The NetBackup web services could not start on the host

記事: 100032858
最終公開日: 2020-02-27
評価: 8 8
製品: NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


When you install NetBackup 8.0 on the master server, the following warning displays: "NetBackup Web services could not start on this host"


This issue is caused by one of the following:

  • The NetBackup Web Management Console service did not start or it took more time to start and the installer timed out.
  • Some of the NetBackup core services did not start.
  • PBX is running in secure mode.
  • Port 1556 and 3652 are already in use by other applications.


To resolve the issue, review the following cases:

Case 1: NetBackup Web Management Console service did not start or it took more time to start and the installer timed out​

Sometimes the NetBackup Web Management Console service initialization may take a few minutes. After installation or after you restart the services wait for a few minutes for the service to start before you verify that it is running.

Run the following command to see if the NetBackup Web Management Console service (web service) is running:

install_path/bin/bptestnetconn -wnbwmc/netbackup -T 5 -e 2 -H Master_Server_Name

  • Replace Master_Server_Name in the command above with the name of your Master server
  • If the status is SUCCESS, the web service is working. You can continue to deploy certificates.
  • If the status is FAIL, review the other solutions.

Case 2: Some of the NetBackup core services did not start

  1. Verify the status of the nbwmc service and the NB_dbsrv (UNIX) or dbsrv16 (Windows) service by running the bpps command.
  2. If these services are not running, restart them.
  3. Follow the steps in Case 1.

Case 3: PBX is running in secure mode

The most recent catalina.yyyy-mm-dd.log file shows the following messages when PBX is suspected to be in secure mode. These logs are located in the follow paths:

Linux: /usr/openv/wmc/webserver/logs
Windows: install_path\NetBackup\wmc\webserver\logs

11-Dec-2018 00:00:01.592 SEVERE [https-pbx-1556-Acceptor-0] com.netbackup.tomcat.pbxconnector.PBXEndpoint$Acceptor.initAccept Https-PBX connector could not register with PBX. Exception : com.ociweb.PBXUnavailableException: PBX_register failed: Could not contact PBX Exchange. Waiting indefinitely for registration with PBX to succeed.
11-Dec-2018 00:00:02.593 SEVERE [https-pbx-1556-Acceptor-0] com.netbackup.tomcat.pbxconnector.PBXEndpoint$Acceptor.initAccept Https-PBX connector could not register with PBX. Exception : com.ociweb.PBXUnavailableException: PBX_register failed: Could not contact PBX Exchange. Waiting indefinitely for registration with PBX to succeed.

The PBX logs messages which suggest the problems.  These are located in the following paths:

Linux: /opt/VRTSpbx/log
Windows: install_path\Program Files (x86)\VERITAS\VxPBX\log

12/11/2018 00:00:01.592 [Application] VxICS 50936 103 PID:25217 TID:139776224958272 File ID:103 [No context] [Error] V-103-11 User nbwebsvc not authorized to register servers
12/11/2018 00:00:01.592 [Application] VxICS 50936 103 PID:25217 TID:139776224958272 File ID:103 [No context] [Error] Unauthorized Server

  1. Determine the PBX mode with the following command:
    • Secure Mode is true, then PBX is running secure mode.

    • Secure Mode is false, then PBX is running insecure mode.

    • Note: If it is running insecure mode, there is not a problem with the PBX port.

  2. Linux: /opt/VRTSpbx/bin/pbxcfg -p
    Windows: install_path\Program Files (x86)\VERITAS\VxPBX\bin\pbxcfg -p

  3. If it is in secure mode, do one of the following:
    • Disable secure mode by running the following:
      • Linux: /opt/VRTSpbx/bin/pbxcfg -d –m
      • Windows: install_path\VERITAS\VxPBX\bin\pbxcfg -d -m
    • Authorize the web service user to register with PBX:
      • Linux: /opt/VRTSpbx/bin/pbxcfg -a -u Web_Service_User_Name
      • Windows: install_path\Program Files (x86)\VERITAS\VxPBX\bin\pbxcfg -a -u Web_Service_User_Name
  4. Stop all the NetBackup services.
  5. Restart the PBX service.
    • Windows: Restart the service "Veritas Private Branch Exchange" in Windows Services (services.msc)

    • Linux: /opt/VRTSpbx/bin/vxpbx_exchanged restart

  6. Start the NetBackup services.
  7. Follow the steps in Case 1.

Case 4: Ports 1556 and 3652 are already in use by other applications

Release port 1556 and 3652 and restart the NetBackup services. The issue is observed, if either of the ports is already in use. Run netstat -aon to understand whether ports are already in use by any other applications.


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