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How to reinstall Backup Exec on the same server while saving settings, jobs definitions and current catalog information
Artigo: 100019028
Data da última publicação: 2017-12-05
Classificações: 0 0
Produtos: Backup Exec
The information in this article applies to the following scenarios:
- How to reinstall Backup Exec on the same server while saving settings, job definitions and catalog information.
Do not follow this procedure if any of the following are true :
- If upgrading from one version/revision (build) of Backup Exec to another.
- If planning to move Backup Exec to a different server.
- If the deduplication option is installed
The main components of Backup Exec configuration exist in 3 Files / Folders :
Data folder (
Location <Root>:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\ )
2. Catalogs (
Location <Root>:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\ )
Backup Exec SLF - License key file (
Locations and information on how to read, see 100031946 )
Steps :
1. Use
servicesmgr.exe to stop all the Backup Exec services (
Location <root>:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\).
2. Stop the
'SQL Server (BKUPEXEC64)' Service from the Windows services console. (
Start - Run - Services.msc )
3. Open the root directory where Backup Exec is installed (
Default location is C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec) , and
Copy the
Data and
Catalogs folder to a temporary location.
4. License keys can be retained by copying the "
.slf " files from C:\ProgramData\Veritas Shared\Licenses\Backup Exec\## to a safe location.
Note: ## represents the current version of Backup Exec. Also, there may be more than one .slf file depending on the type of entitlement.
Uninstall Backup Exec from
Add / Remove programs (
Programs and Features for Windows 2008/Vista/7 )
and reboot.(
Refer to the article in Related Documents section for information on how to uninstall Backup Exec.)
Install Backup Exec (
To add License Keys, select 'import' or re-type them using the retained copy of the " *.slf " file(s) previously saved during Step 4 ).
7. Use
servicesmgr.exe to
stop all the
Backup Exec services.
8. Stop the
'SQL Server (BKUPEXEC64)' Service from the Windows services console.
9. Navigate to '
<root>:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\' and replace the
Data and
Catalogs folder with the ones that were previously saved.
10. Start the
SQL Server (BKUPEXEC64) service, then use
servicesmgr.exe to start all
Backup Exec services.