Backup Exec cannot run a full backup of databases on a secondary node in a SQL availability group

記事: 100012592
最終公開日: 2018-05-22
評価: 0 2
製品: Backup Exec


Backup Exec cannot run a full backup of databases on a secondary node in a SQL availability group.

Error Message

The database is in a Microsoft Availability Group. This server is not currently the primary node for that group. Full backups are not supported on non-primary Availability group servers.



 Backup Exec does not support the backup and restore of databases on a secondary node in a SQL Availability Group.


Backup Exec cannot run a full backup of databases on a secondary node in a SQL availability group. However, databases can be backed up and restored on the primary nodes in a SQL availability group. Full copy backups of the databases on the secondary nodes in a SQL Availability Group can also be run.

Back up and restore databases or instances that are on the primary node in a SQL availability group. Note the following about this limited support:

  • Full backups and restores of databases on the primary node can be performed.
  • Log backups and restores of a database on the primary node can be run.
  • Use the SQL Availability Groups tool to manually move a database back to an availability group after a restore.

Run full copy backups of databases or instances on a secondary node in SQL availability group. Note the following about this limited support:

  • Run full copy backups and restores of databases on the secondary node.
  • Log backups and restores of a database on a secondary node cannot be run.
  • Use the SQL Availability Groups tool to manually move a database back to an availability group after a restore and then synchronize with the primary node.

Note:- SQL Availability groups are not supported till Backup Exec 20.x , with Backup Exec version 21.1 onwards SQL Availability Groups are supported.


Etrack : 3491414

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