How to configure the backup job to pick the most free space disk storage from a Storage Pool

記事: 100045714
最終公開日: 2019-09-12
評価: 0 0
製品: Backup Exec


When multiple disk storage is available and configured in a Storage Pool . Backup Job can be configured to pick up the disk storage  which has the most free space by the below BEMCLI (Backup Exec Management Command Line Interface) command.

  1. On the Backup Exec media server run BEMCLI.  Start > All Programs > Veritas Backup Exec > Backup Exec Management Command Line Interface
  1. Enter the following command:

get-bestoragedevicepool -name "storagepool name" | set-bestoragedevicepool -selectionmethod "mostfreespacefirst"


If the Storage Pool name is Storage Pool 0001 then the command should be 

get-bestoragedevicepool -name "Storage Pool 0001" | set-bestoragedevicepool -selectionmethod "mostfreespacefirst"

The SelectionMethod parameter specifies how devices are selected in the storage pool when you run a backup job to the pool. When you submit a backup job to a storage device pool, the job is automatically sent to an available storage device in that pool by default.

        The valid values are:


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