options ndmpd.debug.enable on
NETAPPFILER>options ndmpd.debug.filter n

n specifies the NDMPD modules for debug logging that is enabled. It can take five values : all, none, normal, backend and filter.

all : turns on debug logging for all modules.
none : disables debug logging for all modules. It is equivalent to ndmpd.debug.enable option being set to off.
normal : is a shortcut option that enables debug logging for all modules except verbose and io_loop.
backend : is a shortcut option that enables debug logging for all modules except verbose, io_loop, ndmps and ndmpd.
filter : is a combination of one or more modules for which debug logs needs to be enabled.

NDMP session debug log files are stored in the /etc/log/mlog/ndmpd.log

Using SGMON check the box to capture "Device and Media" service and "Capture to file".  To enabled verbose logging of the Device and Media service in SGMON goto Tools- Settings - Debug Settings Device and Media and check the box "Enable Verbose Logging"

Restart the Backup Exec Device and Media Service to debug Tape Device detection issues.

