記事: 100030349
最終公開日: 2009-01-12
評価: 0 0
製品: NetBackup & Alta Data Protection
NetBackup status code 89: problems encountered during setup of shared memorySolution
: problemsencountered during setup of shared memory
Explanation: TheNetBackup processes use shared memory for some operations.
Explanation: TheNetBackup processes use shared memory for some operations.
This status is returned when anerror is encountered in the initialization of the shared memory by the operatingsystem's APIs.
Recommended action: Check for a shared memoryproblem. This error can occur if the system cannot allocate enough sharedmemory. It usually occurs with multiplexing, which increases the amount ofshared memory required for the operation. An entry similar to the following maybe seen in a NetBackup log or report:
Recommended action: Check for a shared memoryproblem. This error can occur if the system cannot allocate enough sharedmemory. It usually occurs with multiplexing, which increases the amount ofshared memory required for the operation. An entry similar to the following maybe seen in a NetBackup log or report:
systemcannot allocate enough shared memory
If you see this type ofmessage, refer to your platform vendor documentation for instructions on how toincrease shared memory on your system.For older levels of Solaris: you may needto change one or more default System V Shared Memory settings to prevent jobsfailing with "system cannot allocate enough shared memory," asfollows.
- ForSolaris 8, the default shminfo_shmmax value is 1 megabyte and for Solaris 9 thedefault shminfo_shmmax value is 8 megabytes. You can place the following line inyour /etc/system file to increase this setting. A value of 32 megabytes has beenused in this example. Your system may require a greater value under somecircumstances such as a high value for the NetBackup multiplexing parameter.According to Sun Microsystems documentation, setting this parameter to itsmaximum possible value has no side effects. (This parameter is not applicable toSolaris 10).
- ForSolaris 8 or 9, the default shminfo_shmmni value is 100. You can place thefollowing line in your /etc/system file to increase this setting. The defaultvalue is usually sufficient for NetBackup. In some circumstances, such asinstalling a NetBackup media server on a large database server, this setting mayneed to be increased. A value of 220 has been used in this example. (Thisparameter is not applicable to Solaris 10).
- ForSolaris 8, the default shminfo_shmseg value is 6. You can place the followingline in your /etc/system file to increase this setting. The default value isusually sufficient for NetBackup. In some circumstances, such as installing aNetBackup media server on a large database server, this setting may need to beincreased. A value of 10 has been used in this example. (This parameter is notapplicable to Solaris 9 or 10).
- ForSolaris 8, if your /etc/system file does set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin, then it mustbe less than or equal to 100 for NetBackup processes to run. (This parameter isnot applicable to Solaris 9 or 10).
Note:If you modify any of these values in the /etc/system file, you must reboot thesystem with boot -r for the new settings to take effect. Refer to yourvendor documentation for detailed instructions on how to modify these values.Note that these shminfo parameters are not applicable to Solaris 10.