How to read a Linux Operating System core file

Artigo: 100029501
Data da última publicação: 2021-06-28
Classificações: 1 2
Produtos: Backup Exec


How to read a Linux Operating System core file


When attempting to read a core file make sure it is on the same Operating System that it was originally created on.
Copy the core file to this location if it is not already there :


file core.#### > filecoreoutput.txt

This will show the process that caused the core file creation.

Here is an example of the command:
core.3975: setgid sticky ELF 64-bit LSB core file AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), SVR4-style, from 'beremote'

If the output of the file core.#### command does not end in from 'beremote' that core file was not caused by the Backup Exec RALUS Agent but by the process specified.

Make sure that beremote is not running. ( ps -ef | grep beremote)

Then run this command:

gdb ./beremote core.#### 2>&1 | tee /opt/VRTSralus/bin/gdb.txt

(gdb) bt
(gdb) quit

Send in the gdb.txt and filecoreoutput.txt file for review by support.

Here is a list of frequently required GDB commands:
break [ file :] function
Set a breakpoint at function (in file).

run [ arglist]
Start your program (with arglist, if specified).
Backtrace: display the program stack.

print expr
Display the value of an expression.

Continue running your program (after stopping, e.g. at a breakpoint).

Execute next program line (after stopping); step over any function calls in the line.

edit [ file :] function
look at the program line where it is presently stopped.

list [ file :] function
type the text of the program in the vicinity of where it is presently stopped.

Execute next program line (after stopping); step into any function calls in the line.

help [ name]
Show information about GDB command name, or general information about using GDB.

Exit from GDB.



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